Showing posts with label 'Independence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Independence. Show all posts

Friday, July 6, 2018

Alexis Bellino Shades Ex-Husband in Independence Day Post!

Former The Real Housewives of Orange County star Alexis Bellino is getting divorced from her husband of 13 years, Jim.

Wednesday was the Fourth of July, and while Alexis wore her most patriotic bikini to celebrate the United States’ independence from Great Britain.

And she made it clear that she was celebrating her own independence, as well.

In the captions of this photo of her showing off her incredible body in this American flag bikini, Alexis is not subtle with her double-meaning.

Alexis writes: “Happy INDEPENDENCE Day friends!”

Yes, she wrote independence in all caps. Like we said … this is not subtle.

In case anyone managed to miss it, however, she included some tags.

She wrote “#independent” followed by “#woman,” and then “#letfreedomring.”

Dressed in a little more … well, clothing, Alexis also posed in a photo with her three children.

Her son James is wearing blue and white — a nice understated way to celebrate the Fourth of July.

Her twin daughters, Melania and Mackenna, are wearing American flag dresses.

Alexis herself is wearing a white dress in this photo.

While white is certainly one of the colors on the U.S. flag, some of her followers joked that she was “wearing the wrong flag.”

A white flag, of course, is a symbol of surrender. Not the message that she intends to send during her divorce.

Of course, when Alexis and Jim Bellino confirmed their divorce, the two made it very clear that they do not intend for this divorce to become contentious.

“It is with heavy hearts that we inform the public of our mutual decision to end our marriage,” their joint statement began.

They acknowledged that they are divorcing, “but it’s important to us that you know we made this choice together, with love, and as the best decision for our children’s future.”

“We hold one another in the highest regards as spouses, and especially as parents,” they announced. “We have agreed on 50/50 custody of the children, and we ask that you respect our privacy by not theorizing about the reasons for our divorce.”

“In recent days and weeks,” they explained. “There has been a lot of negative discussion about our marriage and why it is ending.”

“Outside of the news of our decision to part ways, there is nothing provocative, alluring, or sordid about the dissolution of our marriage,” Jim and Alexis insisted.

“Quite to the contrary,” they said. “We strongly support each other just as we have since the beginning of our relationship.”

Should fans take Alexis’ declaration of independence as a sign that things are a little less amicable now?

“Our marriage was a good one, but we were never perfect people or spouses,” they said. “No one is, and in this respect, we were a lot like millions of other married people.”

They continued: “And, just like millions of other married people, we simply grew apart over time — there is no ill will or bad blood between us.”

“And maybe,” their statement continued. “That’s why absurd rumors about our marriage and future together began when we filed for divorce.”

“We ultimately want you to feel happy for us,” Alexis and Jim said.

They asked fans to “respect our privacy during this difficult time, and pray for our mutual benefit as we weather this storm.”

“To the fans who have supported us since the beginning,” they continued.

“We’re grateful for how you cheers us on,” they told fans. “We ask that you continue to cheer as our lives and the lives of our children change and ultimately improve as a result of this difficult decision.”

So … we should probably assume that Alexis is not trying to “start something” with Jim. They’re just happier apart and she’s not afraid to be honest about that.


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Jon Gosselin, Daughter Hannah Celebrate Independence ... From Kate!

The same Gosselin child who honored Jon Gosselin on Father’s Day is still sticking around.

In fact, Hannah Gosselin got to celebrate the Fourth of July with her dad.

And both of them posted pictures to show it. Take a look:

“Happy 4th of July!!!” Jon Gosselin wrote in the caption of this precious father-daughter photo featuring the flag.

He followed that by writing “US.” You know, just in case we weren’t sure why he was excited.

If you’ve noticed that his top is navy blue with white stars, just know that there is more to his patriotic ensemble.

See, Hannah has her own Instagram account and she, too, shared a father-daughter photo.

In it, you can see his whole outfit.

Hannah shared this photo.

(Hannah, as you may recall, is 14 years old, which is old enough to operate her very own social media without an adult managing it)

In the captions, she writes: “Happy Fourth of July!”

Now, Hannah’s outfit is tastefully patriotic — with that navy blue top.

Jon’s outfit, with the red shorts, white stars, and navy blue takes things a step further — but it’s a dad’s job to be a little embarrassing with his outfit, right?

It’s so good that the two of them — very appropriately — were able to celebrate Independence Day together.

This isn’t the first Fourth of July that Hannah has enjoyed with her father — and with Jon Gosselin’s girlfriend.

The oldest photo that Hannah has shared on Instagram is this one, from July 4th of 2016.

As we implied earlier, Hannah getting to spend Independence Day with her father seems appropriate, because her mother Kate is widely believed to be intensely controlling and unpleasant.

Hannah has done a lot of growing in two years — all of the kids have.

Also … is Jon wearing the same shorts? That’s okay, since we’re sure that he’s washed them since then, but it’s admittedly kind of funny.

Hannah and her dad have been sharing photos of their time together almost nonstop for a few months, now.

Not everything about the family’s custody arrangements is entirely clear.

But Jon and Hannah did get to go and visit poor Collin, which many fans and followers found to be very heartwarming.

We’re sure that Hannah is thrilled to be able to spend time with her dad.

He might not be a perfect man, but he’s her dad — and he’s so much better than Kate.

We’re sure that a lot of holidays are a little complicated, though, since she surely misses her siblings.

Not everything is exactly hunky dory between the famous exes.

In fact, Kate Gosselin is suing Jon for a tremendous amount of money — money that he absolutely, to the best of our knowledge, does not possess.

These exes have a contentious relationship, but it’s unclear what prompted this sudden demand for cash.

But it looks like Jon has the right priorities. Like we said, he’s a flawed man, but he loves his children and it looks like spending time with Hannah is doing him some good.

Hannah is also enjoying living with her dad .. and away from Kate.

Happy Independence Day!


Saturday, May 20, 2017

Bill Pullman Gives "Independence Day" Speech to Grads at Warren Wilson College (VIDEO)

Bill Pullman waited 21 long years to do it, but he finally got the right stage … and he delivered. The actor was the commencement speaker at Warren Wilson College in Asheville, NC Saturday, and gave the graduates a blast of nostalgia by opening…
