Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Lindsay Lohan Goes Pantsless, Talks Marriage on Instagram

Last time we checked in on her, Lindsay Lohan actually looked normal and happy in her latest Instagram selfies.

At first we were a bit freaked out. Then we remembered that appearances can be deceiving, and deep down, she’s still the same old Linds:

Case in point: here she is pantsless, smoking a cig, and sporting a far-off look in her eye that leads us to believe she may have recently smoked something else.

Obviously, the sight of Lindsay Lohan naked is nothing new, and we’ve seen her much more exposed than this in the past, but her recent social media activity is interesting for reasons that go beyond freckled flesh.

As you may already know, Lindsay is dating a Russian real estate agent named Egor Tarabasov.

It was recently revealed that Egor is not as rich as Lindsay originally thought, but she seems fully smitten nonetheless.

Currently, she’s living with Egor in London and posting pics like this one:

She captioned the selfie, “Rushing around from work to lunch to work and fittings but still smiling!!” which kinda leads us to believe Lindsay doesn’t know what smiling looks like.

Anyway, in case it wasn’t already clear that she’s all about this relationship, she’s also started posting memes about marriage.

The latest features unattributed quote reading:

“She’s a badass with a good heart … She’s the type you go to war beside. The type of woman you marry.”

Pretty subtle stuff there, Linds.

We know English isn’t Egor’s first language, but we’re guessing he’ll get what you’re trying to say.