Showing posts with label Baylee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Baylee. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Chris Brown: Baylee Curran is Trying to Destroy Me!

As you’ve probably heard by now, Chris Brown was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon after a bizarre stand-off with police last week.

The incident occurred after a model named Baylee Curran claimed Brown pulled a gun on her during a gathering at his home.

Brown has maintained his innocence from the start, but given his long history of violent, erratic behavior, it’s not hard to see why so many are skeptical of his claims.

In an exclusive clip provided to Good Morning America, the troubled singer and his lawyers claim that they’re in possession of evidence which will conclusively clear Brown’s name and restore his reputation (such as it is).

The pre-taped segment aired this morning:

Brown tells the morning show that his lawyers have obtained a text message that proves Curran attempted to frame him, adding that if any charges are going to be pressed, they’ll be against Curran for providing false testimony to police.

“I cannot wait until the truth comes to light about this incident,” Brown says in the clip above.

“My character’s been defaced, and who I am as a person, and my integrity.”

He added:

“All my real supporters know me and know the truth.”

According to Brown’s attorneys, the incriminating text from Curran reads:

“This freak Chris Brown is kicking me out of his house because I called his friend’s jewelry fake.

“I’m going to set him up and call the cops and say that he tried to shoot me and that will teach him a lesson. I’m going to set his Ass up.”

If the text is legit, it’s pretty damning.

It could also be taken as an indication that Curran is some sort of Bond villain, because, really  – who lays out their evil plans like that? 

In the GMA segment, Brown’s attorney, Mark Geragos, adds that the gun and piece of jewelry Curran described were not found in the home.

In addition, he claims that surveillance camera footage from the day of the incident will reveal that at no time did Brown produce a weapon or physically threaten Curran in any way.

So is it possible that Brown’s telling the truth about this situation?

Could be.

But Breezy being Breezy, in the court of public opinion, he’ll always be guilty until proven innocent.

Brown is currently out on bail and awaiting trial.

It’s a process the singer is all too familiar with.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Chris Brown vs. Baylee Curran: Who Do You Believe?

Move over, Kim Kardashian versus Taylor Swift.

There’s a new feud in Hollywood, and this one has come out with guns blazing.

Literally, according to one of the participants.

And the Winner is?

Chris Brown says he did not hold a gun to Baylee Curran’s head. Baylee Curran says he did. Who do you believe? View Poll »

On Tuesday morning, Baylee Curran paid a visit to Chris Brown’s house.

This much does not appear to be in dispute.

She spent time with a friend in Brown’s hot tub and then went inside the mansion.

This also appears to be agreed upon by both parties.

But then the stories diverge, with Curran claiming she tried to get a close look at a diamond necklace, only for Brown to flip the eff out.

Like, REALLY flip out.

The former beauty pageant winner told authorities and then various media outlets that Brown pulled a gun on her and demanded she leave his home.

Curran obeyed, called 911 and caused a standoff to take place for the next 14 hours after police arrived on the scene and Brown refused to let cops into his house.

At one point, he reportedly dropped a bag full of guns and drugs out the window. Yet he still remained inside.

After a lot of back and forth, along with some crazy Chris Brown videos, authorities obtained a search warrant and finally arrested Brown.

He was taken into custody on the felony charge of assault with a deadly weapon.

A few hours later, Brown was released on $ 250,000 bail and his attorney has since gone on his own media tour, telling everyone who will listen that his client is innocent.

Through this same attorney, Brown has denied all allegations against him.

Heck, he’s even released a new song!

Curran, meanwhile, has spoken to TMZ, Extra and E! News, making the most of her time in the spotlight and swearing that Brown really did stick a weapon on her face.

She says she feared for her life and his hand was on the trigger.

“I really do understand [why people think I’m doing it for publicity]…I don’t understand why he’s the victim now,” Curran told E!, adding:

“Obviously he has a lot of support, a lot of fans who are going to back him up. I’m just some random girl that wants to be in the limelight.

