Showing posts with label Survivors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Survivors. Show all posts

Friday, January 25, 2019

Jim Kelly and James Conner Cancer Survivors Unite at Pro Bowl ... "Never Give Up!"

Breaking News

Cool moment at the Pro Bowl — two NFL stars who battled cancer and WON bonded in Orlando this week … which makes this pic of Jim Kelly and James Conner inspiring as hell. 
Obviously, Conner made the Pro Bowl after balling out with the Pittsburgh Steelers this year ...
Jim Kelly and James Conner Cancer Survivors Unite at Pro Bowl ... "Never Give Up!"

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Larry Nassar Survivors Join Hands on Stage at 2018 ESPYs for Courage Award

A very powerful moment just went down at the 2018 ESPY Awards, as well over 100 sister survivors of sexual abuse by Larry Nassar joined hands on stage to receive the Arthur Ashe Courage Award. Incredibly powerful moment as Larry Nassar…


Larry Nassar Survivors Join Hands on Stage at 2018 ESPYs for Courage Award

A very powerful moment just went down at the 2018 ESPY Awards, as well over 100 sister survivors of sexual abuse by Larry Nassar joined hands on stage to receive the Arthur Ashe Courage Award. Incredibly powerful moment as Larry Nassar…


Thursday, March 8, 2018

Florida Shooting Survivor"s Family Goes To FBI Over Online Threats

The family of outspoken Florida shooting survivor, David Hogg, is turning to the FBI after receiving several death threats online, including a particularly disturbing one from an NRA supporter. The 17-year-old Hogg has been one of Parkland’s…


Monday, March 5, 2018

Florida Shooting Student Survivors Getting Approached for Documentary Deals

The Florida shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School could become a documentary soon, ‘cause some students are getting approached by Hollywood producers … TMZ has learned. Sources tell us at least a couple student survivors have been…


Sunday, March 4, 2018

Derick Dillard Continues Attacking Parkland Shooting Survivors, Also Slams Jazz Jennings

Derick Dillard must be going for some kind of world record lately.

If there’s a world record for “most poorly timed, poorly worded, horrifically offensive tweets,” that is.

And hey, if there’s not, maybe Guinness can make a special new category, just for him.

Because seriously, the things he’s been thinking up in his little head and then typing up on Twitter are that bad.

He’s been doing this for a long, long time now: he’ll hop on Twitter, say something super ignorant and/or offensive, act like he said it from a place of love, then tweet some bible verses to get some easy likes.

It’s never really worked out all that well for him — TLC did fire him from Counting On for his tweets about Jazz Jennings (more on that in a bit).

He also made himself extremely unlikable, to the point that even some actual Duggar fans can’t stand him.

But, wouldn’t you know it, he still hasn’t learned.

A few days ago, Derick got quite a bit of criticism for a tweet he made about the Parkland shooting survivors.

As you surely know, 17 people were killed in a school shooting last month in Parkland, Florida, and many of the survivors have been speaking out about the need for stricter gun control laws.

Derick retweeted a story about the subject, writing “This has gotten a little ridiculous; at least 2 networks are now using kids to push their liberal agendas.”

“It’s obviously not all about the kids when voices like @KylieKashuv aren’t as elevated. Liberal Media… at least be consistent so you can hide your biased tactics better.”

It wasn’t great.

He apparently can’t consider the idea that the survivors aren’t kids being used to “push liberal agendas,” they’re people who have their own ideas and who have been through something that he couldn’t imagine.

There have been many, many survivors sharing the same ideas and voicing the same opinions about gun control, because that’s what they believe — why wouldn’t a media outlet cover such a huge story?

After that tweet, Derick got quite a bit of attention, and tried to defend himself, but, well …

It didn’t go as well as he may think it did.

For example, he actually wrote “My heart goes out to the victims, but how does being a victim of a tragedy suddenly make you an expert on how to solve the problem of stopping mass shootings?!”

Because you have to be an expert to believe in something and to voice those beliefs you formed based on a significant experience you had, right?

Someone made an excellent point by responding to his nonsense with “Doesn’t your family use children to push your conservative agenda as well?”

She even added that alarming old photo of a bunch of Duggar kids posing together with t-shirts that read “I Survived Roe Vs. Wade.”

“No,” Derick argued, “because we couldn’t wear those while filming. I’m talking about what the media allows and doesn’t allow.”

Sure, but he’s also talking about using kids to push agendas, which the Duggars have obviously done.

At one point, he even shared a story about his tweet with a headline about how he slammed the survivors — which he definitely did, even if he doesn’t think so.

