Thursday, July 5, 2018

Halsey Dumps G-Eazy, Hints That She Caught Him Cheating

Well, it’s official.

After a year of dating, singer Halsey and rapper G-Eazy have officially called it quits.

Halsey stunned fans by making the announcement on Instagram earlier this week.

“I normally keep this kind of thing private but provided our public nature I feel the need to inform my fans,” the 23-year-old wrote.

“G-Eazy and I are taking some time apart. I’m eager to continue the upcoming passage of time dedicating myself to my art and career, and the duration of my tour.”

She added:

“I wish him the best. Thanks for respecting our privacy at this time.”

It was a typical boilerplate amicable breakup announcement — but it wasn’t along before Halsey complicated the situation with a cryptic tweet:

Halsey Tweet

As fans were quick to point out, “pumpkin eater” is generally preceded by the words “Peter, Peter” or “cheater, cheater,” and unless Halsey was watching Family Guy or dreaming of Dinklage at the time of the tweet, the former doesn’t really make sense.

The singer didn’t speak up to set the record straight when fans started speculating that this was her way of suggesting G-Eazy had been unfaithful.

And this seems to be a situation in which her silence speaks volumes.

Whatever the case, Halsey wasted no time before posting a “revenge body” bikini pic on the ‘Gram.

Of course, her followers might be reading into this one too deeply.

It’s hotter than Satan’s taint in most of the US right now, and really, anyone who’s outdoors wearing anything more than swimwear this week is clinically insane.

So it’s possible Halsey simply decided to post a photo in which she’s wearing a bikini, and there’s no vengeful motive behind it.

It’s also possible that we’ve devoted entirely too much thought to a Halsey bikini photo.

Anyway, despite the fact that the couple enjoyed collaborative success with the hit single “Him & I,” members of Halsey’s inner circle are reportedly thrilled about the split.

It seems some were opposed to the relationship from the start, and their feelings only intensified after G-Eazy was arrested for assault and possession following an altercation in a bar back in May.

Besides, couple duets are great, but we all know the real money is in breakup songs.
