Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Final Five Play Hungry Hungry Human, Rule the World

We really did not think it was possible to love Simone Biles, Gabby Douglas, Laurie Hernandez, Madison Kocian and Aly Raisman any more than we already did.

This quintet of young women won the Gold Medal in Gymnastics earlier this month in Rio, with Biles taking home multiple individual Golds and Raisman multiple individual Silvers.

They"ve since come home and endeared themselves to the public even more.

Douglas, for example, handled some ridiculous bullying in a mature and grounded fashion. (Far better than we ever would have.)

Raisman, meanwhile, played it calm, cool and adorable when asked out in very public fashion by a professional football player.

Three of the athletes also showed off their insane abs on social media.

But then the five women went ahead and appeared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon on Tuesday night and gave us reason to adore them even more in the process.


By playing a lively game of Hungry Hungry Hippos!

Really, though, it was Hungry Hungry Humans, considering actual people were the ones being used to gather up loose balls on the playing area.

Fallon and Donald Glover joined Biles, Dougless, Hernandez, Kocian and Raisman for this a version of this kids’ game that we never imagined we’d see.

And now we just want to see it all the time! On every channel!

You"ll quickly understand why once you check out the following footage.

It"s hilarious.

Final five play hungry hungry human on the tonight show