Showing posts with label Exes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exes. Show all posts

Friday, July 27, 2018

Javi Marroquin vs. Briana DeJesus: INTENSE Fight Between Exes Revealed!

It"s been seven months since Javi Marroquin and Briana DeJesus broke up, and a whole lot has changed since then.

For one thing, Javi is engaged to Lauren Comeau, and the couple is expecting a child together.

We think it"s safe to say he"s pretty much moved on from Briana, and we"re sure she"s done the same.

(She never seemed all that into him from the start, tbh.)

But this is the world of Teen Mom 2, where drama never dies.

And new details about Javi and Briana"s most famous fight have revealed that the whole thing was much more intense than we thought:

1. The Happy Couple

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus

Javi and Briana weren’t together for very long. And they definitely weren’t able to maintain the facade of a happy relationship for very long.

2. A Surgical Breakup

Briana and dr miami

Javi and Briana’s relationship began to deteriorate after only a few weeks, but it didn’t come to an end until she headed for Miami for another round of plastic surgery.

3. Javi Drama

Javi cant even deal

Javi objected to the idea of the procedure, but Briana decided to go ahead with it anyway.

4. Forgot About Dre

Briana is psyched

Javi hit the roof when he learned that Briana’s ex, Dre, would be taking care of her after her surgery.

5. Miami Fights

Javi marroquin watching briana dejesus

The stuff hit the fan in South Beach, when Javi unexpectedly showed up to help nurse Briana back to health.

6. Aftermath

Briana dejesus a selfie

Bri was very happy with the results of her cosmetic procedure. But she was less pleased about what transpired with Javi…

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Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Drake Cheering On Serena Williams At Wimbledon, Exes Can Be Friends!!

Drake is teaching the world a valuable lesson from a courtside seat at Serena Williams’ Wimbledon match Tuesday … exes don’t have to hate each other!! The “In My Feelings” rapper was all about cheering on his former flame during her tilt…


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Ariana Grande & Pete Davidson Totally Cheated on Their Exes With Each Other

If you’ve been anywhere near social media or a millennial in the past two weeks, then you’ve probably caught wind of the fact that Ariana Grande is engaged to Pete Davidson.

Fans have been obsessing over the news, and not only because one of the most famous musical artists in the universe is planning to marry a guy who was previously known to the public only as “that gangly guy from SNL.”

You see, Ariana and Pete’s relationship has been the subject of a great deal of suspicion, largely because these two are moving insanely fast.

Like, “relationship tattoos on the second date” fast.

Now, famous people do wildly impulsive things all the time.

It’s a natural result of rarely having to face any real consequences for their actions.

But Ariana is generally thought to be savvier than most young celebs, and Pete probably still works the Chuckle Hut in Staten Island every Tuesday.

In other words, they don’t seem like the types who would rush into an engagement after less than a month of dating.

(Especially since Ariana’s ring reportedly cost $ 93,000, which means Pete must now work for free as Lorne Michaels’ indentured servant until such time as his debt is repaid.)

So perhaps Pete and Ariana aren’t really rushing into things at all.

Perhaps they’ve been dating for much longer than anyone realizes and they only recently became free to gush about their relationship publicly.

You see, Ariana just broke up with Mac Miller in May, after more than two years of dating.

Around the same time, Pete abruptly ended his longterm relationship with Cazzie David.

As Refinery29 points out, it’s a situation that has fans donning their detective caps in hopes of sorting this timeline out:

Ariana Grande-Pete Davidson Timeline

As you can see, Twitter user Nicole Boyce has been putting in work, and her calendar confirms that Pete and Ari’s romance began under some seriously sketchy circumstances.

It looks as though Ariana dumped Mac, began spending a whole lot of time with Pete, and one week later — to the day, ladies and gentlemen! — Davidson broke up with Cazzie.

Does this mean Grande kicked Miller to the curb so she could devote herself full time to wooing Pete?

Or have these two been low-key hooking up ever since Ariana hosted SNL back in 2016, and Ari was just the first to sack up and kick her significant other to the curb?

Sadly, we probably won’t find out until one of them tells all in an angry post-breakup interview.

