Showing posts with label Nominate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nominate. Show all posts

Monday, August 27, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who Did the New HOH Nominate for Eviction?

The “Sweet Shot” Head of Household competition was underway when Sunday’s episode of Big Brother kicked off. 

Tyler and Angela previously said they did not want to win because they were in good standing with everyone in the house. 

They had just made a faux alliance with Haleigh and Faysal aka the final two members of The Hive alliance. 

By them not wanting to win, it meant that one of their allies could be sent home, but they never really cared about that. 

Haleigh knew this HOH was the only way she would remain safe following Scottie Salton’s eviction. 

Then there was Brett and Kaycee, who have been used as pawns multiple times over the last few weeks. They were ready to win and keep their alliance members safe. 

As the competition neared its conclusion, Angela scored a 39. It was not quite the perfect shot, but it put her in the lead. 

Angela slid into power, and Fessy thought that because he was in an alliance with Angela and Tyler, he too, was technically in power. 

God, will this kid ever learn the rules of Big Brother?

Angela worried because she did not want to annoy any of the other houseguests, so she questioned whether to put Haleigh and Faysal up from the get-go or get to work on another plan. 

As for Haleigh, she was the one who realized there was an alliance between Brett, Kaycee, Tyler, and Angela. 

The four were doing a victory dance in the bedroom, and she walked in and caught them in the act. 

Despite her taking the news to Fessy, he still believed that they were good with Angela and that Haleigh was overthinking things. 

Faysal thought that Sam was going to be heading home this coming week, but Haleigh knew better and that she was about to be targeted for eviction. 

Angela then met up with her allies to discuss nominations. She thought it was worthwhile to get Sam out while they could because it would make for an easier week. 

However, her allies were not on board with that and wanted Haleigh and Fessy up on the block to ensure that one of them went home. 

Angela reluctantly agreed but lied to Haleigh that the house was ready to evict Sam. Haleigh offered to go on the block to help that plan come to fruition. 

“Maybe she’s just as dumb as her boyfriend,” Angela sneers in the Diary Room. 

Fessy was unimpressed about the potential of Haleigh going on the block, and after getting nowhere with Angela, he turned to Tyler. 

Haleigh walked in on the discussion, and each half of the showmance quickly started arguing with each other. Haleigh wanted Faysal to realize that he needed to change the way he was talking to her. 

However, he whined that she had an attitude and was making it more difficult for them. 

“I don’t need anyone talking down to me, and I don’t need anyone trying to speak over me,” Hayleigh complained in the Diary Room.

After more back and forth, Angela finally decided to put both Haleigh and Faysal on the block. Angela noted that the duo came to her very late in the game with the alliance offer, and felt like it was out of desperation. 

Yes, Haleigh and Faysal are this week’s nominees!

What did you think of the episode?

Hit the comments below.


Monday, August 13, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who Did The Hacker Nominate?

The Big Brother house was rocked by the hacker twist last week, but did it have the same effect Sunday night? 

When the latest episode kicked off, Sam Bledsoe was storming around the house, complaining that people were making fun of her behind her back. 

She turned to the new HOH, Haleigh who was happy to tell her Angela was reminding her that Sam put her on the block and the reasons for it. 

While Haleigh teased in a diary room session that she was putting Angela up, the comment had an adverse effect on Sam. 

Sam started yelling that she was done with the game and that everyone in the house was psychos. She then threatened violence. 

Poor Haleigh had no idea what to do, but she handled the delicate situation like a champ. As for Tyler, Kaycee, and Angela, well, they admitted they were done with Sam. 

Sam threw a vote at Bayliegh on Thursday and was being off with Tyler aka the closest person to her. We quickly learned that Tyler told her about his power ahead of the eviction and she was so mad about it she claimed that he was lying. 

Yes, it sure seems like the ship has sailed on their friendship, and it wouldn’t be a bad thing if Tyler and his allies managed to get her out of the house. 

As we headed into the nominations ceremony, Tyler flat out asked Hayleigh to put him on the block after the veto, and she laughed about it in the Diary Room. 

She thought Tyler was blowing up his own game. In reality, he was making sure he still had his cloud power app to use for later in the week. 

Haleigh nominated Angela and Kaycee for eviction, and there was immediate unrest in the house because the hacker competition was just around the corner. 

The winner of the competition had the ability to change a nomination, pick a veto player and cancel one eviction vote. 

Kaycee realized there was a fire under her butt and secured a win. This made Angela, Brett, and Tyler very happy because it meant they only needed to win veto to keep Level Six safe for the week. 

Haleigh worried because it meant her nominations could be rendered useless and one of her allies could go home under her HOH reign. 

Her fears were seemingly confirmed when Rockstar replaced Kaycee on the block. We might as well call her Blockstar at this stage. 

At least, that’s what Sam was calling her immediately after he nomination. Rockstar, however, complained in the Diary Room that nobody is here to play the game if they keep throwing her up. 

