Showing posts with label Galecki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Galecki. Show all posts

Friday, June 30, 2017

Johnny Galecki Thanks Firefighters on Ruins of Destroyed Home

Remember when Johnny Galecki’s home was consumed by a raging wildfire

It blazed through Galecki’s primary residence and has destroyed countless other homes and firefighters continue to combat the blaze — one all too common in Southern California’s dry climate.

He’s gone out of his way to thank firefighters, and now he’s shared a photo of what little remains of his home.

You may remember that Galecki vowed to only return to where his home once was when it was safe to do so and not before.

You’d think that this would be common sense.

Unfortunately, some people don’t have a lot of that.

They’ll go into condemned buildings and, yes, try to sneak around within a blazing wildfire or immediately in its wake.

The charred ruins of a house are not a safe place to be.

Unless the site has been cleared by experts.

In the photo below, you can see that it was definitely safe, as he’s hugging a firefighter. …

While standing on all that remains of his former home.

It’s hard to imagine losing your home like that.

You can barely tell that a house once stood there.

Yes, he’s rich, but this is his primary residence

He captioned the photo: 

“Thank you to the brothers and sisters of @calfire It is the profound risks that you accept and the sacrifices you and your families make that keep us safe.”

But he didn’t just thank the brave firefighters.

“Thanks also to the many of you who have reached out in support. It is far from lost on us here. #muchlove #movingforwardstronger”

Remember, celebrities are always conscious of the fact that they have innumerable fans.

Countless fans have reached out with their sympathies and support.

Galecki, of course, says that he is less concerned with his own losses.

(Again, he has a lot of money)

He’s more concerned about others in the area who’ve lost their homes to this same devastating fire.

Even for people whose homes are insured for fire, money matters.

Not every insurance policy pays enough.

Plus there are other expenses.

You can replace the home and perhaps even most of the things in it.

But you also need a place to live in the mean time — home construction can take months.

That’s especially challenging when a wildfire is still blazing, you know?

To say nothing of the priceless and irreplaceable items — like art, photographs, or other things of sentimental value.

Johnny Galecki acknowledges that a lot of people might think that he’s crazy for living in what some would describe as a desert hellscape.

(Me — I’m the one who would describe it that way)

But he loves living there.

Not just the climate, but living in the country, surrounded by nature.

(That part, I get … though don’t you wonder how he gets food delivered out there?)

And we guess that the others who lost their homes feel the same way.

The fact that he cares more about their losses than his own really speaks volumes about his character, you know?

No wonder Kaley Cuoco’s still crazy about him.


"Big Bang" Star Johnny Galecki Hugs, Thanks Firefighters

‘Big Bang Theory’ star Johnny Galecki had nothing but gratitude for the men and women who risked their lives trying in vain to save his ranch. Galecki returned to the site where his ranch once stood in San Luis Obispo to retrieve a…


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Johnny Galecki Loses Home in Massive Fire

Johnny Galecki is a lucky man because he got to see Kaley Cuoco nude back when the co-stars dated.

But The Big Bang Theory actor is unlucky because his house just burned down.

The star, whose primary residence is a ranch in San Luis Obispo, tells TMZ that the home was lost in a 1,200-acre first fire that is still ranging in California.

The most recent estimates state that only 40% of the fire has been contained.

Thankfully, Galecki was not around when the incident took place and has no plans to return until authorities confirm it’s safe to do so.

At that time, he can attempt to salvage anything he can find.

In response to the massive fire, Galecki has issued a statement in which he makes clear that his primary concern rests with others who also lost their homes.

(And who aren’t as well off financially as he is.)

“My heart goes out to all in the area who are also experiencing loss from this vicious fire, the threat of which we live with constantly, which may seem crazy to some but we do so because living in our beautiful, rural area makes it worthwhile,” Galecki says, adding:

It’s never the structures that create a community – it’s the people.

And if the people of Santa Margarita have taught me anything it’s that, once the smoke has cleared, literally and figuratively, it’s a time to reach out and rebuild.

We’ve done it before, and will need to do it together again, and it will make our community even closer and stronger.

Endless thanks to CalFire and the Sheriff’s Office. I know you guys are fighting the good fight to keep us safe.

So very relieved no one has been hurt.

Galecki has been a featured cast member on The Big Bang Theory since its premiere.