He tried to correct the headline by explaining “No, I criticized the media’s use of kids again…like @TLC uses Jazz. My heart goes out to the victims, but all ideas should be heard, and subjected to criticism.”

For one, that’s twice that Derick used the phrase “My heart goes out to the victims, but …”, and that’s two times too many.

For two … is he seriously bringing Jazz up AGAIN?!

He first started attacking Jazz, a 17-year-old transgender girl with her own show on TLC, last year, saying that he pitied her “4 those who take advantage of him in order 2 promote their agenda.”

Oh, and he called her a “him” because “‘transgender’ is a myth,” apparently.

Since then, he’s brought her up again and again, out of nowhere, really, and it really does seem like he has some kind of bizarre fixation on her.

In his own defense, when someone advised him to get over the Jazz thing already, he wrote “I was only addressing it because it was brought up again in the article, and I wanted to clarify so people aren’t misled.”

“I agree, I wish people would get over that already.”

Later, he wrote “I seek to live in a way that pleases Jesus Christ. I realize that some people will be turned off by that, but it is actually the norm throughout history.”

“I only want to reflect Christ, and I don’t apologize for that.”

You don’t apologize for anything, huh, Derick?

Even though you really, really should.


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Derick Dillard Attacks Parkland Shooting Survivors: They"re Ridiculous!

Derick Dillard is at it again.

Just when you thought the Duggar family’s resident blowhard had learned his lesson about bullying the most vulnerable segments of our population, he goes and hits a new low.

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, a school shooting in Parkland, Florida claimed 17 lives last month.

In the wake of the tragedy, several students have made it their mission to take on the NRA and the politicians they feel are responsible for America’s ludicrously permissive policies on assault weapons.

Shockingly, these courageous teens have been met with a brutal backlash, with several reporting that they’ve received death threats from angry weapons fetishists.

On Wednesday, Jill Duggar’s husband joined the effort to try and discredit the grieving teens:

“This has gotten a little ridiculous; at least 2 networks are now using kids to push their liberal agendas,” Derick tweeted.

“It’s obviously not all about the kids when voices like @KyleKashuv aren’t as elevated. Liberal Media… at least be consistent so you can hide your biased tactics better.”

Not surprisingly, the reaction against Derick’s ignorant remarks was swift and harsh:

“These kids have gone through more than most of us and if you have watched any of the coverage you would know how smart and articulate they are,” wrote one critic

“They are better than a lot of people in the world. Back off Derick.” another commented.

“Derick, I feel sorry for you that your worldview is so warped you can’t see the reality right in front of you. These kids are bravely standing up for each other and for other children,” a third argued, adding:

“You’re being condescending to them when you say they’re being ‘used."”

Regardless of your stance on the gun control issue, we’re all decent people can agree that attacking teens who have experienced a tragedy and are already receiving death threats from others is not an appropriate use of a grown man’s time.

And Derick of all people should know that sometimes the best thing to say is nothing.

Dillard was recently fired by TLC after a bizarre social media tirade directed ata a fellow star of the network,

For reasons clear only to him, Derick attacked Jazz Jennings, a transgender teen who serves as the subject of the reality series I Am Jazz.

While fans pleaded with him to relent, Derick continued to accuse Jennings of “promoting an unreality” and opposing the will of God.

Since his firing, neither Derick nor Jill have appeared on her family’s reality series.

It’s not known how the Dillards are supporting themselves these days, but in the past, the family has been known to rely on donations from fans to keep food on the table.

Needless to say, it’s not the most stable source of income, and it might be a good idea for Derick to stop biting the hand that feeds him by alienating his social media followers.

Watch Counting On online to relive the Dillards’ time on the show.


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Florida Shooting Student Survivors Eyeing Book Deals to Push Gun Message

Some of the students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High are planning on using their newfound star power to get their gun control message out … through a good page-turner. Sources tell TMZ that at least two of the outspoken survivors have been in…


Monday, November 27, 2017

Stassi Schroeder Apologizes for Mocking Rape Survivors

While it’s no surprise to hear that a reality star said something stupid and out-of-touch, Stassi Schroeder mocking the #MeToo movement and seeming to defend the alleged rapists was beyond the pale.

Even for the already controversial Vanderpump Rules star.

Well, now Stassi has come out with an apology. And all that it took was universal condemnation and multiple companies severing all ties with her!

Ever since Harvey Weinstein was publicly accused of multiple rapes on top of even more accusations of sexual harassment, countless women and men have been bravely coming forward with their own horror stories of harassment and assault.

The #MeToo movement has included everyday folks tweeting their stories, but it’s also included a number of celebrities who have spoken out.

