Wednesday, October 18, 2017

27 Savage Texts from Exes (#14 is Especially Brutal)

Don"t do it, people.

Put that phone down and trust us: Do NOT send that text message to your former significant other.

Why not, you may somehow be wondering?

Consider the following exchanges as evidence for why this is always (repeat: always!) a bad idea… 

1. Bitch? Please.

Bitch please

Nice try, loser.

2. Feel Free to Call Again

Feel free to call again

Just don’t expect a response.

3. See, That’s Why I Dumped You

See thats why i dumped you

Do you get it now?

4. Take Your Poetic Nonsense…

Take your poetic nonsense

…. and shove it.

5. But You’d Strangle Hitler and Bin Laden?

But youd strangle hitler and bin laden


6. Too Little. Too Late.

Too little too late

Too awesome of a response.

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