Showing posts with label Unprecedented. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unprecedented. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Donald Trump Shocks Reporters with Unprecedented Propaganda Video

North Korea is infamous for its state-run propaganda videos. Many of them, for years, have featured shoddy graphics of the destruction of America.

But when a curiously well-produced propaganda video started playing at the Donald Trump-Kim Jong Un peace summit, most reports assumed that it was Kim"s doing.

But it was not. The propaganda video was produced by the White House. And it is very, very controversial.

Kim jong un and donald trump

Reporters watched in confusion as the video began.

The narration is in English and the video is in high quality.

Though the video that we have included has English narration, the video played there was in Korean.

The images, though, depict North Korea as some sort of paradise. Children skip along happily in Pyongyang.

And throughout the video, Trump and Kim Jong Un are shown, back to back, in a manner that The Washington Post likened to how running mates are portrayed in political ads.

Propaganda video 01

The video also features familiar images of nuclear missiles launching with cataclysmic results.

Except that the video features an alternative future, in which North Korea modernizes into something idyllic and almost out of science fiction.

After four minutes, the video looped — and played the same video again, but in English.

This was when reporters realized that the United States government had just provided a propaganda reel to one of the world"s most oppressive regimes. 

Donald Trump himself came out and confirmed 

"I hope you liked it,” Trump announced to the press. “I thought it was good. I thought it was interesting enough to show. … And I think he loved it."

Propaganda video 04

The video was produced, specifically, by the National Security Council.

As Anderson Cooper quips: "I guess everyone"s a producer these days."

But little jabs like that may distract from how seriously many Americans are taking this video.

Many, from everyday citizens to reports, remarked that they have never seen anything like this from an American President.

The White House proudly posted this video on its Facebook page, provoking the scorn and outrage of Americans.

"WOW! People need to wake up, are u kidding me?" one concerned citizen writes. "This is the scariest video I have EVER seen."

Propaganda video 03

That same commenter continues: "If u don"t know what the definition of PROPAGANDA is, I encourage you to look it up and then make the connection with this video and the very definition of propaganda. 45 needs to be stopped before it"s too late."

Another commenter notes that the video"s style looks familiar, writing: "How much did we pay for this BS? Looks like the Hunger Games or Scientology propaganda."

To be clear, they"re saying that it looks like something out of The Hunger Games" fictional universe, not like the films themselves.

"This is bizarre," another wrote. "I don’t understand why this was produced."

Presumably, someone imagined that it was a good idea.

"This started playing on my news feed." another commenter shares. "I thought it was a satire film…. that commentary. But then I realized it was posted by the white house! Lmao….."

They continue: "I can"t believe I"m still shaking my head 500+ days into this presidency. This isn"t an episode of the apprentice!"

"You have got to be effing kidding me!!!!!!" another writes. "This is so obviously an ego stroker for both of these "leaders"!!!"

Some commenters, however, felt that this propaganda video was a fine or even wise move on Trump"s part.

"Wow there are alot of Crybabies on here," one remarked.

"How could anyone be upset about the hopes for PEACE."

Propaganda video 02

It is important to note that one can support the idea of talks with North Korea and still strongly object to how they are carried out.

"I"m so proud of our President," another commenter said, adding: "Thank you."

Another had a strongly worded message for a slew of their fellow Americans, writing: "Haters, so-called experts, liberals: YOU NEVER GOT THIS FAR."

Why does the video have such cheesy qualities? That is unclear.

Perhaps by design — it may be that experts figured that it would appeal to Kim Jong Un. But it may be that the people who made it thought that this is what a good propaganda video would look like.

The larger issue is that it exists at all.

Kim kardashian and donald trump

Americans are accustomed to very limited propaganda, from military flybys at sports games to essentially every film of television show that features the military.

This video, however, is on another level. It looks almost satirical, but it is not funny.

Is whitewashing one of the modern world"s biggest monsters and mass-murderers the path to true, lasting peace?

Some Americans would suggest that, even if it is, is it worth our souls in the process?

Somehow, Trump"s meeting with Kim Kardashian was less controversial.

Donald trump shocks reporters with unprecedented propaganda vide

Friday, September 2, 2016

The Bachelor Fans Petition for Unprecedented New Season

Nick Viall continues to be at the center of the huge backlash surrounding his casting on The Bachelor Season 21

It’s pretty much all fans of the franchise are talking about right now. 

It’s even overshadowing the drama on Bachelor in Paradise. It’s all getting a bit crazy. 

If you recall, Luke Pell was long rumored to be stepping into the limelight and getting another shot at love. 

Fans were obviously pretty happy about his potential casting. He’s everything a suitor on the show should be. 

He quickly became a fan favorite on The Bachelorette Season 12 and it left a bad taste when he didn’t make it all the way with JoJo Fletcher. 

That’s probably one of the reasons he was approached by producers in the first place. 

Either way you look at it, Pell was meant to be the new bachelor and it all changed pretty quickly for him. 

Speaking to Us Weekly, Luke had a lot to say about what went down

“We were all satisfied, had agreed to the contracts and everything was moving forward. I was checked in to my flight to come to L.A.,” he explained.”

“I got a call from producers Sunday night at about 10 p.m. They said ABC had decided to quote-unquote go in a different direction. I was supposed to fly out Monday morning at 9 a.m. I had my bags packed and everything. Most dramatic Monday ever!”

“We had planned for intro filming and had planned to have my sister come on for a date and give advice as part of the show. I met with the wardrobe guys. Everything was moving forward. Everyone on the production level was expecting it to be me, as well.”

It’s pretty sad that he was pretty much guaranteed to go be the star of the show, only to have it pulled from under him. 

Perhaps ABC didn’t find his story quite as compelling as the person they inevitably chose. 

That was Nick Viall, who is arguably one of the more polarizing suitors to grace the franchise. 

When Nick’s casting was revealed, there was a lot of chatter about it on Twitter. Most of it wasn’t positive. 

This will be Nick’s fourth chance to find love after appearing in two seasons of The Bachelorette and one season of Bachelor in Paradise. 

Now, one fan has launched a petition to allow the 25 women to choose between Nick Viall and Luke Pell. 

“Let Luke Pell and Nick Viall both be the new Bachelor and let the 25 women choose who they want. Like Britt and Kaitlyn did,” wrote Patricia Ambern, who started the petition on

“There are A LOT of fans from Bachelor Nation who love Luke Pell as well,” she continued.

“Please consider this request. Thank you from a Luke Pell fan!!”

It’s really not too much to ask and ABC would get the best of both worlds. Both men obviously have different fans, so it would at least drum up some more interest for the show. 

Who would you pick?

And the Winner is?

Nick Viall will be The Bachelor in the spring of 2017. But would you prefer to have seen Luke Pell picked for this position? View Poll »

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