Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Married at First Sight Recap: The Ring is Off!!!

How many lies is too many in a marriage?

At what point do you just throw up your hands and throw in the towel on a romance?

These were the unfortunate question Tristan Thompson* had to deal with on Married at First Sight this week, as Mia Bally dropped yet another painful bombshell on her fairly new husband.

(*No, not that Tristan Thompson, not the basketball player who dunked his balls into any female basket who looked his way while Khloe Kardashian was pregnant. A different Tristan Thompson.)

Earlier this season, viewers watched as Bally was actually stopped and apprehended at an airport on the way to her honeymoon.

It then came out that she had been arrested in the past for stalking an ex-boyfriend. Oops! Her bad!

But Tristan, partly with the blessing and through the advice of his mother, was finally beginning to trust Mia again…

… until a friend shows him the screen shot of Bally on a dating app.

“This entire marriage, I feel like I’ve been completely honest with Mia and I’ve told her just to give me the truth,” Thompson told the camera, adding after finding out this terrible news:

“And it seems like she’s gone out of her way to hide things from me.

“I honestly don’t know what to believe or what to feel right now. I thought we were done with all the secrets and lies.”

When confronted with her profile, Mia said it was from before her marriage and that she was dedicated to her husband.

She said she had deleted the app and had no idea why her profile remained, blaming Tristan for not trusting her. But how can he right now?!?

“There’s a cloud … that is stopping me from falling in love with you! … And now this too? I’m done,” Tristan shot back at one point.

Relationship expert Dr. Jessica Griffin was called in via video conference later on, helping Tristan work through his anger even after he removed his wedding ring.

“I still have the faith and belief in Mia, and I still have the faith and belief in us,” Thompson said.

dave/amber pic

Dave and Amber, meanwhile, were asked to do what no couple should really ever do:

Rate each other on a scale of 1-10.

The latter gave the former a perfect score, but Dave only awarded Amber a 7.5, citing her insecurities and creating an understandable argument.

“She stresses herself out because she kind of lets her insecurities take over in some areas,” Dave explained to the other men.

“And I have to constantly be her support system. And I haven’t needed it yet, but there’s almost a sense of ‘What if I have a bad day?"”

He added that he is yet to see Amber act like a “rock star wife.”

sight dude

Amber, meanwhile, reacted to this rating as you might expect.

“It makes me feel bad,” she said. “To me, hearing this rating means that the insecurities I had about being a bad wife are true.”

In response, Dave simply told Amber that she could do laundry in exchange for him doing other things around the house.

(This may sound silly, but she promised to do the laundry when they first moved in … and had not done it once.)

“I never wanted to be like a wife that has to do extra stuff for her husband. This is one of the reasons why I always never really wanted to get married,” Amber said.

While she later apologized, the remark really stung Dave.

We end once again with Danielle Bergman and Bobby Dodd, who gave his wife a perfect rating of 10 and who remains totally smitten with his partner.

The guy makes her breakfast, packs her a lunch, cooks her dinner, cleans for her and essentially worships every inch of the ground on which she walks.

“This is definitely my ideal vision of marriage … having someone that will cater to me,” Danielle said.

To show her appreciation, Danielle ended up trying to cook dinner for Bobby.

And that’s it. That’s the extent of the recap we have for these two, who are so happy and so cute and so in love that they are horribly boring to watch.