We’re not trying to be haters, but c’mon … relationship tattoos are a kiss of death 120 percent of the time.


Friday, May 11, 2018

Meghan Markle"s Exes: A Complete Rundown of the Future Royal"s Romantic Past

Well, the big day is almost upon us.

In just over a week, Prince Harry will marry Meghan Markle before the eyes of the world.

In many ways, it"ll be just like every other royal wedding – loaded with pageantry, tradition, and probably a few dozen powdered wigs.

But we don"t need to tell you Meg is not the typical royal bride.

She"s American; she"s a former actress; and – perhaps most controversially – she"s been divorced.

In fact, unlike some of her more prim and proper predecessors, Meg has a rather extensive romantic history …

1. Young Meg

Meghan markle modeling

Before hitting it big on Suits, Meg was just another young woman taking whatever work she could find in Hollywood. Like most up-and-coming model/actresses, she often found herself in some unusual positions.

2. What’s the Deal?

Deal us in

For a time, Meg was one of the “Briefcase Girls” on the popular game show Deal Or No Deal. But it wasn’t long before she rose through the ranks to become a legitimate actress.

3. Suit Up

Meghan markle on suits

Before her relationship with Harry, Meghan was most familiar to Americans as one of the stars of the USA Network drama Suits.

4. Go-Getter

Meghan markle face

Yes, she certainly didn’t waste any time in carving out a career for herself. And it seems Meghan applied that same level of ambition to her love life.

5. Rule-Follower

Meghan markle in happy shock

Sources say Meg was a strict adherent of the controversal women’s dating guide entitled The Rules.

6. Meghan’s Men

Meghan markle in red

“Meghan used to quote The Rules all the time and really put it into practice with a number of her boyfriends,” says one insider. And those boyfriends were a motley crew, indeed …

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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Blake Shelton vs Miranda Lambert: Are These Exes About to Go to War?!

Blake Shelton has a lot going for him right now. He’s in a beautiful relationship with Gwen Stefani, whom he hopes to impregnate. Also he was somehow crowned People‘s “Sexiest Man Alive,” because it’s 2017 and reality doesn’t matter.

But he reportedly has one major point of conflict in his life, and it’s a very familiar face.

Just how bad is the feud between Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert?

Even though Blake Shelton recently said in a radio interview that he doesn’t “think we’re close to calling a wedding planner,” things are still going strong between the Country music star and pop icon Gwen Stefani.

But things are allegedly not going so well for Blake’s relationship with his ex.

According to Life & Style, a “new war” between Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton has “erupted, and it includes revenge songs, public digs and trash-talking to pals.”

This sounds interesting!

Their source claims that, even though they’ve both moved on romantically, neither has been able to entirely move past the wrongs done to them at the end of their relationship.

“There is still a lot of bad blood and unresolved anger between Blake and Miranda. No one thinks they will ever bury the hatchet and put their issues behind them.”

Life & Style‘s insider tells them that:

“A whole new era of warfare is starting for Miranda and Blake.”

That sure sounds dramatic, right?

Reportedly, a recent source of conflict between the two was, of all things, fallout over Garth Brooks lipsynching.

Miranda Lambert was critical of it. (Honestly, lipsynching is fine, but everybody’s entitled to their opinion)

“Blake was deeply hurt by the end of his marriage, and his anger resurfaced when he felt his ex was disrespectful.”

Specifically, disrespectful to Garth Brooks.

Life & Style goes on to describe how many of the descriptions that Blake Shelton has used to praise his relationship with Gwen Stefani 

“The exes’ mutual pals see those comments as a slam on Miranda.”

And, allegedly, Blake Shelton’s words get worse behind closed doors.

“He makes other slights in private.”

Well that sure doesn’t sound classy.

You’d think that Miranda Lambert would plan to retaliate with some well-placed barbs of her own, right?

Life & Style says that their sources indicate that Miranda has a line that she won’t cross.

“Revenge songs are where the war with Blake ends.”

In other words, they’re claiming that she has no plans to trash her ex on social media or in interviews.

She’ll just sing about it, which is really what we’re accustomed to from recording artists.

But … none of this comes directly from the stars. And all of these insiders are anonymous. Sometimes tabloids can be led in the wrong direction by somebody who really can’t read a room.

