Showing posts with label Hacker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hacker. Show all posts

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Jennifer Lawrence"s Nude Photo Hacker Sentenced to 8 Months in Prison

A hacker who exposed nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence and other celebs is the one getting nailed now … by the judge who sentenced him to 8 months in federal prison.  George Garofano illegally hacked the private Apple iCloud accounts of…


Monday, August 13, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who Did The Hacker Nominate?

The Big Brother house was rocked by the hacker twist last week, but did it have the same effect Sunday night? 

When the latest episode kicked off, Sam Bledsoe was storming around the house, complaining that people were making fun of her behind her back. 

She turned to the new HOH, Haleigh who was happy to tell her Angela was reminding her that Sam put her on the block and the reasons for it. 

While Haleigh teased in a diary room session that she was putting Angela up, the comment had an adverse effect on Sam. 

Sam started yelling that she was done with the game and that everyone in the house was psychos. She then threatened violence. 

Poor Haleigh had no idea what to do, but she handled the delicate situation like a champ. As for Tyler, Kaycee, and Angela, well, they admitted they were done with Sam. 

Sam threw a vote at Bayliegh on Thursday and was being off with Tyler aka the closest person to her. We quickly learned that Tyler told her about his power ahead of the eviction and she was so mad about it she claimed that he was lying. 

Yes, it sure seems like the ship has sailed on their friendship, and it wouldn’t be a bad thing if Tyler and his allies managed to get her out of the house. 

As we headed into the nominations ceremony, Tyler flat out asked Hayleigh to put him on the block after the veto, and she laughed about it in the Diary Room. 

She thought Tyler was blowing up his own game. In reality, he was making sure he still had his cloud power app to use for later in the week. 

Haleigh nominated Angela and Kaycee for eviction, and there was immediate unrest in the house because the hacker competition was just around the corner. 

The winner of the competition had the ability to change a nomination, pick a veto player and cancel one eviction vote. 

Kaycee realized there was a fire under her butt and secured a win. This made Angela, Brett, and Tyler very happy because it meant they only needed to win veto to keep Level Six safe for the week. 

Haleigh worried because it meant her nominations could be rendered useless and one of her allies could go home under her HOH reign. 

Her fears were seemingly confirmed when Rockstar replaced Kaycee on the block. We might as well call her Blockstar at this stage. 

At least, that’s what Sam was calling her immediately after he nomination. Rockstar, however, complained in the Diary Room that nobody is here to play the game if they keep throwing her up. 

It was a hilarious moment, but also made us question whether Rockstar knew what she was doing. She’s won nothing and been nothing more than a vote for much of the season. 

What are your thoughts on all of this?

Sound off below!


Monday, August 6, 2018

Big Brother Recap: The Hacker Twist Rocks the House

With two power apps still in play, a new twist was thrown into the Big Brother house Sunday night, and it resulted in one of the best Sunday installments in years. 

We picked up in the immediate aftermath of Angela winning the HOH competition. Bayliegh, Haleigh, Faysal, Rockstar, and Scottie were still shocked that Rachel was sent home over Brett. 

Rockstar took to the storage room to bawl her eyes because that’s all she seems to do in the game. It’s getting ridiculous. Bayleigh turned on her friend in afterward, yelling at her about loyalty. 

The hilarious thing about the situation was that Rockstar has been loyal to her allies since the get-go. Bayliegh was clearly taking her frustration about the power being exposed out on her. 

Brett was also on the receiving end of Bayliegh’s wrath. She wanted to know why he would drag her name through the mud at the live vote. In Brett’s defense, Bayliegh wanted him out of the house, so why should he not trash her? 

The houseguests quickly learned that the hacker competition would allow one person to hack the nominations, veto and even the live vote. 

Haleigh was adamant that she was winning in order to turn the tables on the other side of the house. Similarly, Angela was determined to win because she wanted to keep her nominations the same. 

Bayliegh wanted to know whether to use her power this week but said she would not use it when Angela said she would keep her and Faysal off the block. 

Bayliegh was trying to act like Angela’s BFF because she was in power and implied that they could work together. However, Angela was vocal to her allies and viewers that Bayliegh was the target for a backdoor eviction. 

The decision makes sense. Bayliegh’s power is unpredictable, so there’s no telling what she could do if she wants to switch things up. 

Also, Angela and the others do not know the ins and outs of the power and what they’re hearing is from the person who has it. That person could fabricate things to make it seem better than it is. 

At the hacker competition, the houseguests had to unscramble words. The person with the most points would be the hacker for the week. 

Surprisingly, Haleigh proved that she was in it to win it by scoring the most points. But she stopped short of telling anyone about it. 

Instead, she remained quiet because her trust in the house was at an all-time low. She then pulled off one of the smartest moves of the summer. 

She removed Scottie from the block and nominated Tyler in his place. Tyler was furious, but it successfully put the target on Scottie because it would make sense for him to save himself. 

What do you think will happen next?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Wednesday on CBS.


Saturday, May 5, 2018

Hacker Hit Paris Hilton for $130k and Obtained Nude Photos

Paris Hilton is the victim of a hacker, who stole hundreds of thousands of dollars as well as nude photos … TMZ has learned. The hacker, a woman named Paytsar Bkhchadzhyan, was active from 2015 to 2017 and stole from Paris and 2 other people.…


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Ryan Collins: The Fappening Hacker FINALLY Arrested!

Back in August of 2014, nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence began to circulate online, much to the actress’ shock and chagrin.

Shortly thereafter, private, explicit photos of dozens of other young female celebrities were leaked, signaling the start of an event that Internet users, with their usual, cheeky sense of humor, dubbed “The Fappening.”

Now, TMZ is reporting that after an 18-month investigation, authorities have finally apprehended one of the main masterminds behind one the shocking security breach.

Insiders say Collins, a resident of Lancaster, PA has already pled guilty to violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, admitting to breaking into the computers, smart phones and hard drives of more than 100 people, at least 18 of them celebrities.

Collins allegedly manipulated Apple iCloud and Gmail accounts using a sophisticated phishing scheme.

The hacking reportedly took place between November 1, 2012 and September 4, 2014.

There’s no word yet on why Collins released the photos when he did, or whether or not he worked alone.

Collins could face up to five years in prison, but insiders say he’s already working out a plea deal, and will probably only serve 18 months.

At this time, none of the actresses involved in the hack have spoken publicly about the arrest.