Showing posts with label Unite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unite. Show all posts

Friday, January 25, 2019

Jim Kelly and James Conner Cancer Survivors Unite at Pro Bowl ... "Never Give Up!"

Breaking News

Cool moment at the Pro Bowl — two NFL stars who battled cancer and WON bonded in Orlando this week … which makes this pic of Jim Kelly and James Conner inspiring as hell. 
Obviously, Conner made the Pro Bowl after balling out with the Pittsburgh Steelers this year ...
Jim Kelly and James Conner Cancer Survivors Unite at Pro Bowl ... "Never Give Up!"

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Floribama Shore Season 1 Episode 1 Recap: Desperate Wannabes Unite!

As if the news that Jersey Shore is returning is not good enough, MTV launched Florbima Shore last night. 

The new iteration has the same formula as the original series, but a brand new cast of fame-hungry wannabes and a new location. 

What could possibly go wrong?

A lot. 

On Floribama Shore Season 1 Episode 1, the cast members went to extreme measures to get the world of Twitter talking. 

Nilsa and her friend Kortni were the first to arrive, and they are going to be quite the double act. Nilsa held nothing back and quickly revealed to her housemates that she married way too young. 

“I made a mistake getting married so young, but this summer, I’m single and ready to do me,” Nilsa declared early on.

A dude named Gus was immediately drawn to Nilsa, and seemed to think that her free-spirited nature was a good thing for him. Nilsa only had eyes for Jeremiah, it seemed. 

Gus proudly revealed that Jeremiah already asked Kortni out, and Nilsa was having none of it. 

“He likes the loud, obnoxious girl?” Nilsa asked Gus, before revealing to the cameras, “At the end of the day if I want Jeremiah, I will have Jeremiah. Kortni is no competition for me.”

This should be fun!

Oddly, Kortni seemed to be Team Nilsa and even commented that she had her friend’s back every step of the way, so there’s a severe lack of loyalty from Nilsa, and that will cause issues down the line. 

Nilsa got thirsty real quick and even went as far as flashing Jeremiah to get his attention. But he seemed interested in another new chick named Mary Jo. 

Nilsa threw insults her way and even said the woman was as old as her mother. Considering Mary Jo was just 30 at the time of filming, Nilsa is not very good at math. 

When the going got tough, Nilsa tried to call her ex-husband to let him know how crappy things were going. Codi interjected and told her to apologize to Mary Jo because there was no need for all of the drama. 

Kortni is a bit of a loose cannon. She peed the bed after drink-fueled night of alcohol and then thought it was fun to deny it 

“I did not pee the bed,” Kortni insisted. “I’m being framed. I’m being freakin’ framed and I will bet money on it.”

Um, okay then. Whatever you say, Kortni!

Jeremiah was taken with her behavior and took her out to dinner. Yes, everyone seems to think that moving quickly is the way forward on this show. 

Who are we to judge? They are being plied with alcohol by the producers to do some nasty stuff. They knew what they were signing up for. 

The other characters were on the sidelines for much of the episode, but the two-hour opener was just stuffed with crazy moments that reeked of sheer desperation. 

Will the show become a hit?

Probably, but it will probably only be because the entirety of the U.S. is talking about how vile everyone is. 

What did you think of it?


Sunday, August 13, 2017

"Unite the Right" Leader Chased Away from His Own Press Conference After Charlottesville Protests

A leader of the alt-right group that protested in Charlottesville this weekend tried holding a press conference the day after the chaos … but had to flee before finishing. Protesters chased Jason Kessler away from his own press conference in…


"Unite the Right" Leader Chased Away from His Own Press Conference After Charlottesville Protests

A leader of the alt-right group that protested in Charlottesville this weekend tried holding a press conference the day after the chaos … but had to flee before finishing. Protesters chased Jason Kessler away from his own press conference in…


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Amy Schumer Set to Star in Barbie Movie, Haters Unite

There are plenty of people who don’t care for Amy Schumer, and that’s fine.

Maybe she’s not your cup of tea. Maybe you don’t like her sense of humor, or maybe you think she’s been too offensive at times.

All that’s fine. This is your life, make your own choices.

But if you don’t like her because of the way she looks, or if you’ve expressed your negative feelings about her by making fun of her body?

Well, you’re probably just an asshole.

And unfortunately, judging by the reaction to this new piece of Schumer news, the world is just filled to the brim, absolutely overflowing, with assholes

Amy is reportedly in talks to star in a new live-action movie about Barbie.

The movie is supposed to have a PG rating, so it wouldn’t have any of Amy’s usual raunchiness, but she is said to be doing a rewrite of the current script.

As for the basic plot, it will be acknowledged that Amy doesn’t have the classic unrealistic Barbie proportions. Remember, Mattel recently released Barbies that come in more varied, more realistic body types?

Yeah, you can now buy Curvy Barbies, Petite Barbies, and Tall Barbies. The movie will play on that.

Amy’s Barbie character lives in Barbieland, where all the different Barbies live. You know, Dentist Barbie, Babysitter Barbie, Dog Walker Barbie, Gymnastics Barbie …

But her version of Barbie will get banished from Barbieland because she doesn’t quite fit the perfect Barbie mold. She is forced out into the real world, she learns about herself, etc.

Sounds cute, right? But so many people are furious about this casting.

“I just saw that Amy Schumer will play Barbie in an upcoming movie,” one jackass tweeted. “Now they should get Jonah Hill for Ken and I’ll be there on opening day.”

“So Amy Schumer’s gonna play a FAT Barbie with a gut and two chins and a pie fetish,” another wrote.

