Showing posts with label Arbour's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arbour's. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

MORE "Dear Fat People"? Nope, Nicole Arbour"s New Highly Offensive Video Is All About Abortion!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Nicole Arbour, we get it. You really wanna be famous.

The YouTube “star” most famous for her Dear Fat People video and subsequent disastrous interviewand then controversy — on The View is back again… with another controversial video!

Related: Too Bad, So Sad, Nicole Got Fired From A Movie

This week, Arbour made a video titled Why Abortion Is WRONG, and proceeded to deliver a rambling, incoherent argument about why abortion wasn’t wrong, while also touching on rape, ADD medication, Joan of Arc, and like nine other things that have nothing to do with each other.

Forget it, it’s too hard to explain. Just watch the video (below) where Nicole is trying waaaaay too hard to hang onto those 15 minutes of fame:

For a self-described comedian, that video was, well… yeah.

How is it that there are so many awesome Canadians, and we’re stuck with Nicole Arbour right now?! Take her back! Take her back!!

[Image via Nicole Arbour/YouTube.]

Saturday, September 19, 2015

ABC Denies Nicole Arbour"s Claims, Says She And The View Host Michelle Collins Were Never Backstage At The Same Time!

So much for Nicole Arbour‘s story…

After the YouTuber most famous for shaming fat people alleged that Michelle Collins had some awful things to say about nurses backstage during a taping of The View, ABC has come out swinging in defense of their host!

Related: Karma! Nicole Just Got Fired From A Dance Movie

According to a representative for the network, Nicole did not tell the truth when she alleged Collins called nurses ‘wannabe doctors.’ The ABC rep said:

“Nicole and Michelle were never backstage at the same time. Michelle was on the stage from the moment the show started until after the show ended. Nicole was brought down to the backstage area after the show started.”

Hmmm… if that were the case, then it sounds like this fat-shaming YouTuber couldn’t have possibly heard anything Collins would have said, about nurses or otherwise!

What do U think — is Arbour trying to take the heat off herself after an inneresting interview about her distasteful video, or is ABC not telling the whole truth??

[Image via Nicole Arbour/YouTube.]