Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Kylie Jenner: THIS is Why I Got Lip Injections

Kylie Jenner is totally topless in the news issue of Complex.

But we’d like to take a few moments to talk about the reality star’s lips, not her boobs.

Sorry, fellas. But Kylie is only 19 years old, remember.

Going back a couple years, the reality star meant months denying that she had any work done.

She simply puffed up her lips in nearly every photo and claimed this body part was all natural.

But Kylie finally caved after all of this denial and admitted in May of last year that, yes, she has gotten lip injections.

But why? Why, exactly, did a teenager feel the need to mess with the way God created her?

For the same reason most people do most things, Jenner tells Complex: the opposite sex.

“This guy I kissed was like, ‘Your lips are really small but you’re a really good kisser. I didn’t think you were gonna be good at kissing,’” she admits in the latest issue, revealing the first time she felt insecure about her lips.

“It was so rude,” she added. “From then on, I just felt like I saw guys staring at my lips. I felt like no one wanted to kiss me.”

That’s very sad if it’s really how Kylie felt.

But you’ll forgive us for questioning this story. Some dude told Kylie her lips were “small?” Who would ever make such a comment?!?

Doesn’t it seem far more believable that Kris Jenner pressured her daughter in some way to change her appearance?

Because that’s just the sort of thing Kris Jenner often does?

“I wasn’t even 17 yet,” Kylie said of when she got her lip work done, going on to justify when she kept the fillers a secret:

“What if I came out and said, ‘Oh, yeah, I got my lips done’? What are all those moms going to think about me? These kids, my fans, they’re going to think I’m crazy. I didn’t want to be a bad influence.”

However, once she started, Kylie fell into the trap that ensnares many plastic surgery patients:

She couldn’t stop.

She wanted to make her lips bigger and bigger, resulting in “very painful” fallout from the press and the public..

“It’s annoying to hear every day that you’re just this fake, plastic person when you’re not. Every single day there was a news story about me,” Kylie says.

Again, we do feel a little bad for her here.

But it’s also worth noting that Kylie kept sharing photos of herself and her lips, in particular, on Instagram.

She could have simply stopped if she wished to divert attention.

It’s also difficult to pity Kylie Jenner too much, considering she has turned her famous lips into a money-generating business.

The Kylie Jenner Lip Kit is a real thing. People actually purchase it for some reason.

We wonder if she’s given any proceeds from the business to that boy who kissed her and gave her the lip insecurity in the first place.

“I want to be as big as the other [cosmetic] brands,” Kylie tells Complex. “It’s my dream to be on Forbes.”

That’s a goal already accomplished by sister Kim Kardashian.

Time, and Lip Kit sales, will tell if Jenner will someday join her.
