Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Shia LaBeouf FLIPS OUT on Cop in Shocking Arrest Video: Watch!

Over the weekend, Shia LaBeouf was arrested for disorderly conduct and public drunkenness at an Atlanta hotel.

Details of the incident were initially scarce, but TMZ reported that LaBeouf lost his temper after asking a stranger for a cigarette and getting refused.

As new arrest video reveals, the stranger LaBeouf butted heads with was a police officer.

Footage from the incident shows an appparently intoxicated LaBeouf becoming increasingly irate with the arresting officer, who repeatedly attempts to calm him down.

Portions of Shia’s rant are downright hilarious in their absurdity:

“I have rights! I’m an American,” he shouts at one point.

“You got me in my hotel, arresting me in my hotel for doing what, sir? … I’m a f–king American, I pay my taxes, get these sh-ts off my f–king arm,” he added, seemingly referring to the fact that he was handcuffed.

Other times, the situation gets even uglier, as LaBeouf decides to play the race card with the black officer.

“You’ve got a president who doesn’t give a f–k about you, you’re on a police force that doesn’t give a f–k about you, and you wanna do what? Arrest white people?” he asked the cop.

“Why would I ask for cigarettes if I was racist?” LaBeouf continued, demonstrating some seriously questionable logic.

The 31-year-old actor continued to berate the officer, becoming increasingly hostile as he was loaded into the back of a police car.

“I got more millionaire lawyers than you know what to do with, you stupid bitch!” he shouted at one point.

This isn’t the first time that LaBeouf has been arrested in similar situations.

Most recently, the actor was taken into custody at an anti-Trump protest. 

Prior to that, LaBeouf was arrested in New York for public intoxication in New York in 2014 after behaving erratically and disruptively while in the audience at a Broadway show.

The actor has yet to speak out on his latest legal woes, but he returned to work on a Georgia film set on Monday.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.