So how much of this is true?

According to Gossip Cop‘s sources close to Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert, the two really aren’t that focused on each other.

And certainly aren’t planning to go to war.

We don’t know who’s right — sometimes, different friends and sources just see different sides of the same person, you know?

But we would prefer to think that, perhaps a few song lyrics aside, they’re happy enough with their lives now and their new partners that they don’t feel compelled to bash the other.


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Slammed By ALL of Her Exes on MTV Special!

Jenelle Evans has been having a hard time lately.

Sure, Jenelle is always having a hard time, but the past few months have been particularly rough for the woman aptly dubbed “the Carolina Hurricane.”

Just last week, Jenelle endured the Teen Mom 2 reunion show from hell that saw her butting heads with her mother, her second baby daddy, and the second baby daddy’s new girlfriend.

This is the same reunion show where Jenelle’s new husband, David Eason, got drunk and stabbed a bunch of balloons for reasons that remain clear only to him.

Normally, that would be the low-light of any social occasion, but in this case, that honor belongs to the brawl between Eason and Nathan Griffith that took place backstage at the taping.

For most people, this would all amount to a hard rock bottom.

But for Jenelle, things are about to get worse.

With all of her violent, drug-fueled shenanigans, you might be inclined to think that Jenelle doesn’t really care what people think of her.

But those who know the Hurricane best say that she’s consumed with a Trump-ian need to make the public like her.

Unfortunately, Jenelle’s quest for popularity is about to endure yet another setback in the form of an MTV special that will feature interviews with all of Jenelle’s exes.

That may not sound so bad, but it’s important to remember that Jenelle has three baby daddies; she’s been engaged five times; and all of those relationships ended badly.

In fact, Jenelle’s been arrested for assaulting boyfriends, fiances, and husbands more times than you can count on one hand.

“All of her exes are on the show,” one insider tells Radar Online. “From what I hear, no one had anything pretty to say about her.”

“Nathan wasn’t that mean, but he wasn’t very positive either,” says the insider.

“Nathan was the least negative of everyone they filmed.”

Jenelle’s first husband, Courtland Rogers, was released from prison back in March, and he recently confirmed that he participated in Mrs. Evans-Eason’s televised nightmare.

“It’s going to be extremely weird watching myself on MTV in the next few months 5 years later,” he tweeted this week.

Surprisingly, even Andrew Lewis–the father of Jenelle’s eldest son Jace–will appear on the show.

Fans have expressed shock at that development, as Lewis has made only infrequent TV appearances over the years, usually via webcam.

The folks at Radar say they were unable to reach Kieffer Delp and Gary Head for comment, but it’s believed both men will appear on the show.

We’re sure Jenelle is just thrilled.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Ms. Evans’ notoriously tumultuous love life.


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

27 Savage Texts from Exes (#14 is Especially Brutal)

Don"t do it, people.

Put that phone down and trust us: Do NOT send that text message to your former significant other.

Why not, you may somehow be wondering?

Consider the following exchanges as evidence for why this is always (repeat: always!) a bad idea… 

1. Bitch? Please.

Bitch please

Nice try, loser.

2. Feel Free to Call Again

Feel free to call again

Just don’t expect a response.

3. See, That’s Why I Dumped You

See thats why i dumped you

Do you get it now?

4. Take Your Poetic Nonsense…

Take your poetic nonsense

…. and shove it.

5. But You’d Strangle Hitler and Bin Laden?

But youd strangle hitler and bin laden


6. Too Little. Too Late.

Too little too late

Too awesome of a response.

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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Jennifer Lopez"s Exes Descend on Hollywood with A-Rod in Town Too

You’d think there was a Jennifer Lopez convention going on — Marc Anthony, Casper Smart and Alex Rodriguez were all chilling in Hollywood and WeHo Wednesday night. J Lo’s exes — Marc and Casper — were actually at the same restaurant,…


Monday, August 21, 2017

"Bachelorette" Rachel Lindsay Celebrates Engagement Party with Her Fiance and Exes

Rachel Lindsay musta been one helluva ‘Bachelorette’ – ‘cause she can be with her fiance and her exes from the show in one room … sans any awkwardness. Rachel and her hubby-to-be, Bryan Abasolo, celebrated their engagement in Miami Beach…


Monday, June 12, 2017

Katy Perry Ranks Her Exes at Sex: See Who"s Best and Worst!