It was a hilarious moment, but also made us question whether Rockstar knew what she was doing. She’s won nothing and been nothing more than a vote for much of the season. 

What are your thoughts on all of this?

Sound off below!


Monday, July 16, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who Did Scottie Nominate for Eviction?

Going into week three of Big Brother Season 20, we have distinct divisions in the house. 

The first two evictions have been split, and with Scottie as the HOH, it was always going to be interesting to see which side of the house he picked. 

When Sunday’s episode kicked off, nobody was mad about Swaggy C’s demise. In fact, everyone was mad about a stray vote that meant Faysal, Haleigh, Bayleigh, Rockstar, and Kaitlin were all worrying about what was happening. 

Scottie decided to switch things up on Thursday by casting a vote to evict Swaggy, and he denied it, meaning that everyone in that side of the house wondered where the vote came from. 

Haleigh has not been featured much in the episodes because she’s not exactly been playing the game. She’s trying to coast through the first few weeks before winning anything. 

While we don’t know if she has the capacity of winning anything, we do know that America is not impressed with her lack of gameplay. She was gifted with an app, but not of the power variety. 

It meant she had to read a novel to her fellow houseguests on-demand. Oh yes, Big Brother is not messing around this season. 

As for the Power App, Bayleigh was the lucky victor and won an app that allowed her to steal the HOH’s identity in the first half of the game to nominate two people. 

This was music to her ears, and she quickly checked in with Scottie to make sure she was not a target. Thus, she decided to keep her power close to her chest. 

Scottie admitted off the bat that he wanted to take down Winston and Brett because he felt they were both lying to him about who they voted out in week one. 

Winson’s game imploded when Sam told Scottie she knew for a fact that Winston voted to keep her and not Steve. Brett tried to turn the tide back in their direction by offering him everything under the sun. 

But it was all for nothing as Scottie put Brett and Winston on the block for eviction. The only thing that could save one of them is the veto or if Sam uses her power to keep Level 6 intact for another week. 

Sam finally told Kaycee and Tyler all about the power, saying that she had no idea whether she wanted to save the boys or keep it until next week when it will automatically be used on whoever is sent out of the house. 

Things are getting interesting after a slow start to the season. The Level 6 alliance is dominating the game, and everyone else knows it. With Bayliegh having a power, she can help shake up the game. 

What are your thoughts on all the latest developments?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Wednesday on CBS. 


Monday, July 9, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who Did Kaitlyn Nominate for Eviction?

Kaitlyn Herman kicked off her reign as Head of Household on Sunday’s episode of Big Brother, and she did so in the most uncertain fashion. 

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will know that Kaitlyn became Head of Household mere moments after going back on her word to her alliance, opting to vote with the Level Six alliance instead of her own. 

We learned why she changed focus, and it was good old Tyler who brought on the big change in her mindset. Hours before the eviction, he pulled her aside and essentially told her she was the lowest person on the totem pole of the Foute alliance. 

Tyler went as far as saying that she would be the next person eliminated because of her ties to the alliance. This made Kaitlyn change her mind and vote to keep Sam over Steve. 

But the big flaw in her strategy was that it confirmed to the Foute alliance that there was a traitor amongst them, and it did not take long for everyone to realize that Kaitlyn was the one who voted against them. 

There was nothing they could really do because if they rubbed her the wrong way, they could find themselves sitting pretty on the block at the next eviction. 

Kaitlyn was straight up with Rockstar, Faysal, and Haleigh, telling them that she would keep them safe, but she drew the line at that. 

Obviously, this was mildly concerning for the trio to hear because they thought they were in an alliance with the others, and are hearing the person who created the alliance confirm it was over. 

Then again, this is Big Brother and we told to “expect the unexpected” on an episodic basis. You know one thing that we ALWAYS expect from Big Brother?


Bayliegh and Swaggy continued to get closer on Sunday’s episode, and it was given an unnecessary amount of screen time. 

We already know that Swaggy is regretting his time with Bayliegh because now he’s seen as part of a pair in the house, and that creates a huge target. 

Sam met up with Kaitlyn to dish the goodies about her power, and Kaitlyn agreed to leave her off the block. Instead, she said her plan was to nominate Winston and Scottie, and backdoor Swaggy. 

To the people she didn’t trust as much, she said her target was Winston, but with Kaitlyn, there’s no telling where her loyalty really lies. She’s been a bit all over the place of late. 

Before we got to the nominations, we learned that Rachel was the least trending houseguest and that meant she had a reviewer yelling insults about her gameplay for 24 hours. 

Tyler was the most trending houseguest and won a power that allowed him to avoid going on the block once in the next eight weeks. 

In the end, Kaitlyn nominated Scottie and Winston, putting the first part of her plan in motion. 

What did you think of the latest twists and turns?

Hit the comments below. 
