Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Slammed By ALL of Her Exes on MTV Special!

Jenelle Evans has been having a hard time lately.

Sure, Jenelle is always having a hard time, but the past few months have been particularly rough for the woman aptly dubbed “the Carolina Hurricane.”

Just last week, Jenelle endured the Teen Mom 2 reunion show from hell that saw her butting heads with her mother, her second baby daddy, and the second baby daddy’s new girlfriend.

This is the same reunion show where Jenelle’s new husband, David Eason, got drunk and stabbed a bunch of balloons for reasons that remain clear only to him.

Normally, that would be the low-light of any social occasion, but in this case, that honor belongs to the brawl between Eason and Nathan Griffith that took place backstage at the taping.

For most people, this would all amount to a hard rock bottom.

But for Jenelle, things are about to get worse.

With all of her violent, drug-fueled shenanigans, you might be inclined to think that Jenelle doesn’t really care what people think of her.

But those who know the Hurricane best say that she’s consumed with a Trump-ian need to make the public like her.

Unfortunately, Jenelle’s quest for popularity is about to endure yet another setback in the form of an MTV special that will feature interviews with all of Jenelle’s exes.

That may not sound so bad, but it’s important to remember that Jenelle has three baby daddies; she’s been engaged five times; and all of those relationships ended badly.

In fact, Jenelle’s been arrested for assaulting boyfriends, fiances, and husbands more times than you can count on one hand.

“All of her exes are on the show,” one insider tells Radar Online. “From what I hear, no one had anything pretty to say about her.”

“Nathan wasn’t that mean, but he wasn’t very positive either,” says the insider.

“Nathan was the least negative of everyone they filmed.”

Jenelle’s first husband, Courtland Rogers, was released from prison back in March, and he recently confirmed that he participated in Mrs. Evans-Eason’s televised nightmare.

“It’s going to be extremely weird watching myself on MTV in the next few months 5 years later,” he tweeted this week.

Surprisingly, even Andrew Lewis–the father of Jenelle’s eldest son Jace–will appear on the show.

Fans have expressed shock at that development, as Lewis has made only infrequent TV appearances over the years, usually via webcam.

The folks at Radar say they were unable to reach Kieffer Delp and Gary Head for comment, but it’s believed both men will appear on the show.

We’re sure Jenelle is just thrilled.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive Ms. Evans’ notoriously tumultuous love life.
