Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Scott Disick & Bella Thorne: Spotted Hooking Up in NYC!

Earlier this week, Bella Thorne claimed that she’s never had sex with Scott Disick, but sex is one of those things that everyone lies about.

Even non-celebs fudge the numbers when they’re talking to their doctors for fear of winding up with a cotton swab someplace uncomfortable.

It’s like how Scott blames his yellowish hue on a new spray-tan to that his very concerned physician won’t do a biopsy that reveals a Johnnie Walker Blue label somehow affixed to his liver.

The point is, just because Bella says she never laid on Scott’s mattress-and-boxspring-on-the-floor setup while he dripped sweat on her like a booze-basted rotisserie chicken, that doesn’t mean it never happened.

At first, it looked like this thing was a fling that ended prematurely, and it was totally plausible that the mismatched pseudo-couple never sealed the deal.

Scott and Bella flew to Cannes together for the city’s iconic film festival, but she returned home well ahead of schedule, telling tales of drunkenness and cruelty.

Based on her comments about Scott behaving in exactly the fashion we’ve come to expect, it seemed safe to assume she’d seen the error of her ways and kicked his midlife-crisis-having-ass to the curb.

Oh, how wrong we were.

Within days of her return to the States, Bella was posting photos of flowers sent to her by Scott.

Shortly thereafter, Scott revealed that he’s not dating Bella, just banging her.

Now, every few days, there’s a new report that Bella has come to her senses and ditched the Lord.

But they’re immediately followed by new accounts of Scott and Bella packing on the PDA.

The most recebt incident occurred on Monday, whe Scott and Bella were spotted hooking up at a release party for a new album by DJ Steve Aoki.

“They were hugging a lot,” an eyewitness tells Us Weekly. “They were very lovey-dovey.”

There are conflicting reports as to whether Scott and Bella left the club together.

So why is Bella so willing to turn a blind eye to Scott’s many, many flaws?

Well, it could be that she’s not aware of his problems.

“I’ve never seen Keeping Up with the Kardashians, I saw one episode when I first started talking to Scott, and some people were like, ‘You’ve got to see who he is,’ and I said, ‘I don’t want to,” Thorne revealed in a recent interview.

We’re gonna go ahead and call BS on that.

We live in age where people spend three hours googling their Tinder match before the date.

Bella expects us to believe she didn’t check out a few episodes of her new dude’s long-running reality series before fying to France with him?

If that’s the case, Bella needs to step up her creepin’ game.

Ignorance is no excuse for the law, girl!

And in this case, the law is “don’t catch an STD from Scott Disick.”
