Showing posts with label Motherfcker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motherfcker. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Female Jogger to Rapist: Not Today, Motherf-cker!

Kelly Herron for all the wins, people.

And we mean it: All… The… Wins!

As documented below, the 36-year old was out for a run in Seattle last week when she stopped to use the bathroom.

But this basic decision led to a complicated and dangerous encounter with a registered sex offender, someone who is now under arrest and someone who learned a very important lesson the hard way:

You do NOT want to mess with Kelly Herron.

1. Meet Kelly Herron

Meet kelly herron

At 36 years old, Kelly is training for a marathon. This would be an impressive enough feat, even before getting to the story that follows.

2. A Fateful Decision

A fateful decision

Four miles into her run in Seattle’s Golden Gardens Park last week, she stopped to use a public restroom. “As I was drying my hands, I became aware that something was wrong,” Herron told ABC News.

3. And She Was Right

And she was right

As it turns out, Gary Steiner – a registered sex offender in Arizona – was hiding in the bathroom. He tried to attack Kelly.

4. But He Chose the Wrong Victim

But he chose the wrong victim

Explained Kelly to ABC: “He immediately took me down to the ground, hit both my knees and legs, and then it was a fight on the bathroom floor and I just kept screaming, ‘Not today, Motherf-cker!"”

5. And Kelly Wants the World to Know About It

And kelly wants the world to know about it

Herron shared this collage on Instagram and wrote as a caption: “My biggest running nightmare became reality- 4 miles into my long run Sunday afternoon, I stopped to use the restroom and was assaulted by a man hiding in a stall (that is my GPS in red lines). I fought for my life screaming(“Not today, M**F**er!”), clawing his face, punching back, and desperately trying to escape his grip- never giving up. I was able to lock him in the bathroom until police arrived. Thankfully I just took a self-defense class offered at my work and utilized all of it. My face is stitched, my body is bruised, but my spirit is intact.”

6. She Told You!

She told you

Kelly managed to escape and lock the man in the bathroom until police arrived. She also posted this photo and message online.

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