“Although if I wanted the limelight in fame, I wouldn’t have done it this way.”

In the end, this comes down to a case of He Said/She Said.

(Brown also thinks it comes down to a lawyer who has a personal beef with him.)

That’s why we’ve posted the poll at the top of this article. That’s why we want to know what YOU think.

Do you assume Chris Brown is guilty, due to his past with Rihanna and his clear temper problem?

Do you think Curran is simply seeking attention with this accusation?

There aren’t many other ways to interpret the situation here, right?

Either Brown is telling the truth or Curran is telling the truth.

Scroll up and let your voice be heard: Do you believe Chris Brown or Baylee Curran?

Chris Brown vs. Baylee Curran: Who Do You Believe?

Move over, Kim Kardashian versus Taylor Swift.

There’s a new feud in Hollywood, and this one has come out with guns blazing.

Literally, according to one of the participants.

And the Winner is?

Chris Brown says he did not hold a gun to Baylee Curran’s head. Baylee Curran says he did. Who do you believe? View Poll »

On Tuesday morning, Baylee Curran paid a visit to Chris Brown’s house.

This much does not appear to be in dispute.

She spent time with a friend in Brown’s hot tub and then went inside the mansion.

This also appears to be agreed upon by both parties.

But then the stories diverge, with Curran claiming she tried to get a close look at a diamond necklace, only for Brown to flip the eff out.

Like, REALLY flip out.

The former beauty pageant winner told authorities and then various media outlets that Brown pulled a gun on her and demanded she leave his home.

Curran obeyed, called 911 and caused a standoff to take place for the next 14 hours after police arrived on the scene and Brown refused to let cops into his house.

At one point, he reportedly dropped a bag full of guns and drugs out the window. Yet he still remained inside.

After a lot of back and forth, along with some crazy Chris Brown videos, authorities obtained a search warrant and finally arrested Brown.

He was taken into custody on the felony charge of assault with a deadly weapon.

A few hours later, Brown was released on $ 250,000 bail and his attorney has since gone on his own media tour, telling everyone who will listen that his client is innocent.

Through this same attorney, Brown has denied all allegations against him.

Heck, he’s even released a new song!

Curran, meanwhile, has spoken to TMZ, Extra and E! News, making the most of her time in the spotlight and swearing that Brown really did stick a weapon on her face.

She says she feared for her life and his hand was on the trigger.

“I really do understand [why people think I’m doing it for publicity]…I don’t understand why he’s the victim now,” Curran told E!, adding:

“Obviously he has a lot of support, a lot of fans who are going to back him up. I’m just some random girl that wants to be in the limelight.

“Although if I wanted the limelight in fame, I wouldn’t have done it this way.”

In the end, this comes down to a case of He Said/She Said.

(Brown also thinks it comes down to a lawyer who has a personal beef with him.)

That’s why we’ve posted the poll at the top of this article. That’s why we want to know what YOU think.

Do you assume Chris Brown is guilty, due to his past with Rihanna and his clear temper problem?

Do you think Curran is simply seeking attention with this accusation?

There aren’t many other ways to interpret the situation here, right?

Either Brown is telling the truth or Curran is telling the truth.

Scroll up and let your voice be heard: Do you believe Chris Brown or Baylee Curran?

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Baylee Curran: I"m the Victim, NOT Chris Brown!

Baylee Curran is asking the same question we’ve been asking for years:

Why would anyone be a member of Team Breezy?!?

We’ve often wondered this same thing, considering Brown beat Rihanna’s face to a bloody pulp back in 2009 and has exhibited more violent behavior in the years since than remorse.

But Curran, of course, has an especially personal reason to ask this question.

Allegedly, that is.

Early Tuesday morning, Curran says she arrived at Brown’s house with a friend.

She says she spent some time in the hot tub before going inside and looking at a piece of jewelry that an associate of Brown’s was holding in the air.

And this is when Baylee Curran swears Chris Brown flipped out.