Katy Perry, for whatever reason, agreed to rate three former lovers by their sexual skills.

The lovers? Orlando Bloom, John Mayer, and Diplo.

Her answer is … not the most flattering.

Katy Perry’s brand has taken a few weird turns, you know?

Her “I’m sexy, look at my boobs, and no, I’m not Zooey Deschanel or Alison Brie, come on guys!” thing was never going to last forever.

Also, her “I’m the fun girl who parties with the gays” doesn’t distinguish her from … any other celebrity or even most other women her age.

And it turns out that “I’m feuding with Taylor Swift” isn’t an identity unto itself, let alone exclusive to her.

Lately she seems to be trying to zero in on LGBT culture and the community, possibly with the hopes of becoming a community fixture.

This is getting something of mixed reception.

But, maybe more notably, she’s shedding a lot of the “bubbly girl” persona that she wore for years and is being much more frank about things like sex and sexuality.

So, now she’s been asked, straight-up, to rate her past lovers.

James Corden is the one who asked, and he does have this unrelenting charm about him, so we understand her giving in and answering.

This was, by the way, on her big ridiculous livestream, where you can watch her sleep, if you’re into that (also please don’t be into that).

But realistically, we suspect that the question and answer were designed to call attention to Katy’s livestream. It’s working.

The three exes whom Katy rated were: Orlando Bloom, John Mayer, and Diplo. And Katy rated all three of them …

The Worst: Diplo

The In Between: Orlando Bloom

The Best: John Mayer

Now, we have to be fair, because she did quickly clarify that they were all three fantastic lovers and that she would happily have sex with them all again.

We don’t think that she was airing her plans, we think that she was just, you know, being nice and possibly being honest.

Diplo sounds less like the name of a DJ and more like the name of a pharmaceutical — what would that treat? Migraines?

But his actual name is Thomas Wesley Pentz, and in this day and age, you’d rather be mistaken for a drug than have someone think that you share a last name with Mike Pence.

But Diplo’s actually been around for years, and has even dabbled in feuding with Taylor Swift, the very thought of which is so exhausting that it makes us want to take a nap. But it gives him something in common with Katy, sort of.

Orlando Bloom is more widely known, and was part of the sexual awakening of plenty of folks who were teens when The Fellowship of the Ring and the first Pirates of the Caribbean came out.

Now it’s, like, 16 years later, and he still looks good — even when naked.

He and Katy also had an amicable breakup, like actual adults, which is pretty refreshing in the world of relentless Hollywood drama.

John Mayer has a reputation for giving off a pretty skeezy vibe, though he’s tried to make up for that in recent years.

Honestly, since Katy Perry made it clear that they aren’t going to date again, we hope that her praise doesn’t confuse him.

He strikes us as the kind of guy who’d hear “I’d have sex with him again” and think that it means that she wants him back.

In general, playing truth-or-dare on a livestream when you’re both celebrities isn’t the best idea, even if you both kind of have a feel for the other’s boundaries.

Ranking lovers is pretty vanilla when it comes to truth-sharing, but it is not when you are a celebrity and all three of them are celebrities (Diplo shouldn’t count but let’s just let him have this).

They have fans who adore them and, like literally all humans, they don’t want anyone thinking that they’re bad at sex.

Of course, it’s possible that Katy’s answer was very calculated.

If you think about it, Diplo’s the lowest on the “food chain” of those three, so of course you’d rank him last.

Orlando Bloom may not be his hottest self anymore, but he’s still widely recognized as being astonishingly good-looking. Plus, you know, those nude photos were wildly flattering.

So, of the two, Bloom might have the least need for additional praise.

Though … there’s always the chance that John Mayer is actually just really good at sex. Sometimes even the skeeziest guys are.

Sometimes they have that one thing going for them.

Someone could ask Taylor Swift if she agrees with Katy about their mutual ex … but honestly, who would dare?

