Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Normal Barbie is Now Prepared to Get Her Period

The creator of the Lammily doll has updated his product.

Artist and researcher Nickolay Lamm made headlines last year when he came out with a “normal” version of this famous item, one with a thicker waist, cellulite and freckles.

The goal at the time, according to Lamm, was to present young women with a more realistic model of themselves.

Now, kids can purchase a Period Party accessory pack for their non-Barbie in order to learn about menstruation.

The "Period Party" includes pad and liner stickers meant to fit in doll-sized underwear (also included), along with a calendar and dot stickers to keep track of a menstruation cycle.

"On average, a woman between the ages of 12 and 51 spends a total of six years on her menstrual period, yet, while being a huge part of female life, this perfectly healthy, natural process is still surrounded by taboos," reads the pamphlet that also comes with this pack.

Lamm is aiming to get rid of the stigma often attached to menstruation.

"Let"s start an open and positive conversation about our periods," adds the pamphlet. "Learn the facts. Debunk the myths. Celebrate life!"

Normal barbie is now prepared to get her period