Showing posts with label Valeria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valeria. Show all posts

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova: Check Out My "Ordinary Home Clothes"!

Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova is back and wants us to check out what she describes her “ordinary home clothes,” which are predictably ridiculous.

The Ukranian model whose doll-like appearance, insane proportions and WTF-worthy quotes have made her an Internet fad, is currently in Thailand.

Despite the exotic location, she’s keep it laid back in her “ordinary home clothes,” or so she says … we would love/hate to see what’s not ordinary.

Sporting no pants and a top that barely contains her life-size, sex toy-looking assets, the “entertainer” shows some serious skin to say the least.

Human Barbie says she is inspired not by Barbie, but by “alien civilizations, fantasy characters, Amazon warriors, which look like real goddesses.”

Yup, that’s the kind of individual we’re dealing with here.

Lukyanova is enjoying some MUCH NEEDED downtime before releasing her first single and launching her new DJ career (seriously) later this fall.

What kind of tunes can we expect her to be bumpin’?

“The music will have special Vibrations. With certain cosmic sounds and special frequency, people will get a powerful psychic charge,” she says.

“For getting his true essence, healing and finding his calling, each set will be something definite, will have a special message and unique energy.”

“I’m creating a special music with Eugene Sender and my management Nadia and Elena help to give the correct direction. We are on the same wavelength.”

“And it’s important when you work with team.”

Noted, Human Barbie. Noted.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Valeria Lukyanova: Embarking on New DJ Career!

Human Barbie Valeria Lukyanova is embarking on a new career … as a DJ! She announced as much in a press release on her official site.

The controversial model, who aims to subsist on air and light instead of food, has baffled the Internet with her eye-popping proportions.

Not to mention her quotes. H-Barb also claimed she was sent to Earth by a spiritual leader called Amatue (we could not make that up).

Now Valeria (her “Earthly name” apparently), has her eye on bigger, better things as she kicks off her Space Barbie Tour in October.

“Valeria Lukyanova (Human Barbie) starts her DJ mission with futuristic deep house and space disco,” the press release reads.

Why should you attend? Because “she delivers pure deep meditation during her set with amazing sounds and mudras show.”

She performs in “a way that touches all the energy centers” to increase “the rhythm and [change] the consciousness of the audience.”

Her show “will resemble a fascinating musical journey into the deep space.”

Sounds even weirder than these Valeria Lukyanova photos. But tight.

The Human Barbie tour will involve stops in Latin America, the U.S., Japan, China, Australia, and several European countries.

Click through the gallery below for a glimpse at the galaxy’s most unreal DJ – in more ways than one – coming to a city near you: