Friday, October 19, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Family and Friends Beg Teen Mom 2 Star to Leave David Eason

On Saturday, Jenelle Evans was hospitalized after being assaulted by her husband, David Eason.

We know this thanks to Jenelle"s 911 call, which shocked Teen Mom 2 fans when it was released this afternoon.

In the recording, Jenelle can be heard sobbing as she alleges that a drunken Eason pinned her to the floor so hard that she thought she had broken her collarbone.

Now, family and friends are reportedly pleading with Jenelle to divorce David as soon as possible.

Here"s what we know so far:

1. Hated For a Reason

Jenelle evans with david eason

David has long been despised by Teen Mom 2 viewers due to his bigoted views and the verbal abuse he heaps upon his children and stepchildren.

2. The Rumors Are True

David eason eff you

Reports about Eason physically abusing Jenelle have been circulating for years, and now, we have solid evidence that David is indeed the monster that fans of the show have always believed him to be.

3. David’s Rage

David eason allergic to shirts

According to Jenelle, David assaulted her while drunk, knocking her to the floor and pinning her down so hard she heard her collarbone “crack.”

4. A Shocking Account

Jenelle evans and david eason on july 4

After news of her hospitalization went public, Jenelle initially defended David, even going so far as to hire a representative to help him clear his name.

5. The Truth Comes Out

Jenelle evans 911 call

Now, however, we know that Jenelle was hospitalized following a violent altercation with her husband. Trigger warning: The recording of this 911 call contains some disturbing material.

6. Banding Together

Jenelle evans is upset

Now, Jenelle’s friends and members of her mostly estranged family are reportedly pleading with the reality star to take her kids and run far away from Eason.

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