Monday, July 9, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who Did Kaitlyn Nominate for Eviction?

Kaitlyn Herman kicked off her reign as Head of Household on Sunday’s episode of Big Brother, and she did so in the most uncertain fashion. 

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you will know that Kaitlyn became Head of Household mere moments after going back on her word to her alliance, opting to vote with the Level Six alliance instead of her own. 

We learned why she changed focus, and it was good old Tyler who brought on the big change in her mindset. Hours before the eviction, he pulled her aside and essentially told her she was the lowest person on the totem pole of the Foute alliance. 

Tyler went as far as saying that she would be the next person eliminated because of her ties to the alliance. This made Kaitlyn change her mind and vote to keep Sam over Steve. 

But the big flaw in her strategy was that it confirmed to the Foute alliance that there was a traitor amongst them, and it did not take long for everyone to realize that Kaitlyn was the one who voted against them. 

There was nothing they could really do because if they rubbed her the wrong way, they could find themselves sitting pretty on the block at the next eviction. 

Kaitlyn was straight up with Rockstar, Faysal, and Haleigh, telling them that she would keep them safe, but she drew the line at that. 

Obviously, this was mildly concerning for the trio to hear because they thought they were in an alliance with the others, and are hearing the person who created the alliance confirm it was over. 

Then again, this is Big Brother and we told to “expect the unexpected” on an episodic basis. You know one thing that we ALWAYS expect from Big Brother?


Bayliegh and Swaggy continued to get closer on Sunday’s episode, and it was given an unnecessary amount of screen time. 

We already know that Swaggy is regretting his time with Bayliegh because now he’s seen as part of a pair in the house, and that creates a huge target. 

Sam met up with Kaitlyn to dish the goodies about her power, and Kaitlyn agreed to leave her off the block. Instead, she said her plan was to nominate Winston and Scottie, and backdoor Swaggy. 

To the people she didn’t trust as much, she said her target was Winston, but with Kaitlyn, there’s no telling where her loyalty really lies. She’s been a bit all over the place of late. 

Before we got to the nominations, we learned that Rachel was the least trending houseguest and that meant she had a reviewer yelling insults about her gameplay for 24 hours. 

Tyler was the most trending houseguest and won a power that allowed him to avoid going on the block once in the next eight weeks. 

In the end, Kaitlyn nominated Scottie and Winston, putting the first part of her plan in motion. 

What did you think of the latest twists and turns?

Hit the comments below. 