She has told the authorities and multiple news outlets that Brown stuck a gun in her face and demanded she leave.

Upon exiting the premises, Curran called 911. That much is not up for debate.

Authorities arrived and engaged in a tense, seemingly ridiculous standoff with Brown for most of Tuesday.

The singer refused cops entry to his house, filming himself cursing off the police on Instagram while they waited outside.

Eventually, however, police obtained a search warrant, were legally allowed to enter and placed Brown under arrest for assault with a deadly weapon.

He is now out on $ 250,000 bail and is expected in court for a hearing on September 20.

A day after this alleged incident, Curran spoke to E! News and reiterated the same story she told TMZ Live and Extra.

It’s the same story we just outlined above.

But Curran also denied talk that she’s friends with Brown’s baby mama, Nia Guzman.

Baylee tells E! News that they don’t know each other. When asked where that chatter came from, she replied:

“I have no idea. There is many false accusations happening at the moment.”

When asked for her opinion on public perception at the moment, Curran acknowledged that she has her haters and her doubters.

She even said she gets where they’re coming from, but…

“I really do understand [why people think I’m doing it for publicity]…I don’t understand why he’s the victim now.

“Obviously he has a lot of support, a lot of fans who are going to back him up. I’m just some random girl that wants to be in the limelight.

“Although if I wanted the limelight in fame, I wouldn’t have done it this way.”

HOWEVER, TMZ has obtained a text message that is now in possession of Brown’s lawyer, Mark Geragos.

It appears to clearly spell out that Baylee Curran did, actually, make up this entire story.

Not for the limelight, but to get revenge against Brown.

This is what the text message supposedly reads, as she addressed it to a friend named Safari and sent it just prior to 3 a.m. on Tuesday.

Hey safari don’t you know this freak Chris brown is kicking me out of his house because I called his friend jewelry fake can you come get me my Uber is messing up if not I’m going to set him up and call the cops and say that he tried to shoot me and that will teach him a lesson I’m going to set his ass up. Lol come get me.

The authenticity of this message is under examination.

If it’s legitimate and was truly sent by Curran, well… she can pretty much kiss her case goodbye.

But it seems a little too convenient, doesn’t it? That she would actually spell out her exact scheme on text?

We can also confirm that Baylee Curran filed a restraining order in 2013, claiming at the time that her roommate, Princeton Roseborough, threatened to hire a hitman to kill her.

If it does turn out that Curran made this tale up and that Brown will get to gloat and yell over being the victim… that’s gonna suck. 


Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Baylee Curran Has a Message for Her Haters

Baylee Curran would like the attention of her critics.

And she knows there are MANY out there.

The disgraced beauty queen finds herself all over the news this week because she claims she was at Chris Brown"s house early Tuesday morning.

She also claims Chris Brown forced her to leave that house by sticking a gun in her face.

Curran called 911 after allegedly getting violently thrown out of the singer"s residence, telling authorities exactly what Brown did.

In response, police swarmed Brown"s house and engaged in a 14-hour long standoff with the artist.

He refused to let them in.

At one point, Brown dropped a bag full of weapons and drugs out of a window, taunting cops in the process.

But authorities got the last laugh when they obtained a search warrant, entered Brown"s mansion and arrested Brown for felony assault with a deadly weapon.

Yes, felony assault.

Curran has since appeared on TMZ Live and Extra, sharing her story with various media outlets.

She says chaos ensued after she tried to take a close look at a piece of jewelry, despite not even making a move to touch it.

Baylee alleges Brown responded to her mere glance by screaming at her to get the "f-ck out," while holding a handgun in her face.

The artist is now out on bail, but is due back in court on September 20.

If you look through Curran"s Instagram account, you"ll see plenty of comments from fans of Brown, members of "Team Breezy" as they call themselves.

Baylee is aware of these comments and has a simple question for her haters:

Do you really think I wanted this? Do you really think I"d make this up?

If a gun was held up to your head, what would you do?!?

That"s what Curran says in the following video.