We spent the last couple of years feeling a little fatigued about Katy Perry, but we have to admit that we’re interested to see what she gets up to next.

But if she wants to share anymore celebrity bedroom secrets, we’re up for hearing those, too.


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Exes The Weeknd & Bella Hadid Hit MSG at Same Time (VIDEO)

It’s the awkward moment ya just knew was going to happen – The Weeknd and Bella Hadid in the same room again. The former couple hit up Madison Square Garden and both were onstage for Yams Day to honor the late music exec and rapper A$ AP…


Monday, November 14, 2016

Taylor Swift to Blast Exes on Hip Hop Album?!

There’s nothing about Taylor Swift that brings to mind the world of hip hop.

Even when she’s proclaiming her own beats “sick” in a pseudo-rap-like cadence, she’s still about as hip hop as a Canadian soap opera star.

Which may explain why, when she decided to produce an album of “edgier hip-hop and R&B sounds,” she recruited none other than Mr. Aubrey Drake Graham to assist.

Taylor and Drake have been spending a lot of time together, which initially led to reports that they were dating.

There were even rumors of Taylor being pregnant with Drake’s baby which is a notion as ridiculous as a reality show host becoming president.

Now, however, it’s being reported that Drake is helping lay down the cold barz that will be rattling the speakers of sensible minivans and Kia Sorrentos all over the country this summer.

Granted the report that Taylor is about to morph into Tay-Swizzle comes from UK tabloid The Sun, so it should be taken with all the grains of salt, but given how many scores she has to settle these days, we could imagine her taking a page from Biggie’s playbook and rolling a fat-ass blunt with it.

“Taylor is always looking at ways to grow as an artist and really wants to try something different and unexpected for the next album,” says one insider.

“She’s not afraid of experimenting so is working with a lot of different faces to see if she suits a new sound.”

The source adds:

“The remix of her song ‘Bad Blood’ had a less pop vibe — especially once Kendrick Lamar featured on it — and was a big hit, so she thinks her fans will like her going in this direction.”

Yes, if what The Sun says is true (a big if) Taylor had Kendrick Lamar on a track, so she now believes she can rap.

We’re not saying with absolute certainty that she’s wrong, but we’ve only heard her rap one verse so far, and she not only rhymed “man” with “friend,” she also included the phrase “hella good hair.”

So yeah, not the most promising start.

As for the content of Taylor’s verses, naturally the press has her recording a scathing breakup song about Tom Hiddleston.

And a few tracks about Calvin Harris.

And then probably a couple about Eddie Redmayne and Tom Hardy, since she’ll probably date them next.

Yeah, we know they’re married, and we don’t care, dammit!

Swift Money can’t be stopped, fam.


Serena Williams -- Back With Common? Exes Kicked It in Compton (PHOTOS)

Serena Williams and Common raised eyebrows by spending a lil time together at a small private event Friday night … sparking speculation they might be dating again. An eyewitness tells us Serena and the rapper/actor were in a back room chatting…


Monday, June 13, 2016

Chelsea Houska & Taylor Halbur: Adam Lind Exes Unite For Playdate!

Teen Mom 2’s Chelsea Houska spent a relaxing day with her daughter at the pool … and another ex-girlfriend and baby mama of Adam Lind!

The engaged reality star, who will marry Cole DeBoer later this year, shared a photo of her daughter, 6-year-old Aubree, and her half-sister.

Those who watch Teen Mom 2 online know that Adam Lind fathered another daughter, 2-year-old Paislee, with Taylor Halbur in 2014.

He’s pretty much been a deadbeat dad and derelict of society when it comes to both women and their little girls, so he’s … consistent?

No wonder Chelsea and Taylor, once rivals, have become so tight.

“Perfect day for the pool @tfhalbur89,” Houska captioned the pic.

Houska and Halbur used to be at odds due to Halbur’s relationship with Lind, but soon bonded over mutual custody struggles with him.

In March, Houska spoke out about those struggles during an interview in which she expressed doubt that she could ever truly trust her ex.

“It’s going to take so long, I don’t know. There are things that happen where you think it’s getting better and then he does it again,” she said.

“It’s always kind of up and down.”

