Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Kendra Wilkinson: I Need to Get Laid! Help a Girl Out?

Last week, Kendra Wilkinson lamented that she was feeling sad, single, and in need of a kick in the butt. Fans were worried.

But after enjoying Mother’s Day with her kids, she sounded better. And on Monday, it seems that she had new priorities.

Kendra really, really wants to get laid. And she’s looking for advice from fans.

Kendra’s split from Hank Baskett is clearly getting to her. And that’s okay. It’s part of the process.

On Sunday, Kendra shared how much she had enjoyed Mother’s Day, tweeting:

“Hope u all had a great Mother’s Day. Mine was amazing. This will be one I remember forever. My babies know how to make me smile n it’s as simple as good quality time n living in the moment.”

That’s so sweet!

On Monday, she was tweeting a different tune.

Kendra Wilkinson Wants to Get Laid

“What’s your opinion…” she writes. “Do i start dating/sex now or give myself more time? My heart is broken but i have needs. Lmaoooo.”

You know, plenty of celebrities get tons of dating advice and even sex advice from fans and followers. It’s usually unsolicited. But here’s Kendra, straight-up asking for tips.

It sounds like Kendra is still emotionally recovering from her split but her infamous sex drive is making the isolation … complicated.

One fan suggests that Kendra keep to inanimate tools to ease her frustration, writing:

“Use the vibrator for awhile and get your head straight.” The fan then shares her own cautionary tale: “Unfortunately I have back slid and given some to the ex cause the choices in men worry me.”

Kendra reveals that she has already been trying that.

Kendra Wilkinson is out of batteries

“All out of batteries,” Kendra divulges. “It’s time my friend.”

First of all, surely she knows that a lot of those are rechargeable with USB adaptors now, right? Most adult toys no longer need the same sorts of batteries as children’s toys.

But that’s beside the point. We think that what she’s really saying has less to do with power supply and more to do with wanting more.

A few decades from now, we’re sure that sex toys will be able to give people a more thorough and satisfying experience akin to physical intimacy with another person.

In the mean time, however, it sounds like Kendra is craving the touch of an actual, flesh-and-blood human.

She’s asking fans if she should take someone out for a spin or continue to keep her hands to herself because she’s still so emotionally fragile from ending her marriage.

Kendra Wilkinson doesn

When a fan suggests that she go out and live her best life because, unlike many women who divorce, she’s still young, she admits that she’s not sure where to begin.

Because, despite her youth, she is like so many of the newly divorced — she hasn’t dated in a long, long time. And she’s frankly not sure how to go about it.

Most people would start with a dating app, but Kendra’s celebrity status could make that complicated.

Especially if she’s just, very understandably, looking for a hookup and not shopping for a new partner.

You can’t blame her for feeling a little lost and adrift. She married Hank in 2009. She’s out of practice.

Kendra isn’t asking us for advice, but what she’ll probably want to do is hang out with friends and meet people the same way that she would meet new friends.

That means going to parties or out for other social events with friends.

It also means that she should be prepared to strike out and go home alone, but just as prepared to stay out all night if she gets lucky.

(Or, more realistically, if someone she finds gets lucky)

A few fans decided to try their own luck by suggesting that she come to their town or city.

We have a feeling that she’s going to pass on that.
