Monday, March 5, 2018

Leonardo DiCaprio: Hooking Up With Engaged Beauty Queen?

As you may have heard, the 2018 Oscars were held last night, and while the event was met with a collective shrug and record low ratings, it was an interesting ceremony for a number of reasons.

Change was the theme of the evening, with stars speaking out on issues ranging from the Harvey Weinstein sex scandals to the plight of the young “dreamers” impacted by DACA legislation.

But while one could sense a turning of the tide at the ceremony, it sounds like it was business as usual at the raucous after-parties, where Leonardo DiCaprio was doing what he does best.

To be clear, no one’s ever accused Leo of being anything but a gentleman, and we have no reason to believe he has a #MeToo moment in his future.

In some ways, however, he represents the Hollywood old guard that took a step away from the spotlight last night.

But it sounds like Leo was happily filling the role he was born to play as he party-hopped last night.

According to Radar Online, DiCaprio was spotted getting friendly with recently-corwned Miss California, Kelley Johnson.

“Leo’s head turned the minute he saw her, everyone knows he has a thing for blondes,” a witness tells the outlet.

“They were in a group together talking for quite some time and he told her he was ditching to go for dinner at Delilah,”

Now, Leonardo DiCaprio hooking up with blondes is like the sun rising in the East and setting in the West.

For decades, Americans have comforted themselves with the knowledge that no matter how turbulent their lives may seem, they can rest easy knowing that Leo is probably banging a blonde at that very moment.

It’s a source of stability in an increasingly unstable world.

This time, however, the situation is a little different.

Apparently, Kelley is happily engaged.

Now, to be fair, no one knows for sure if Leo and Kelley hooked up.

But they were spotted talking closely at a party and he invited her to dinner … and this is Leonardo DiCapro we’re talking about.

Kelley took to Instagram last night to gush about how much she enjoyed herself at Hollywood’s biggest night:

“At one point last night I was *literally* standing between Usher, Toby McGuire, and Leonardo DiCaprio looking across the room at The Weeknd, Robert Pattinson, Drake, Dana White, Emma Stone, Vince Vaughn, Ashley Graham, Brittany Snow, John Mayer, Andy Bravo, and sooooo many more incredibly talented people in Paul McCartney’s house.

I know. It’s crazy to me, too. Meeting you all was a dream, it simply could not have been real.

Thank you, WME and Miss Universe, for inviting me to your Oscar Nomination party. And thank you, Leonardo DiCaprio for letting us sit at your table at Delilah afterwards. Last night was one of the best nights of my entire life.”

Some states get all the luck.

Somewhere, Miss Idaho is pinning a ribbon on some farmer who grew a 40-poind potato.
