Thursday, August 23, 2018

Ben Affleck Intervention: Why Did Jennifer Garner Need a Bodyguard?

As you may have heard, Ben Affleck has checked into rehab to seek help for his ongoing issues with alcohol.

It’s the third time that the actor has sought treatment at an in-patient facility, and this time, he reportedly did so at the behest of his estranged wife, Jennifer Garner.

Jennifer Garner-Ben Affleck

Insiders close to the situation say Garner was eventually able to usher Ben to the realization that he needs to get sober for the sake of his three children.

But apparently, it was not easy getting him to that point.

In the days leading up to Wednesday’s intervention, Affleck was spending time with Shauna Sexton, a Playboy model who has made no secret of her love of booze.

In interviews, Sexton has been effusive in her praise for whiskey, which would be perfectly fine — she’s young, and we have no reason to believe she has an issue with addiction — were it not for the fact that she’s dating an alcoholic.

Shortly after news of Affleck and Sexton’s relationship went public, Ben was spotted paying for a delivery from a liquor store near his home,

Sources close to the Oscar winner assured the press that the alcohol was for Shauna and friend, and Ben would not be partaking.

Still, the sight of a recovering drunk shouldering a box full of booze understandably raised some red flags for those who were already concerned for Ben.

The mother of Ben’s children was so upset by the reports of his relapse that she decided to stage an emergency intervention

“Garner was very emotional but decided to take the situation into her own hands,” an insider tells Entertainment Tonight.

The source adds that Garner “looked distraught” as she arrived at Ben’s home on Wednesday afternoon.

At one point, Garner left the residence and returned with a bodyguard, leading many to the conclusion that Ben became irate, possibly while intoxicated.

She later appeared frustrated and exhausted while making a stop at a nearby Jack In the Box drive-thru before driving Ben to the rehab facility.

“Jen is proud of the strides he’s made, but some of his friends were worried he might be taking some steps backward and could be on a slippery slope,” the source says.

“Ben wants nothing more than to get sober for his kids, for Jen and also for his career.”

For his part, Ben reportedly “realizes the dangers of what he could lose in life if he doesn’t stick to the program, and dedicate himself to these big changes.”

“Sadly, he also seemed to be putting himself in some unhealthy situations for someone who has plans to sustain a sober life,” the insider continues.

“Ben was back to staying out late and hanging with his old crowd.”

The tipster claims Jen had real reason to be concerned:

“Just the other night he was out late with a group of old friends and lots of women, all who were partying up a storm,” the source says.

“It’s truly worrisome for those who have seen him fall off the wagon in the past. The bottom line is he was going out again and hanging with drinkers, and it seems to have all happened too quickly.”

The insider says those closest to Ben became particularly concerned after his recent breakup with Lindsay Shookus, due to the fact that the SNL producer had been a stabilizing influence in his life.

“Lindsay was a huge support to Ben and he was doing really well. She truly helped him with his sobriety and Jen loved that he had a steady situation,” the source claims.

“Lindsay thought they had a future together, and she was a positive influence on him, but he felt tied down.”

Garner reportedly feels that this may be Ben’s last chance to kick his habit if he wants to continue to have a relationship with his children.

She’s reportedly held off on finalizing her divorce from Ben in hopes that he’ll get and stay sober so that an amicable custody deal can be arranged.

Another incentive may be the fact that Garner’s career is on the upswing, and she can no longer afford that negative press attention that her ex’s hard-partying lifestyle attracts.

We’ll have further updates on Ben’s latest struggle with sobriety as more information becomes available.
