Wednesday, September 26, 2018

David Eason FLIPS OUT Following Child Porn Allegation: What"s Wrong With You People!

We probably don"t need to tell you that David Eason is not a good guy.

He"s a bigot and a shameless opportunist, and there"s very good reason to believe he"s guilty of child abuse.

But despite his many, many flaws, as far as anyone can tell, David is not guilty of viewing, producing, or distributing child porn.

So for once, the former Teen Mom 2 star"s latest temper tantrum might actually be justified …


1. Bad Dad Dave

David eason eff you

David isn’t winning any Father of the Year awards anytime soon. In fact, CPS has been called to his house 20 times in less than a year.

2. Problem Parents

Jenelle evans and david eason on july 4

David and his wife, Jenelle Evans, have both been accused of mistreating and neglecting their children, but the latest allegation is really a case of fans being overly sensitive.

3. Jenelle and Ensley

Jenelle evans and daughter on instagram

Both David and Jenelle posted this pic on Instagram earlier this week. It was removed from the site along with another photo after several users reported it as child porn.

4. One Mad Dad

Jenelle evans with ensley

“My beautiful family! Why would you stupid people report these pictures as child pornography?” David captioned the photos after he re-posted them.

5. Angry Eason

David eason allergic to shirts

F-ck you Instagram, f-ck all of you b-tches that reported these pictures,” he continued.

6. How Did This Happen?

David eason kaden

It’s hard to imagine how something like this could be allowed to take place. Fortunately, David was happy to explain the situation …

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