The beloved comedy was just renewed for Seasons 11 and 12 by CBS, meaning he’ll be keeping quite busy and making a great deal of money for a long time going forward.

The sitcom films in Burbank and Galecki’s home had been located between Los Angeles and San Francisco.

We’re glad neither he nor anyone he cares about was injured in this blaze and we wish Galecki the best.

As you can see below, we’ve always been a very big fan of his.


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Kaley Cuoco: Using Johnny Galecki to Get Back at Ryan Sweeting?

It’s been over six months since Kaley Cuoco filed for divorce from Ryan Sweeting, and the Big Bang Theory star has done an admirable job of keeping the details of the split under wraps.

We still don’t know exactly why Kaley and Ryan split, but one persistent rumor keeps rearing its nerdy head:

Okay, we’re guessing Johnny Galecki isn’t all that nerdy in real life, but if you watch The Big Bang Theory online, you know that his geeky character Leonard recently married Kaley’s Penny.

Cuoco and Galecki dated in real life, and during her marriage, it was often rumored that Sweeting was jealous of her continued friendship with her co-star.

Now, sources say there’s no truth to the rumors that Kaley and Johnny are back together, but that doesn’t mean they can’t have some fun messing with Ryan.

According to Celebrity Dirty Laundry, Kaley has been “flaunting” her friendship with Johnny on social media as a way of taking revenge on Sweeting for the way he treated her in the final days of their marriage. 

Kaley has posted photos like the ones above that seem to suggest she and Johnny are more than friends  – but she’s also denied that they’re dating in a number of interviews.

Sounds like despite her reputation for being sweet, Kaley has a bit of a salty side, too.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Kaley Cuoco: In LOVE With Johnny Galecki?!

Shortly after she filed for divorce from Ryan Sweeting, rumors that Kaley Cuoco planned to reunite with her ex-boyfriend and Big Bang Theory co-star Johnny Galecki began to circulate online.

Now, each passing week seems to give us a new reason to believe that Leonard and Penny are doing the big bang in real life. Hopefully without a laugh track.

First there were reports that Cuoco and Galecki were caught kissing on New Year’s Eve.

Shortly thereafter, sources claimed Kaley and Johnny hooked up at a People’s Choice Awards after-party.

Now, insiders say the couple is planning to continue keeping things on the down-low (or trying to, anyway), even though Kaley’s old feelings for Johnny came rushing back almost immediately after her marriage ended. 

“She realized her love for Johnny after her divorce,” a source tells In Touch.

“They’re taking things slow because Kaley doesn’t want to ruin their friendship if things don’t work out again. Kaley and Johnny have no plans to go public until they are both ready.”

Naturally, many are wondering if Kaley’s feeling for Johnny played a role in her split from Sweeting, but sources claim she was fully committed to her marriage right up until the end.

Once she became single, however, it seems Kaley didn’t have to look very far for a rebound hook-up.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Kaley Cuoco & Johnny Galecki: ACTUALLY Back Together?!

Ever since Kaley Cuoco filed for divorce from Ryan Sweeting, fans of the beloved Big Bang Theory actress have been encouraging her to move on someone who’s a bit more worthy (read: not a gold-digging, washed up tennis pro).

Specifically, they’ve been pushing for Kaley to get back together with Johnny Galecki, her longtime TBBT co-star and former flame. So it’s safe to say the photo below resulted in some serious mixed-emotions this morning:

That’s a pic that Kaley posted during last night’s 2015 People’s Choice Awards, where Kaley and her castmates took home the prizes for Favorite TV Show and Favorite Network Comedy. 

You might look at that pic and think that Kaley and Johnny decided to cap off their night by confirming that they’re once again a couple.

Sadly, Kaley also posted a caption in which she clarified that she and Johnny are nothing more than a couple of jubilant co-stars:

“Thank you for the @peopleschoice award!!” Ms. Cuoco wrote. “Look how happy we are!! @bigbangtheory_cbs season9 #mydate #notdating.”

The “not dating” hashtag seems to be Kaley’s way of anticipating the rumors and squashing them before they get off the ground.

It’s worth noting, however, that she still hasn’t commented on the photo that seems to show her kissing Galecki on New Year’s Eve. Just sayin’. 

Watch The Big Bang Theory online to decide for yourself if there’s any real-life chemistry left between these two.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Kaley Cuoco & Johnny Galecki: Caught Kissing on New Year"s?!

