Showing posts with label Dear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dear. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Damon Dash Sued Dear Damon ... You"re Not Part of "Dear Frank"!!!

Damon Dash is duping the general public about an upcoming movie he claims to have ties to when he really had nothing to do with it at all … according to a new lawsuit.
The legendary hip-hop mogul is being sued by director Josh Webber and Muddy Water Pictures for allegedly trying...
Damon Dash Sued Dear Damon ... You"re Not Part of "Dear Frank"!!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018



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Saturday, September 2, 2017

Kobe Bryant Reads "Dear Basketball" Retirement Letter at Hollywood Bowl

Kobe Bryant has played in a lot of venues, but never the Hollywood Bowl … until Friday night. Kobe took the stage at the best venue in L.A. and read his now-famous retirement letter, “Dear Basketball,” accompanied by the L.A. Philharmonic…


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

David Guetta"s Bikini-Clad Girlfriend Hanging on for Dear Life!!

Smoking hot chicks in bikinis? Check. Vacationing on a baller yacht in Spain? Yup — and David Guetta’s happy ass is enjoying it all. The EDM superstar DJ grinned ear-to-ear as his drop-dead gorgeous gf, Jessica Ledon, hung all over him…


Monday, March 20, 2017

Tupac"s Handwritten "Dear Mama" Lyrics Up for Sale (DOCUMENT)

Tupac used 3 sheets of notebook paper to write out the lyrics of “Dear Mama” … that’s $ 25k per sheet for whoever wants to be the proud new owner. The handwritten lyrics of the 1995 hit song are up for sale at for $ 75,000. We’re…


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

"Dear White People" Star Tessa Thompson Defends New Netflix Series (VIDEO)

Tessa Thompson’s got a message for anyone cancelling their Netflix membership over a new series that eyes racial tension through various lenses — stop being silly. Tessa — who starred in the “Dear White People” movie — was out at LAX Tuesday…


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Dear White People Trailer Drops; White People Are Outraged

Hope you"re ready for a good old-fashioned fit of unnecessary rage, because it"s coming!

See, Netflix is making this new show called Dear White People. They just released the trailer yesterday.

The show is about a group of minorities attending a mostly white college and the racism and discrimination they face.

And that"s fine, right? Sounds like an OK topic for a TV show.

Except, according to several white people who took great offense to the trailer, it"s not fine at all.

Believe it or not, there are many, many people who are angry about the title alone, which again, is Dear White People.

It"s not called Dear White People Who Are All 100% Terrible, it"s not Dear White People, You Are the Worst.

It"s just called Dear White People. And that"s enough to set plenty of people off.

"Netflix had the gaul to launch a show called Dear White People," one person tweeted. "I say F-CK NETFLIX."

"Dear White People," another person wrote (see what they did there?), "If you waste 1 second watching this absurd, racist show, you"re dumber than the #Netflix clowns producing it."

Many people are threatening to cancel their Netflix accounts because of this "racist" show, but the thing is — surprise! — it"s actually not racist.

If you watch the trailer, it"s clearly about combating racism, which is obviously a subject that needs to be taught right now.

Check out the reason for all the anger in the video below:

Dear white people trailer drops white people are outraged

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Bachelorette Recap: Dear Mr. Fantasy Suite ...

Who was sent home … at the beginning, and the end of last night’s show? Were The Bachelorette spoilers on point, or was there a major twist?

These were the questions on The Bachelorette Season 12 Episode 9, which picked up in the wake of last week’s rose ceremony cliffhanger.

A cliffhanger that was indeed a heartbreaker for one suitor.

Despite Luke Pell’s last ditch effort to proclaim his love for JoJo Fletcher and keep his run on the ABC show alive, he was sent home.

“I started to struggle not knowing where you stood,” JoJo told Luke, who would bawl in the limo. “I just can’t believe I squandered it away.”

“I had no idea that I wasn’t saying enough.”

“I feel like a person that’s been hit by a train,” he added. “I thought we had a future together. I woulda been ready to propose to her today.”

Laying it on a little thick, don’t you think, Luke?

Don’t get us wrong, we thought Chase McNary would be shown the door before Pell. Would Chase stand a prayer against the top two?

We say the top two because Jordan Rodgers and Robby Hayes were the clear favorites to earn Fantasy Suite cards and a trip to the finale.

That’s exactly what happened in beautiful Thailand.

Just about the only thing that could keep Jordan and JoJo off of each other was the fact that kissing wasn’t allowed in an ancient temple.

They didn’t stay there for long, we’re guessing.

Still, despite their chemistry and connection, JoJo can’t help but wonder if there’s something about Aaron Rodgers’ brother she’s missing.

“I want to trust him, but if I trust him it scares me a lot to feel like I could possibly have my heart broken,” Fletcher said of her #1 suitor.

“I’m hoping at some point all those fears go away.”

Don’t hold your breath, from what we’re hearing.

He says all the appropriate things, though, which is part of the issue with this guy. So smooth. Probably said this to Brittany Farrar too:

“In the past month, ever since I told you I love you, when I think about that wedding day, when I think about getting on a knee, it’s with you.”

Robby Hayes would not be happy to see this.

He was confident that he and JoJo would end up together, even though he and Hope Higginbotham broke up about 45 seconds before this season.

We kid … and yet not. Rumors of Robby Hayes cheating would be a huge story this season if Jordan Rodgers’ past weren’t even shadier.

Yet Hayes, like Rodgers, says all the right stuff:

“I want you to know that I’m not like the guys in your past. I’m not gonna say those three important words and then cop out early and walk away.”

JoJo’s take? “There’s a way that he looks at me that makes me just know that what he’s saying is true, and I trust him, and I believe him.”

Bottom line? Chase had no shot at moving on.

Even though he told JoJo he was “100% in love” with her, she knew what she had to do and tried to let him down as easily as she could.

It didn’t go well.

“Now, I’m shattered,” he said. “So now love equals gets the f–k out? That was so f–k terrifying for me to say, and now look at where I end up.”

Fortunately, after being sent home, he surprised Fletcher at the rose ceremony – not to beg for another shot, but to smooth things over.

Actually a nice gesture from a good guy. One who just didn’t have the same connection with her as Jordan Rodgers and Robby Hayes.

So among those final two men, who do you think will prevail and claim the final rose, and will JoJo regret it within a week or even less?

Hit the comments below, and follow the links above to watch The Bachelorette online to see the drama unfold from beginning to end.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

MORE "Dear Fat People"? Nope, Nicole Arbour"s New Highly Offensive Video Is All About Abortion!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Nicole Arbour, we get it. You really wanna be famous.

The YouTube “star” most famous for her Dear Fat People video and subsequent disastrous interviewand then controversy — on The View is back again… with another controversial video!

Related: Too Bad, So Sad, Nicole Got Fired From A Movie

This week, Arbour made a video titled Why Abortion Is WRONG, and proceeded to deliver a rambling, incoherent argument about why abortion wasn’t wrong, while also touching on rape, ADD medication, Joan of Arc, and like nine other things that have nothing to do with each other.

Forget it, it’s too hard to explain. Just watch the video (below) where Nicole is trying waaaaay too hard to hang onto those 15 minutes of fame:

For a self-described comedian, that video was, well… yeah.

How is it that there are so many awesome Canadians, and we’re stuck with Nicole Arbour right now?! Take her back! Take her back!!

[Image via Nicole Arbour/YouTube.]