And, of course, a number of powerful men have been accused of sexual misconduct, and not all of the accusers have been celebrities themselves.

Some have been women and men who’ve lived for years or even decades with a secret experience that they were afraid to share until now.

Social pressure, society’s judgments, public opinion, non-disclosure agreements, career concerns, shame, and the threat of life-ruining lawsuits can do a lot to keep survivors quiet about the horrors that they’ve experienced.

For the most part, public figures have been pretty good about being supportive or at least silent when people are accused of being harassers or rapists.

(With notable exceptions like Kim Zolciak, who expressed sympathy for Ryan Seacrest after he was accused of sexual harassment. Sometimes people feel the need to stand up for their friends no matter what)

But Stassi Schroeder’s clueless and wildly offensive lines about rape and the #MeToo movement showed that she didn’t know anything about sexual assault … or about being a decent human being.

On her podcast episode, titled “Are we on a male witch hunt?” Stassi made some wildly inflammatory comments:

“I’m sorry,” she said. “No one could make me suck a dick.”

She could be referring to multiple stories of rape that we’ve heard, including about Brett Ratner. And, for the record, people who fear for their safety and lives will absolutely perform oral sex if they’re afraid of violence or worse if they refuse or continue to fight back.

When someone performs a sex act because they’re afraid of what the person will do, that’s rape.

Stassi kept digging that hole deeper and deeper.

“I’m sorry it sounds like he thought you liked it because you were making out with him.”

Anybody else ever made out with someone they wouldn’t have sex with?

Also, “I thought they liked it” is not an excuse for sexual assault. Both parties have to consent, folks.

Stassi continues, unfortunately:

“And now that it’s a trend and it’s #MeToo you’re going to come out and accuse him because you regret it.”

Yeah, people coming forward with horrifying stories that they’ve kept buried for too long isn’t a “trend.” Ugh.

As absolutely sickening as what she said was, this wasn’t the first time that Stassi had said something almost unimaginably stupid on this subject.

In a previous episode, Stassi had said:

“It might be too soon, but I’m more of the Harvey Weinstein in relationships.”

She’s the what now?

“I’m more of the aggressor.”

One, Harvey Weinstein has been accused of many things, but being the aggressor in relationships is not one of them.

“It’s not like I’m forcing anyone to do something they don’t want to do, but I initiate things because I just like it.”

Well, maybe don’t compare yourself to an alleged serial rapist.

She might as well have said “I’m the Jeffrey Dahmer in my relationships because I always choose what we eat on our dates!”

That is not the thing for which infamous serial killer and cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer is famous and we’re concerned about anyone who doesn’t understand that.

Well, after losing some business ties — it’s not great for business if you’re getting endorsed by a rape-apologist — and seeing the overwhelming backlash, Stassi has issued an apology:

“My podcast is an outlet for me to share my unfiltered opinion with my listeners.”

And that would be fine if her unfiltered opinion weren’t so awful that it’s actively detrimental to society.

“But on my latest episode I crossed a line.”


“It was irresponsible for me to make generalized statements about a very serious topic, such as sexual harassment, as it is not my place to speak about anyone else’s experiences.”

It really is.

Not everyone has been sexually assaulted. The key is for us to listen to those who have in order to understand what happened and to try to understand how to make the world a better place.

Not understanding how it works sometimes is naive but understandable. Saying that the survivors must be lying or following a “trend” is not.

“I apologize. I will continue to speak my mind on my podcast, but will put more thought behind my dialogue moving forward.”

That’s good.

Again, speaking your mind is fine unless your mind is terrible.

Stassi posted a follow-up in which she describes plans for her podcast to continue.

“These 24 hours have been sobering: I want to share your stories on my podcast: on either side, being accused of something you didn’t do or being victimized & left helpless.”

She adds “let’s discuss it all,” along with an email address.

It’s not clear if Stassi is really eager to understand these horror stories or if this is just a ploy to turn this into a story of her personal growth so that her podcast can continue.

We hope that it’s both. We’d love for her to become a better person after all of this.


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Dana White: Jason Aldean Scorned Shooting Survivors at UFC 216 for "SNL"

Dana White is FURIOUS with Jason Aldean — telling TMZ Sports the country singer’s team lied to him about why he couldn’t perform in front of Vegas shooting survivors and 1st responders at UFC 216.  White says he had reached out to Aldean’s…


Thursday, December 8, 2016

Oakland Fire -- Survivors Reunite with Commune Leader (PHOTOS)

Some of the Oakland fire survivors broke bread with Derick Ion Almena for the first time since the tragedy — despite him getting blasted for alleged dangerous conditions in the building. Witnesses tell us the group sat down at a Denny’s…
