Showing posts with label ReIgnites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ReIgnites. Show all posts

Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 9 Episode 2 Recap: Teresa Giudice Reignites Her Feud With Joe & Melissa Gorga

Wednesday’s episode of The Real Housewives of New Jersey reignited the feud between Teresa Giudice and her brother, Joe Gorga, and it looks like we’re in for a season of backstabs between the brother and sister. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey online, you know the season premiere found Teresa opening up about Joe steering clear of their father in recent months, signaling that things were going south for the family. 

“My brother used to be around more when my mom first passed away, and I’m really nervous to say anything to him because when I brought this up in the past, it got ugly,” Teresa explained of the situation in a confessional.

“My brother and I have been doing really well for a while now, and I definitely don’t want history to repeat itself. Life is short. I just don’t want my brother to have any regrets.”

In true Teresa fashion, she brought it up during a family gathering. Thankfully, she did not throw some tables. She’s learned from her mistakes. 

Things started to get heated during the dinner party, with Joe’s father Giacinto yelling about his son not calling him, going as far as saying “F–k you” to him. 

“Are you going to be around more for this one? He wants you around more,” she said. “The kid that’s not around the most, that’s the kid you always want.”

Melissa who has feuded with Teresa in the past because of her association with her brother took to a confessional to complain about the whole thing. 

“Who brings up a super sensitive, going-to-cause-a-problem conversation on Easter Sunday? Especially in front of my father-in-law, who is super upset as it is,” she asked.

“This is definitely not the day, the time, the place. Like, your timing sucks.”

“Not on Easter,” Melissa added.

“This conversation gets my skin crawling because I get instant flashbacks of the pain that Joe went through years ago over conversations that were similar.”

“I know my husband. When you push him, and you constantly say the same thing to him over and over again, I know he’s going to explode. Joe is a ticking time bomb. It’s going to happen.”

Joe made it clear that he was getting sick of the way Teresa was acting. 

“You gotta cut that out,” he snapped at Teresa.

“You always bring that up in front of Daddy. ‘Oh you work too much, you’re not around.’ Listen to me, if I was sitting in a bar all day, if I was sitting in restaurants, that’s a different story. But what am I going to do? When you put in 15 hours a day, hard work? I’m exhausted.”

“You know my life. You know the business, it’s crazy. I work hardcore, all day, every day, nonstop. Unbelievable stresses,” Joe added.

“My business takes all my freakin time. Is he going to pay my bills? No one pays my bills. What am I going to do, just give it all up?”

That was not all Teresa had to say, however. 

“I’m just saying, he bitches to me all the time,” she complained. “I got to hear him! ‘Your brother don’t call me. It’s been five days.’“

“Since I’ve lost my mom, holidays are more emotional. I’m just trying to make the holiday as best as I can for my dad. I just want to make him happy. He needs that,” Teresa said, addressing the cameras.

“Before I went away, I spent a lot of time with my mom. And right now all I can think about is how when I came home, I wished I spent more time with my mom. So it’s frustrating that my brother makes the effort to see my dad just on a holiday.”

Teresa’s daughter, Gia, turned to her uncle Joe with her take on what was going on. 

“It’s not fair,” said the teenager. “We get it so much from Nonno, you don’t even know. I know you have work, trust me, I know. But if you don’t call him for a day, he says something. … At least just try, in a week, just one designated day for Nonno.”

But there was no getting through to Joe who maintained that he was a busy man. 

“I don’t give a s—,” yelled Teresa. “You have to make time. In life, that’s how it is. Capeesh?”

While the fighting simmered down and everyone enjoyed the rest of the day, Joe confirmed in a confessional that he was mad at his sister. 

“Teresa was always like this when we were kids,” Joe admitted. “When it came to me, she would rat me out. Why are you still doing this? It’s going to cause a big problem again, which we don’t need.”

As if that wasn’t enough drama, Margaret informed Danielle that she was going to an event hosted by Dolores and things got a little bit crazy. 

“She invited me to this thing–,” said Margaret BUT Danielle butted in. 

“And you coulda said, ‘No, I’m not coming because that will make Danielle very upset and very hurt. It’ll hurt her!’ Because you coulda said, ‘This would hurt me if the tables were turned.’ You coulda said anything but, ‘Yes, I’ll come."”

As Margaret tried to calm Danielle down, the former main cast member decided to storm off, but she came back with a parting shot:

“What is it that you two really have in common? You cheated on your husband, and she got cheated on?”

That has got to be one of the best one-liners in the history of the series, and just like that, it looks like another friendship is over. 

What are your thoughts on all the drama?

Hit the comments below. 

The Real Housewives of New Jersey continues Mondays on Bravo. 


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Kim Kardashian Shares "Nude" Pic, Reignites Swift Feud

It is SO back on between Kim Kardashian and Taylor Swift.

It"s just not exactly clear why.

Well over a year since Kardashian first hurled major shade at Swift by exposing her as a liar, the reality star has seemingly reignited everyone"s favorite Hollywood feud.

How so?

By sharing a certain throwback photo on Instagram.

Scroll down and all around to see what Kardashian shared; to see how folks are reacting; and to relive the highlights of this much-publicized rivalry…

1. Remember This?

Remember this

On December 4, 2017 Kardashian shared this Instagram photo of her snapping a picture at the 2016 “Famous” exhibit that featured the wax figures of her nude husban… and a naked Taylor Swift.