It"s just her and the camera and a very simple message for anyone who doubts her story.

Check it out below and then decide: Are you on Team Breezy or Team Baylee?

Baylee curran you think i wanted this

Baylee Curran: Stripped of Beauty Pageant Crown for Stripping Down!

Baylee Curran’s name is everywhere right now for getting Chris Brown arrested. 

Curran was at Chris Brown’s home on August 30, but things took a terrifying turn when an argument broke out. 

Chris allegedly waved a gun at the beauty pageant winner when things got out of hand. 

It resulted in a tense standoff as police waited hours for Chris to surrender himself to them. 

Chris also threw a duffel bag out a window with guns and drugs in it. 

The rapper even took to Instagram to claim the whole thing was blown out of proportion. 

To an extent, it was, but he should not be waving guns at people. 

Baylee has opened up about her ordeal, placing the blame on Brown. 

It appears that Baylee has been in a lot of trouble this year for not adhering to the requirements of being Miss California Regional 2016.

Pretty much as soon as she was crowned, nude pictures of her were sent to the pageant director. 

This caused a lot of drama for her, but Curran was quick to rule the nudes as fake. 

After going at it with the pageant director, Curran was given one more chance. 

As you can probably guess, Baylee blew that chance. 

Curran continued to screw up and deceived the pageant director. 

She didn’t even show up to any the scheduled events she was meant to go to as Miss California Regional. 

The last straw appears to have been when she ditched an event, but was tagged in pictures frolicking in a boat. 

That’s hardly model behavior. 

Baylee was allegedly rude when the director asked for the crown back. 

“You’re the director. You can make or bend the rules. I’m keeping the crown and we can move on.”

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!

Baylee Curran Photos: Who is Chris Brown"s Accuser?

Chris Brown has once again been accused of violence toward women.

Years after slugging Rihanna in the face, Brown was arrested on charges of assault with a deadly weapon after Baylee Curran accused the singer of sticking a gun in her face.

Just who is Baylee Curran?

She defeated 15 other women to win the title of Miss California Regional in 2016 and she’s appeared in such random films as Cold Blooded and The Prodigal Son.

She"s also as equestrian, she"s partied with Brown on many occasions… and she looks like THIS.

Check out the following collection of Baylee Curran photos:

1. Baylee Curran

Baylee curran

Baylee Curran says she was threatened by Chris Brown. She says the singer stuck a gun in her face in August of 2016.

2. Baylee Curran Picture

Baylee curran picture

Baylee Curran is a beauty pageant winner. She’s also the woman who says Chris Brown pulled a gun on her inside his home.

3. Baylee Curran Photo

Baylee curran photo

Baylee Curran snapped this selfie and shared it on her Instagram account. The former beauty pageant winner wants to be a model.

4. Baylee Curran on TMZ

Baylee curran on tmz

Baylee Curran appears here on TMZ. She has strong words to say about Chris Brown.

5. Baylee Curran on a Hoke

Baylee curran on a hoke

Baylee Curran finished a hike in the summer of 2016 and shared the news, along with this photo, on Instagram.

6. Baylee Curran Pic

Baylee curran pic

Baylee Curran has been thrust into the news as a result of pressing charges against Chris Brown. She’s a aspiring model.

View Slideshow

Baylee Curran on Chris Brown: He Knows What He Did!

Chris Brown once again finds himself in trouble, due to his violent actions toward a member of the opposite sex.

The singer, of course, was arrested back in 2009 on charges that he assaulted Rihanna…

… and now Brown has been arrested for assault with a deadly weapon.

The latest allegation stems from a confrontation Brown reportedly had with Baylee Curran, a beauty pageant winner who was at the artist"s home early Tuesday morning.

In an interview with TMZ, Curran said yesterday that she has hung out with Brown many times in the past.

He had always been nice and the nights had ended in peaceful fashion.

But Tuesday felt different right away, with Brown seemingly on edge (due to drugs or alcohol, Baylee assumes) while Curran and a friend spent time in his hot tub.

