Monday, June 18, 2018

Gym Member Hurls Equipment Due to Dispute Over Tootsie Rolls

Planet Fitness bills itself as a Judgment Free Zone.

But we feel pretty comfortable passing judgment on the woman featured in the video below.

It comes to use from the underrated city of Grand Rapids, Michigan and it features someone entering a Planet Fitness at 1:30 a.m.

This is already a questionable sign.

But it"s more than just the unusual hour at which she entered the facility that has folks on Facebook talking; it"s her behavior!

The woman is clearly very angry from the outset, threatening an employee behind the desk by screaming "I"ll kill you!"

She then hurts computer monitors allover the place and causes serious damage to a phone, all whilc arguing with and cursing at everyone around her.

Another gym-goer filmed the incident, which allegedly stemmed from a disagreement over Tootsie Rolls.

We can only presume the woman wanted to eat some Tootsie Rolls, assumed she would find some at the front desk and lost every ounce of her proverbial $ hit upon being denied these delicious chocolate treats.

Police says the 20-year-old is being charged with malicious destruction of property and will likely pay a fine as high as $ 1,000.

No charges have been filed against her, however.

But check out the video above anyway.

Because it"s totally bananas!

Outraged planet fitness member hurls equipment after dispute ove