Showing posts with label Halbur. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halbur. Show all posts

Monday, June 26, 2017

Taylor Halbur: Adam Lind is the Actual Worst at Parenting!

Teen Mom 2 star Adam Lind has been accused of abusing meth, coke and steroids … but his drug use isn’t Taylor Halbur’s only complaint.

Nor is not paying child support, amazingly, despite his history of not doing that either. No, when it comes to parenting, he falls asleep on the job.


In court papers, Halbur – Lind’s second baby mama, following his romance with Teen Mom 2’s Chelsea Houska – accuses him of neglect.

Not his usual I’m-not-paying-you-money neglect … but physical neglect of their three-year-old daughter, Paislee, while he has custody.

Documents obtained from the Circuit Court of Minnehaha allege that Halbur found the little girl unattended at the home of this derelict.

“I approached the house and began knocking on the garage,” Halbur says. “There was no response, so I proceeded to the front door.”

“I did not get a response from the door either,” she said, and given that we’re talking about Adam Lind, she began to grow concerned.

“Ultimately, I just opened the door and went in.”

Halbur claims she found their daughter – this was six months ago – sitting on the couch. By herself. Unsupervised, unattended and unwatched.

“I finally saw Adam and he advised me he had just woken up from a nap … I understand he was sleeping in his bedroom away from Paislee.”

“I did not see any other adult around at the time.”

Lind, in her estimation (and likely many others’) is “unable to be a responsible adult and rise to a parent that can put Paislee’s interest first.”

Halbur believes the environment is “not conductive to a child” and that Paislee’s daycare provider can attest to that. How so?

After the little one spends the weekend with Chelsea Houska’s baby daddy, she is significantly more “mean” to the other kids, apparently. 

She also started biting herself on the arm at naptime.

“When I get Paislee after she has been with Adam, she is exhausted,” she claimed, making the point that Lind throws her off kilter.

“Generally she wakes up at 6:30a.m. when she is with us.”

“On Monday morning, she did not wake up until 8:30 a.m. and by 5:45 p.m. she was ready to go back to sleep.”

“This is common after a weekend with Adam.”

Halbur asked the court to change his custody of Paislee to supervised visitation, as in he can only see his daughter while being monitored.

In Lind’s response, he accuses her of entering his residence without invitation, in violation of the South Dakota Parenting Guidelines.

As for the whole nap incident?

I did take a nap that day and Paislee took a nap with me and fell asleep on my chest,” he wrote in his response, a very different claim.

“Taylor is not being truthful in her affidavit.”

He also scoffs at the notion of Paislee’s daycare meanness and disagreed that the environment he provides isn’t conductive to child care.

Lind claims that at daycare, any number of things could be going on that would explain that behavior, not just him sucking at parenting.

Paislee, he suggests, “could be acting out because she misses [Lind] and is not happy that she cannot be around [him] more.” 

“She could be seeking attention that she does not get when she is with others after she has been with me,” he added.

“She is not exposed to violence with me.”  

Not a likely story if you ask us, personally.

That being said, no modification in custody has been made as of press time, so Halbur may be reaching a bit as well with her claims.

Of course, that could change in a hurry.

If Lind boasts about being a hard ass druggie on social media, he may lose custody faster than you can say methamphetamine.


Monday, June 13, 2016

Chelsea Houska & Taylor Halbur: Adam Lind Exes Unite For Playdate!

Teen Mom 2’s Chelsea Houska spent a relaxing day with her daughter at the pool … and another ex-girlfriend and baby mama of Adam Lind!

The engaged reality star, who will marry Cole DeBoer later this year, shared a photo of her daughter, 6-year-old Aubree, and her half-sister.

Those who watch Teen Mom 2 online know that Adam Lind fathered another daughter, 2-year-old Paislee, with Taylor Halbur in 2014.

He’s pretty much been a deadbeat dad and derelict of society when it comes to both women and their little girls, so he’s … consistent?

No wonder Chelsea and Taylor, once rivals, have become so tight.

“Perfect day for the pool @tfhalbur89,” Houska captioned the pic.

Houska and Halbur used to be at odds due to Halbur’s relationship with Lind, but soon bonded over mutual custody struggles with him.

In March, Houska spoke out about those struggles during an interview in which she expressed doubt that she could ever truly trust her ex.

“It’s going to take so long, I don’t know. There are things that happen where you think it’s getting better and then he does it again,” she said.

“It’s always kind of up and down.”

As for those Adam Lind nude photos this year, Houska said, “I mean, it just shows where his head’s at and what his maturity level is.”

Lind recently hinted that he was not planning to return to Teen Mom 2, and if he goes through with that, we know one person who won’t mind.

Or two, if you count Taylor Halbur?

“I have no idea. If he chose to not be on the show I’m perfectly fine with it,” Houska, whose relationship with him is strained at best, said.

As for his relationship with Cole?

“They don’t talk or anything. If they’re at the same function for Aubree they’ll say hi but that’s about it,” she said of her current fiance.

Hey, that’s as good as it’ll get.

For a look back at some of Adam’s greatest (lowest) moments over the years, scroll through the gallery below and feel instantly better.

About your own life, that is.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Chelsea Houska and Taylor Halbur Unite Against Adam Lind. Again.

It warms the heart to see women coming together when wronged by the same.

Especially if that man knocked them both up!

Teen Mom 2"s Chelsea Houska and Taylor Halbur haven"t always gotten along; when Halbur dated Houska"s ex, Adam Lind, Houska was honest about her concern that daughter Aubree was around too many random women.

Lind and Halbur are no more, but they do have a daughter together, Paislee.

Houska and Halbur have obviously become friends, if social media is any indication.

According to Wet Paint, Halbur tweeted about a recent episode of Teen Mom 2 in which Lind erroneously referenced their custody agreement.

"50/50 custody? Yeah, if by 50/50 you mean 4 over nights a month," Halbur tweeted.

"Is "custody" a slang word for visitation? Might have the 2 terms confused."

Houska loved the tweet, responding with a two-hand emoji.

The two moms started getting their daughters together for playdates, and even hired the same lawyer to fight Lind on custody agreements.

Three days ago, Houska shared an Instagram video in which she and Halbur got in a good workout.

"Back at it again with the deadlifts," Houska wrote.

"@tfhalbur89 at 145 &me at 155…tryin to get those nice legs and buns🏋🏻 #summerbod #weddingbod."

It"s believed that Halbur may even attend Houska"s wedding to Cole DeBoer, which Houska has made clear will not air on MTV.

Baby mamas unite!

Chelsea houska and taylor halbur team up against adam lind