She says she then went inside the house, where a friend of Brown"s was holding a diamond necklace.

When she took a closer look to admire the item, Brown allegedly FLIPPED OUT, pulled a gun on her and told Curran to "get the f-ck out."

That was only the beginning of all Hell breaking loose, according to reports. 

Curran eventually left (after refusing to sign a non-disclosure agreement) and called 911.

When police arrived, they were refused entry into Brown"s home, while Brown filmed himself ranting and raving against the cops inside.

Here"s an example of what he screamed at the camera inside his house, while cops were situated outside and the Internet was abuzz with rumors and innuendo:

A SWAT team was later called in and authorities obtained a search warrant.

At one point, Brown hurled a bag full of guns and drugs out his window, only to be taken into custody for this purported assault many hours later.

Crazy stuff.

Curran, meanwhile, spoke to Extra about her ordeal.

"Chris came in, pulled out his gun and said, "I"m getting so sick of you people," pointed the gun at me, (and told me) to get the f—- out of the house," she told the television program last night.

The model went on to detail how she ran as quickly as she could away from the scene, prior to insisting she is NOT trying to garner publicity with this story.

She also tried to send a message to the singer.

"I would say to Chris, be the good person that I know you are.

"He knows what he has done… I would say, just come out with the truth, because I’m sure it will come out one day anyway."


Baylee curran on chris brown he knows what he did

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Baylee Curran: This is Why Chris Brown Pulled a Gun on Me!

The woman who claims Chris Brown pulled a gun on her this morning has spoken out.

Her name is Baylee Curran… she won Miss California Regional 2016… and she opened up about the incident this afternoon on TMZ Live.

As previously reported, a still-developing situation took place inside Brown’s Los Angeles home early on Tuesday.

According to TMZ, Ray J and a few other friends of Brown’s were hanging out when a couple of uninvited guests showed up.

One woman allegedly got into an argument with Brown and was told to leave… via a gun in her face.

Baylee Curran says she is that woman.

After Curran called 911, police showed up at the residence around 3 a.m.

After waiting around for a few hours, trying to speak with Brown, they called SWAT for back-up and demanded they be let inside in order to see if Brown had the same type of gun Curran had described to them.

But Brown refused to let the authorities inside, leading to much-publicized standoff.

As far as we know, it is still going on, even after Brown dumped a duffel bag full of weapons and drugs at their feet, taunting the cops as he did so.

“Come and get me,” the artist supposedly screamed at them, aware they required a warrant to get inside.

This is Curran’s side of the story:

She tells TMZ that she has hung out with Brown in the past and that he had been perfectly cordial to her.

But he was acting strange this time around, likely due to alcohol or drugs, she surmised.

Early this morning, Curran says she and a friend went over to the house and chilled in the hot tub for a bit before walking back inside the residence.

Once there, she says they saw a member of Brown’s entourage showing off a piece of jewelry.

Curran took a close look at it, only for Brown’s crew member and then Brown to flip out on her.

The singer allegedly screamed at Baylee to “get the f-ck out” before pointing a gun in her direction.

Curran then tried to leave, but Brown’s friends tried to take her cell phone and to make her sign a non-disclosure agreement.

She refused to do so, departing with her friend.

In a series of insane Instagram videos shared throughout this story, Brown has proclaimed his innocence.

He makes it sound as if he was asleep throughout everything detailed above and gets REALLY angry at the police for even responding to this 911 call.

He also tells his fans at one point that they can “suck a fart out of my ass” for all he cares. 

But, hey, go ahead and keep supporting this woman-beater, people.

We have no idea if Baylee Curran is telling the truth or not.

And we question why any female would get within 25 feet of Chris Brown.

But if you ask us to side with Chris Brown or pretty much anyone else on the planet over anything, we’ll almost always be Team Anyone Else.

UPDATE: Law enforcement insiders tell TMZ that Brown is about to get arrested. His lawyer, Mark Geragos, entere his home around 12:30 p.m. PST.