Friday, July 27, 2018

Javi Marroquin vs. Briana DeJesus: INTENSE Fight Between Exes Revealed!

It"s been seven months since Javi Marroquin and Briana DeJesus broke up, and a whole lot has changed since then.

For one thing, Javi is engaged to Lauren Comeau, and the couple is expecting a child together.

We think it"s safe to say he"s pretty much moved on from Briana, and we"re sure she"s done the same.

(She never seemed all that into him from the start, tbh.)

But this is the world of Teen Mom 2, where drama never dies.

And new details about Javi and Briana"s most famous fight have revealed that the whole thing was much more intense than we thought:

1. The Happy Couple

Javi marroquin and briana dejesus

Javi and Briana weren’t together for very long. And they definitely weren’t able to maintain the facade of a happy relationship for very long.

2. A Surgical Breakup

Briana and dr miami

Javi and Briana’s relationship began to deteriorate after only a few weeks, but it didn’t come to an end until she headed for Miami for another round of plastic surgery.

3. Javi Drama

Javi cant even deal

Javi objected to the idea of the procedure, but Briana decided to go ahead with it anyway.

4. Forgot About Dre

Briana is psyched

Javi hit the roof when he learned that Briana’s ex, Dre, would be taking care of her after her surgery.

5. Miami Fights

Javi marroquin watching briana dejesus

The stuff hit the fan in South Beach, when Javi unexpectedly showed up to help nurse Briana back to health.

6. Aftermath

Briana dejesus a selfie

Bri was very happy with the results of her cosmetic procedure. But she was less pleased about what transpired with Javi…

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