Yet another douchebag tweeted “More fat f-cks making the news. Amy Schumer as Barbie? The mental illness in Hollywood is mind-boggling.”

But as disappointing as those reactions were, there were still some decent people in the world who hated this news for less superficial reasons.

“Dear Hollywood,” one person asked, “please stop shoving Amy Schumer at us. Sincerely, everyone on planet earth.”

“There are plenty of women of many sizes who aren’t racist,” another commented. “They should consider them before Amy.”

“Donald Trump as POTUS. Amy Schumer as Barbie. Tyga as still alive … Smg 2016… what else?” read one admittedly hilarious tweet.

For what it’s worth, we’re kind of excited to see what Amy does with this.

How are y’all feeling?


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Orlando Muslim Donates Blood, Urges Communities to Unite Against Hate

It’s so important to try and turn away from the political mess that certain people have turned the Pulse nightclub shootings into, and focus on the good many are doing in the wake of tragedy.

Orlando resident Mahmoud ElAwadi posted a hugely powerful message along with a photo of himself donating blood that is needed for those injured in the June 12th shooting, which took the lives of 49 innocent people.

ElAwadi shared his post on Facebook, which ultimately went viral.

“Yes my name is Mahmoud a proud Muslim American,” he wrote.

“Yes I donated blood even though I can’t eat or drink anything cause I’m fasting in our holy month Ramadan just like hundreds of other Muslims who donated today here in Orlando.

“Yes I’m angry for what happened last night and all the innocent lives we lost.  Yes I’m sad, frustrated and mad that a crazy guy claim to be a Muslim did that shameful act.

“Yes I witnessed the greatness of this country watching thousands of people standing in 92 degree sun waiting on their turn to donate blood even after they were told that the wait time is 5-7 hours.

“Yes this is the greatest nation on earth watching people from different a ages including kids volunteering to give water, juice, food, umbrellas, sun block. Also watching our old veterans coming to donate,” ElAwadi continued.

“And next to them Muslim women in hijab carrying food and water to donors standing in line.

“Yes together we will stand against hate, terrorism, extremism and racism.

“Yes our blood all look the same so get out there and donate blood cause our fellow American citizens are injured and need our blood.

“Yes our community in central Florida is heart broken but let’s put our colors, religions, ethnicity, sexual orientation, political views all aside so we can UNITE against those who are trying to hurt us.”

Monday, June 13, 2016

Chelsea Houska & Taylor Halbur: Adam Lind Exes Unite For Playdate!

Teen Mom 2’s Chelsea Houska spent a relaxing day with her daughter at the pool … and another ex-girlfriend and baby mama of Adam Lind!

The engaged reality star, who will marry Cole DeBoer later this year, shared a photo of her daughter, 6-year-old Aubree, and her half-sister.

Those who watch Teen Mom 2 online know that Adam Lind fathered another daughter, 2-year-old Paislee, with Taylor Halbur in 2014.

He’s pretty much been a deadbeat dad and derelict of society when it comes to both women and their little girls, so he’s … consistent?

No wonder Chelsea and Taylor, once rivals, have become so tight.

“Perfect day for the pool @tfhalbur89,” Houska captioned the pic.

Houska and Halbur used to be at odds due to Halbur’s relationship with Lind, but soon bonded over mutual custody struggles with him.

In March, Houska spoke out about those struggles during an interview in which she expressed doubt that she could ever truly trust her ex.

“It’s going to take so long, I don’t know. There are things that happen where you think it’s getting better and then he does it again,” she said.

“It’s always kind of up and down.”

As for those Adam Lind nude photos this year, Houska said, “I mean, it just shows where his head’s at and what his maturity level is.”

Lind recently hinted that he was not planning to return to Teen Mom 2, and if he goes through with that, we know one person who won’t mind.

Or two, if you count Taylor Halbur?

“I have no idea. If he chose to not be on the show I’m perfectly fine with it,” Houska, whose relationship with him is strained at best, said.

As for his relationship with Cole?

“They don’t talk or anything. If they’re at the same function for Aubree they’ll say hi but that’s about it,” she said of her current fiance.

Hey, that’s as good as it’ll get.

For a look back at some of Adam’s greatest (lowest) moments over the years, scroll through the gallery below and feel instantly better.

About your own life, that is.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Chelsea Houska and Taylor Halbur Unite Against Adam Lind. Again.

It warms the heart to see women coming together when wronged by the same.

Especially if that man knocked them both up!

Teen Mom 2"s Chelsea Houska and Taylor Halbur haven"t always gotten along; when Halbur dated Houska"s ex, Adam Lind, Houska was honest about her concern that daughter Aubree was around too many random women.

Lind and Halbur are no more, but they do have a daughter together, Paislee.

Houska and Halbur have obviously become friends, if social media is any indication.

According to Wet Paint, Halbur tweeted about a recent episode of Teen Mom 2 in which Lind erroneously referenced their custody agreement.

"50/50 custody? Yeah, if by 50/50 you mean 4 over nights a month," Halbur tweeted.

"Is "custody" a slang word for visitation? Might have the 2 terms confused."

Houska loved the tweet, responding with a two-hand emoji.

The two moms started getting their daughters together for playdates, and even hired the same lawyer to fight Lind on custody agreements.

Three days ago, Houska shared an Instagram video in which she and Halbur got in a good workout.

"Back at it again with the deadlifts," Houska wrote.

"@tfhalbur89 at 145 &me at 155…tryin to get those nice legs and buns🏋🏻 #summerbod #weddingbod."

It"s believed that Halbur may even attend Houska"s wedding to Cole DeBoer, which Houska has made clear will not air on MTV.

Baby mamas unite!

Chelsea houska and taylor halbur team up against adam lind