Monday, August 28, 2017

Fifth Harmony Hurls "Camila Cabello" Off Stage at VMAs

Heading into the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards, many fans were wondering whether Taylor Swift would show up and bury the hatchet with host Katy Perry.

The answer in the end was no, she did not.

But it was actually a different rivalry that captured the attention of viewers of this event on Sunday night, as Fifth Harmony took to the stage at one point and most definitely did NOT bury the hatchet with Camila Cabello, either.

The singer announced her decision to leave Fifth Harmony back in December.

She claimed at the time that she had given her colleagues the proper heads-up regarding this choice, but remaining members Ally Brooke, Dinah Jane Hansen, Lauren Jauregui and Normani Hamilton have said otherwise.

They alleged Cabello just up and walked away with basically no warning… and that she did so via a note from her representative.

And it"s clear they remain angry over this move.

At the very beginning of the quartet"s performance of “Down” yesterday, the artists appeared with five members – before one appeared to be thrown off the stage.

The gasp-inducing shocker was considered by many to the highlight of the broadcast.

It certainly has left the Internet abuzz.

These reactions basically sum up Twitter"s feelings on what went down:

“We’re extremely excited,” Jauregui said prior to the show, adding:

"This is definitely one of the biggest moments of our careers – something we’ve worked so hard for to get to a place where people would want us on the stage, so we’re excited as heck for it… there are so many surprises.”

Check out the performance (and don"t blink through the beginning) below!

Fifth harmony hurls camila cabello off stage at mtv vmas