As for those Adam Lind nude photos this year, Houska said, “I mean, it just shows where his head’s at and what his maturity level is.”

Lind recently hinted that he was not planning to return to Teen Mom 2, and if he goes through with that, we know one person who won’t mind.

Or two, if you count Taylor Halbur?

“I have no idea. If he chose to not be on the show I’m perfectly fine with it,” Houska, whose relationship with him is strained at best, said.

As for his relationship with Cole?

“They don’t talk or anything. If they’re at the same function for Aubree they’ll say hi but that’s about it,” she said of her current fiance.

Hey, that’s as good as it’ll get.

For a look back at some of Adam’s greatest (lowest) moments over the years, scroll through the gallery below and feel instantly better.

About your own life, that is.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Teen Mom 2 Season 7 Episode 11 Recap: Pages Turnt, Exes Burnt

On Teen Mom 2 Season 7 Episode 11, Jenelle Evans’ medical problems resulted in conflict (big shocker) with outspoken mother Barbara.

When Teen Mom 2 Season 7 Episode 11 got underway, the Carolina Hurricane’s “numb fingers” and “uncontrollable body jerks” returned.

Her past heroin addiction certainly could be a factor.

“It’s just scary to even go to sleep anymore,” Evans, in the ER, told her boyfriend, David Eason. “I just feel like I’m slowly dying.”

Tests concluded that Jenelle’s nervous and muscular systems are A-OK, but she was still quite worried, as she told her mom Barbara.

“I’m having night terrors where I’m crying in my sleep,” she said. “I have bad dreams … like, last night I had a dream that David died.”

That’s not weird at all. Moreover, “one night, I had a dream that Kaiser had brain surgery, and he had staples all throughout his skull.”

Babs’ response is that perhaps she shouldn’t watch The Walking Dead online at all hours. But what did her actual doctors recommend?

Anxiety medication. But Jenelle knows it runs deeper.

“I was addicted in the past, to not really painkillers, but actually the purest form: heroin,” Evans poured her heart out to David.

“I’m never gonna be addicted to any drug ever again, and I will make sure of it. And I don’t smoke anymore, and I’m trying to get Jace back.”

“I’m not going back to that.”

She’d better be strong. Jenelle and Barbara got into another epic fight THIS WEEK about the latter’s lack of support for her problems.

Meanwhile, Nathan Griffith and his new girlfriend are causing plenty of tension for Jenelle as well, and he’s filing for custody of Kaiser.

Buckle your seat belts.

You don’t need to watch Teen Mom 2 online to know that Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin are not in a good place, and haven’t been.

By now, we know about the Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin divorce, but on MTV what we’re seeing is the behind-the-scenes prelude.

She told her friends:

“It’s rough, it’s hard. [Deployment is] a lot harder on him than I thought it would be. He doesn’t feel supported … we lose things to talk about.”

“His day-to-day is the same, we have been fighting,” Lowry admitted. “Right now I feel like is the time for me to focus on myself.”

Kailyn even opened up to Jo Rivera, her original baby daddy and longtime Javi nemesis, about what’s going on with the couple.

“Javi and I have been dealing with some stuff while he’s been deployed, and it’s been way harder than I ever anticipated,” Kailyn said. 

“It kinda makes me nervous for a lot of things.”

For good reason. Miranda Simms and Leah Messer, speaking of weird love and parenting triangles, can relate to that aspect a bit.

“I do care for them and try to give them the best life when they are here,” Miranda said in response to last week’s Backpack Gate.

“But it really bothers me you are claiming you have some sort of sneaky video of me because I have absolutely nothing to hide.”

Leah waited a day to respond.

“A year ago before treatment, when Miranda texted me, I would have responded immediately,” she said, trying to keep it civil.

“I would have gotten bitchy right back, I would have gotten defensive right back … It’s just gonna make it 10 times worse …”

“She is playing a mother role to my children,” Leah acknowledged, “so I think we should have some kinda friendship.”

Even Corey was impressed by Leah and Miranda’s efforts, and the three made plans to attend co-parenting counseling.

“Miranda and I, ever since you’ve gotten back [from rehab], we’ve seen a big change,” Corey told his former spouse.

