Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Tristan Thompson: STILL Hooking Up With Lani Blair?

When news first broke that Tristan Thompson was caught cheating on Khloe, before the other videos and stories of other women came out, the world saw Tristan with a woman in D.C.

That woman was later identified as Lani Blair.

Disturbingly, even as Tristan is supposedly begging Khloe’s forgiveness, it’s reported that he hasn’t broken things off with Lani.

A source tells InTouch Weekly that, despite their exposure and the ensuing scandal, Tristan and Lani haven’t gone their separate ways.

“Lani and Tristan are still talking.”

That is worrisome, since the first thing that you should do if you want to save your relationship is dump your side pieces once it’s revealed that you’re a no-good dirty cheater.

And this same source divulges that the two are doing more — worse — than just maintaining a dialogue.

Allegedly, Tristan and Lani are “still sexting.”

Yeah, that’s worse. Sexting, if you don’t know by now and at this point are frankly afraid to ask, is essentially having phone sex without talking out loud.

You exchange erotic text messages, you exchange photos in various states of undress, and you may even exchange short, salacious videos of yourself.

This is not something that a man trying to stay with the mother of his child should be doing.

But it gets worse.

The source has more to reveal about Tristan and Lani.

They “are still hooking up!”

One thing has changed — as they say that Tristan is being much more careful to hide his activities than he was when Khloe was pregnant.

“Only this time, it’s behind the scenes.”

Disturbingly, Tristan is allegedly responding to being caught by only growing sneakier.

Despite the ongoing adventures of his duplicitous penis, Tristan is “desperately trying to win back Khloe’s trust.”

Guy, this is not the way to do it.

Apparently, Tristan has one reason in particular for needing to continue his illicit affair with Lani Blair.

“Tristan’s got a lot going on and needs his mental state to be on point.”

The source goes on to list those reasons.

“He just had a new baby.”

While that’s a major life event, most would see it as yet another reason to not cheat.

“He’s in the playoffs.”

Tristan plays sports for the Cleveland Cavaliers, and some say that the real reason he’s been benched is because of this huge cheating scandal.

Allegedly, Tristan is treating Lani like some sort of therapist.

“He’s trying to stay focused right now and it’s like Lani’s the only woman who gets him.”

Apparently, Lani has all of the qualities that help him to decompress after the stresses of his life.

“She’s definitely being a calm, warm and loving person to him.”

This source asserts that this is not the time for Tristan to go cold turkey on cheating.

“Tristan needs that right now!”

Yeah. We’re sure that her big butt has nothing to do with it.

Maybe it’s true that Tristan uses sex and cheating as some sort of crutch to reduce stress.

A lot of people do. On its own, using sex for stress relief is fine.

But if you want to happily engage in a loving monogamous relationship, which is absolutely what he’ll need to do if he wants to stay with Khloe (if she’ll even have him back), you need to find a new coping strategy.

In the mean time, Khloe reportedly has people looking into Tristan’s activities so that she can pin down exactly how many side pieces he has.

Staying connected to Lani or to any other woman who isn’t Khloe is likely to come out … and it’s not going to go over well with his baby mama.
