Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 3 Recap: Til Brunch Do Us Part

The ladies took to the Hamptons on The Real Housewives New York Season 10 Episode 3, and it became clearer than ever that the ladies are not able to stay friends for too long. 

When the episode got underway, Dorinda was driving Carole and Tinsley, and the ladies continued to drag Sonja for all of her crazy antics. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you will know that Sonja has been accused of snitching to the press, and just doing things that friends should not do. 

Tinsley was mad Sonja was running her mouth and saying that she gets men to pay for things for her. That’s a horrid thing to say about a supposed friend. 

The action kicked into high gear during bunch at Luann’s home when Sonja made one of the pettiest digs at Ramona yet. 

She said that Ramona “loves them hard and leaves them easy.” While that might seem like a fun comment, it was anything but that. 

Ramona may have her moments, but Sonja drew a line and crossed it. This gave Dorinda the opportunity she needed to drag Sonja. 

In Dorinda’s defense, she wanted to make Sonja stop holding grudges and whining about the past. Sonja is the Queen of making people take pity on her.

Dorinda Medley Picture

But Dorinda is one of those people who says precisely what she’s feeling to your face, and Sonja was on the receiving end of that version of her. 

“Oh stop with this bologna! I buried a husband, okay?” Medley said when Sonja acted like she had a worse life.

“Meanwhile you got divorced how many years ago? Almost two decades ago! 15 years? And we talk about Mr. Morgan like he was just having tea in your house!”

“Oh, we’ve heard that a thousand times too!” Sonja fired back. “You talk about Richard every day, too!”

“Your husband left you, and my husband died,” Dorinda responded before saying the following: “People were f—— around. So don’t you dare compare your f—— marriage to me burying my husband. Because you were f—— around on the South of France. … You a–.”

The episode ended before we got to see what happened next, and we’re sure we’ll get all the details on an upcoming episode. 

Elsewhere, there was a beautiful scene between Bethenny and Luann in which the latter admitted that Bethenny was right all along about Tom. 

These two work better as friends than enemies, and it sure looks like they are ready to put the past behind them. 

While Bethenny ended a feud, she kicked one off with Carole, and it was all a result of her apparently not replying to her well wishes for the marathon. 

It turned into a thing, and the two women were not giving up. There will be a full-on fight down the line, but we will have to wait a while to get it. 

What did you think of all the developments?

Hit the comments below. 

The Real Housewives of New York continues Wednesdays on Bravo. 