“That’s why it was the way it was … You took everything as an attack towards you, and that’s not really how it was.”

All in all, it’s impressive to see how they handled things. Here’s hoping cooler heads prevail and they can all move forward together.

As for the man who needs no introduction, Adam Lind?

As we know, Adam ditched Aubree’s father-daughter dance and this week, Chelsea Houska told Adam’s parents what a flake he is.

“His parents were like, ‘Yeah, we didn’t know anything about that,"” Chelsea said. “We’re just so glad he has [fiance] Cole in her life.”

“I got in the car, and I cried to Cole. I felt like they gave me approval. They’re glad that Aubree has Cole in her life.”

As if that weren’t sad enough, Aubree actually asked Adam, while hanging out with him at a weight competition, why he ditched her.

“Because I had to do this,” he said, pointing to the half-empty gym which is clearly more important than his own daughter.

Thank goodness for Cole, indeed.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton: Are They Using Each Other to Make Exes Jealous?

The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.  And it looks like Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton are putting that theory to the test.

In the process though, are they really just trying to p*ss off their respective exes?

Speculation had risen after pictures of The Voice coaches on a Halloween date surfaced.  Mum was the word for a short period of time.  But on November 4, just hours before the CMA Awards, Gwen and Blake confirmed they are dating.

On the surface, it appears that the musicians are happy together.  An audience member caught Gwen and Blake sharing a moment of PDA during filming for The Voice.

Gwen’s rep even stated, “The relationship is very new, but it’s a lot of fun.”

However, according to Us Weekly, behind the scenes, there might be a motive to their unlikely relationship.

Gwen Stefani, 46, divorced Gavin Rossdale, 50, in February after she discovered he was having a long term affair with Mindy Mann, their sons’ nanny.

And what better way to get back at him than to show off a new relationship?

A source close to Stefani claimed, “After everything Gavin has done, she hopes he sees what he’s missing.”

“She’s moved on with somebody better who is really good to her. Her being happy is the best revenge. And she deserves it.”

Maybe Stefani is happy with Blake.  But most likely she isn’t beyond rubbing it in Gavin’s face.

Too add to the mix, not only does Stefani want to p*ss Gavin off by flaunting her new romance all over The Voice, Blake also wants to make a statement to his ex-wife Miranda.

Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert divorced after only four years of marriage.  The surprise announcement shocked fans. And most were even more surprised to see how quickly Blake, 39, moved on.

According to a source though, Gwen is a rebound, not the real deal. “Blake kinds of wants to get back at Miranda,” dished a Voice insider.

We aren’t sure if he really wants to rekindle things with Miranda.  But we do think he would, at minimum, use Gwen to keep himself relevant.

So are Gwen and Blake dating because they dig each other?  Or are they using each other to get back at their exes?

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Helena Bonham Carter Reveals Her Relationship With Ex Tim Burton Is Still "Precious"! Have They Perfected Being Friendly Exes??

Here’s another example of “conscious uncoupling” at its finest!

For the November issue of Red Magazine, Helena Bonham Carter got candid about her relationship with her ex, Tim Burton — who also happens to be the father of her two children, Billy and Nell.

In case you forgot, the longtime loves ended their 13-year relationship back in December 2014 and have seemed to remain friends despite the split! Color us impressed!

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She shared:

“I could write a thesis on what’s happened and it is all-absorbing when a relationship breaks down, but I think we’re coming through it. I think we’ll have something very precious still.”

Tissues, anyone?!

At the time, HBC’s rep noted that the Suffragette star and the famous director:

“…separated amicably earlier in 2014 and have continued to be friends and co-parent their children.”

We had our doubts about their “friendship” since most breakups are difficult to navigate — but the entertainment powerhouses seem to have mastered the whole “friendly exes” situation.

She continued:

“Our relationship was always somewhat special, and I think it’ll always remain special. We did find each other. And really, the mark of a successful relationship shouldn’t be whether you’re there forever after. Sometimes you’re not meant to be forever together.”


Nonetheless, we understand where the Harry Potter alum is coming from, we just wish these two crazy kids would find a way to somehow work it out. Blerg.

We can dream, right?!

[Image via Adriana M. Barraza/WENN.]