2. Caption THIS!

Caption this

“Famous,” Kim wrote as a caption, although most followers instantly interpreted it as a shot at Swift, labeling Kim a rat and Taylor a snake… and going back and forth on whose side they are on.

3. So… Many… Rats

So many rats

As you can see, no one on Instagram thought this was just a harmless throwback photo. It’s just unclear why Kim wanted to stick it to Taylor again.

4. Now We Revenge!

Now we revenge

Down with the rat, right, folks?!?

5. How Did This All Begin?

How did this all begin

In July of 2016, Kardashian released a recording of Swift giving Kanye West permission to rap about her in his track, “Famous.” Swift had previously acted all pissed off about West’s references to her in the song, leading many to believe Taylor was nothing but a phony and a liar.

6. A Swift Response

A swift response

Swift said the leaked recording did NOT feature her giving Kanye permission to slam her as a “bitch,” adding, famously, that she wanted to be excluded from all Kimye-related narratives.

View Slideshow

Friday, January 27, 2017

Kailyn Lowry Reignites Feud with Farrah Abraham!

Kailyn Lowry has her issues — no one’s denying that, least of all Kailyn herself.

She can be cold and unemotional to the people closest to her, including her own children, and we’d never accuse her of being the nicest person in the world.

If you’ve seen how she’s been treating Javi Marroquin in the new Teen Mom 2 episodes, you’ve seen firsthand how mean she can be.

But as much as we’ve disagreed with Kailyn’s behavior, she’s never been as bad as Farrah Abraham, and we sincerely doubt she ever could be.

And if you ask her, she’d tell you the same.

Earlier today, a Teen Mom 2 fan tweeted to Kailyn, writing “I could have sworn you were Farrah the other day on teen mom your sooooooo mean.”

Kailyn’s response?

“We all have bad times… but I def never did porn so there’s no comparison.”

Savage, right? But so very true.

We’d also add that Kailyn, like her or not, is intelligent and in possession of the most basic of communication skills, so again, no comparison to Farrah.

Even though she can be insensitive to her children, she does care for them, and she’s doing an amazing job at raising them to be kind, thoughtful kids — also unlike Farrah, whose kid recently cheered her on for cussing the neighbors.

This was hardly the first time Kailyn’s gone after Farrah. Who could forget that nasty little spat they got into last month?

Farrah claimed that both Kailyn and Chelsea Houska got pregnant with their second children for attention, even though both ladies were happily married and totally stable when they had those children.

After Kailyn heard Farrah’s accusations, she said that “The thing with Farrah is that she’s so negative all the time. She never has anything nice to say about anybody on the cast.”

“I see her doing big things,” she added. “I would love to be able to support her doing those things.”

“But when she’s constantly slamming me in the media and saying things that are so out of left field, it’s hard to find and kind of good in her.”

And finally, Kailyn said “Farrah is out here doing pornos to stay relevant.”

In response to all those horrific burns, Farrah called Kailyn a “fake puppet” and advised her to “stay out of the drama.”

Kailyn pointed out that Farrah brought her into the drama by talking about her in an interview, then Farrah shut up and ran off to publicly play the victim.

“I never said anything,” Farrah insisted in a statement, “and I have no idea why she’s causing a fight to get attention.”

It’s always maddening when Farrah opens up her dumb mouth, isn’t it?

Congrats to Kailyn for doing her part in keeping Teen Mom’s hottest mess in check!


Monday, June 13, 2016

Amber Rose Disses Kylie Jenner, Reignites Kardashian Feud

Ah, just when you thought the only Kardashian issue to focus on this summer was Rob’s wedding, someone decides to awaken the beast(s).

A few months ago, we were certain that Amber Rose buried the hatchet with Kim and Khloe Kardashian after she and Khloe exchanged words on Twitter. 

The reason?  Khloe’s little sister, Kylie Jenner was seeing Tyga, who just happened to be Amber’s BFF, Blac Chyna’s baby daddy.

Are you following?

Amber defended herself in an interview with the New York Daily News, explaining that she knew what she was talking about when she criticized the relationship (Kylie was 17 and Tyga, 25 when they started dating).

I don’t hate (Khloé),” Amber stated.

“Being a dancer and dealing with older men, gave me the humility and knowledge to speak on such a subject.”

Amber then pointed out the obvious.

“But let’s face it,” she added.

“The only reason these girls have a career is because their older sister had a little fun on tape.”

Amber, of course, is referring to Kim’s 2007 “leaked” sex tape with ex-boyfriend, Ray-J, which undoubtedly catapulted the family into reality superstardom.

The Philadelphia native, whose new talk show debuts on VH1 July 8th, dated Kim’s husband Kanye West for two years before splitting in 2010.

One of Amber’s missions is to highlight the stigma of slut-shaming, after a Toronto cop commented in 2011 that “women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized” in reference to several sexual assaults at a local university.

One comment that cut especially deep was one Kanye made about their relationship.

“I deal with talk like that every day,” she says. “I recently dealt with that when my ex (Kanye) said he had to take 30 showers after he’d been with me.

“We were happy when we were together and now I’m getting slut-shamed because we’re not anymore . . . and it’s unfair.”