Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Shia LaBeouf Called Cops "Silly," Claimed to Be in the National Guard

As you may have heard, Shia LaBeouf was arrested again on Friday night.

At this point, the troubled actor’s antics are more sad than funny, but every time The Beef f–ks up, some amusing details emerge shortly thereafter, so it kinda balances out.

In fact, you might say we’re…even Stevens. Sorry.

Anyway, just like the time Shia freestyle rapped or began screaming about America during his infamous visit to Mt. Rushmore, LaBeouf’s latest brush with the law was loaded with enough WTF? moments to assure the Gary Buseys and Nicolas Cages of the world that the psycho torch has been passed.

Shia kicked things off by alleging that the LAPD had plotted to kill a friend of his. In order to appreciate the full batsh-ttery of this claim, it’s important to know that Shia was arrested in Austin, roughly 1,400 miles from LA.

As they often do with Shia, things got weirder from there.

The cops who had observed his erratic behavior asked him not to jaywalk through a busy intersection. He did so, and then proceeded to taunt the officers, repeatedly calling one of them “silly.”

Despite the fact that the officers almost certainly recognized him (if not, the assembled crowd surely alerted them that this was someone famous), LaBeouf claimed to be a decorated National Guardsman, for reasons that we’re sure made perfect sense to him at the time.

Despite his long history of similarly odd run-ins with the law, Shia will probably get off with a fine and some community service.

We kid the guy, but in all seriousness, we hope he manages to get the help he clearly needs.