Monday, April 18, 2016

John-David Duggar Talks Courtship: Has He Met Someone?

For all the talk about Jana Duggar’s love life (or lack thereof), there’s been relatively little speculation about her chronically single brother John-David.

Jana and John-David are the oldest unmarried Duggars, yet JDD has somehow managed to avoid the questions about marriage and kids that have plagued his sister for years – until now:

In the above clip, John-David is finally asked point-blank about his dating (excuse us, “courting”) prospects.

His answer is evasive – yet telling. 

Questioned about his “future plans” regarding marriage, John-David replied:

“Future plans would be – if the Lord would bring the right one along, and then I’ll start a family and hopefully be able to invest in their lives and raise up a generation that will be great people for this society.”

Perhaps sensing that John-David was dancing around something, the interviewer pressed the issue, eventually asking flat-out if John-David had met someone:

“I don’t have anybody,” John-David said after a long pregnant pause. “But I am praying about. Keep watching.”

Rumors about John-David courting a “mystery brunette” circulated online back in 2014, but nothing ever came of them, and if there was a relationship, it appears to have fizzled.

The Duggars strict courtship rules don’t allow for relationships to go on for longer than a few months unless the couple makes firm plans to marry.

So we believe John-David when he says he’s currently single, but the way he says “keep watching” makes us think there’s more to his romantic situation than he’s letting on.

Watch Jill & Jessa: Counting On online to get caught up in time for the inevitable “John-David goes a-courtin"” storyline.