Ever since Kaley Cuoco filed for divorce from Johnny Galecki, there have been rumors about the the Big Bang Theory star hooking up with her castmate, Johnny Galecki.

This wasn’t the typical “they kiss on the show, so they must be banging in real life speculation.” Cuoco and Galecki dated in real life before she got married, and he seems to have no problem adding fuel to the gossip fire by posting pics like this one:

As you can (kinda) see, that’s a blurry photo of Johnny kissing a blonde woman on New Year’s Eve.

The caption doesn’t give us any clues as to the woman’s identity, and Johnny hasn’t clarified anything in the days since, despite speculation from fans that the pic is his way of confirming that he’s back together with Kaley.

It’s possible that his silence speaks volumes here – but it’s equally possible that that’s some other blonde woman, and Johnny just can’t be bothered to respond to every unfounded Internet rumor.

It’s worth noting that he’s recently been posting photos of some other blonde woman, who may or may not be his girlfriend.

However, it’s also worth noting that Johnny’s been posting lots of pics of Kaley, and several sources have confirmed that they’re spending more time together in the wake of her breakup.

So who knows? Maybe these two are on the verge of giving their relationship another chance – but maybe you’ll just have to watch The Big Bang Theory online and hope for the best for Leonard and Penny.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Kaley Cuoco: Johnny Galecki and I are ...

Are The Big Bang Theory’s Johnny Galecki and Kaley Cuoco getting back together in the wake of her breakup with husband Ryan Sweeting?

The actress just addressed those rumors head on.

In some ways, these rumors were utterly inevitable.

Johnny Galecki and Kaley Cuoco dated before she married Sweeting, and where there’s Penny and Leonard, there’s always a chance, no?

Reports that they secretly pined for each other, or that Kaley Cuoco cheated on Ryan with Johnny, spread like wildfire after her separation.

Kaley took notice, captioning the photo above:

“So sorry to disappoint, but no home wreckers or secret flings going on here. Me and @sanctionedjohnnygalecki are just the best of buds.”

“Leonard and Penny will just have to suffice!!!”

So alas, all the “Johnny Galecki and Kaley Cuoco are getting back together” dreams have been shattered … but they did get married on TV.

Things also change quickly in the love life of Kaley.

We’re just saying. Girl goes from zero to pre-engaged in about two hours, so while we are all for “best buds,” we refuse to rule anything out.

Except a reconciliation with Ryan. Look for her to divorce Sweeting as soon as humanly possible and go back to just “Kaley Cuoco” in the credits.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Kaley Cuoco: Cheating on Ryan Sweeting with Johnny Galecki?!

Kaley Cuoco’s fairytale marriage to Ryan Sweeting hit an abrupt wall last weekend, as The Big Bang Theory beauty filed for divorce.

After just 21 months, she’s left picking up the pieces, Ryan will never have to work again and fans are wondering: What went wrong?!

Few observers, honestly, were shocked by the couple’s breakup.

And not just because the whole relationship had the feel of a teenage girl rebelling against her parents and dating a guy they hate out of spite.

Considering the following reasons this seemed doomed to fail:

  1. They dated for merely months before they married;

  2. Prior to that, she dated Henry Cavill for 10 days;

  3. Prior to that, she had just ended a multi-year relationship with Johnny Galecki, her real-life ex and co-star on CBS’ smash hit sitcom.

Not exactly a formula for success, but still, this is a woman who reminded the public just how much she loved Ryan every 10 minutes.

She even legally became Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting.

How could it go so wrong, and so quickly?!

Or is the issue that Kaley can’t keep a man period? She was with Ryan Sweeting for about as long as she was with Johnny Galecki – roughly a couple of years. Is that the sell-by date after which no one can stand to be around Kaley Cuoco anymore? She sure is pretty, has a fit bod, and loves animals, but is she just too much to take? She was affectionately intense with Ryan Sweeting and soaked her social media with photos of them so sweetly in love that it could inspire cavities.

Is she just too much to deal with after a longer period? Or perhaps Kaley Cuoco is one of those people who throws all in way too early then things burn out because they burned too hot. And is Kaley busy trying to get Johnny Galecki to get her pregnant? The show is set up perfectly to write in a pregnancy since her character Penny and his character Leonard just got married. Or maybe saying I do on the show had them thinking they gave up on their relationship too soon…