Showing posts with label Tales. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tales. Show all posts

Friday, March 23, 2018

Duggar Family Shame: Church Members Share Shocking Tales of Abuse

Anyone who’s regularly watched the family’s reality shows knows that the Duggars are a deeply religious lot.

But even the most diehard Duggar fans may not know the details of the belief system that Jim Bob and Michelle have imparted to their children.

The Duggars are Independent Baptists, but they’re also members of the Institute in Basic Life Principles and the Advanced Training Institute, both founded by controversial pastor and former personal guru of the Duggars, Bill Gothard.

Back in 2015, the Josh Duggar sex scandal shined some light on the institute’s teachings and more scandalous practices.

Not only did the organization assist Josh and his parents in evading prosecution, it also justified his misconduct with homeschooling curriculum that places the blame for sexual assault squarely on the victim.

Prior to Gothard resigning in disgrace after being accused of sexual misconduct by more than 50 former employees, he presided over the organization for decades, and – according to many former members – was directly or indirectly involved in countless acts of systemized sexual assault.

Recent revelations about the Duggars and the rise of the #MeToo movement have emboldened several alleged victims to come forward with shocking accounts of the abuse they suffered under Gothard’s watchful eye.

As reported by In Touch Weekly, an anonymous Reddit used was recently at the center of one of the sites “ask me anything” or AMA sessions.

And what she had to say about her time as a member of the IBLP-ATI is likely to shock even the most strident Duggar defenders.

“I was part of a fundamentalist Christian cult known as ATI/IBLP,” the user began.

“Recent scandals have hit the news about the cult leader Bill Gothard when over 50 women came forward with allegations that he sexually harassed them. But that’s only scratching the surface.”

“Let me tell you my scariest experience — and just keep in mind, I’m far from the only one,” she continued.

“First off, throughout my childhood, my father and sisters abused me sexually. Since the cult taught a strict familial hierarchy, with the father being top dog, then mother, then children in order of birth, as the youngest I was bottom of the totem pole.

“My father would twist Bible verses to justify rape, death threats, and more. Because ATI is a homeschool cult, it was really handy to cover up the abuse from any prying eyes.

“My home was a prison for 11 years until he died of a massive heart attack. And that’s not even the scariest experience.”

The user went on to explain how the abuse worsened as a result of her mother’s continued involvement with the IBLP.

“Fast forward two years. I’m 13, with a mother who’s frantically fixated on me being a ‘troubled child’ because 1. I dared resist my father’s advances and argue against the abuse I was suffering, gaining me the reputation of ‘rebellious,’ 2. I’m severely depressed because I’m a freaking rape victim and depression is considered sin, and 3. I asked too many questions as to WHY we believed the things we believed —you don’t ask questions, needless to say.”

She then describes being shipped off to Oklahoma without warning and enrolled in the IBLP’s “Log Cabin” program, which is designed to “retrain” resistant adolescents.

“All I know is I’m about to move to Oklahoma for a while to be fixed by ‘nice counselors’ because I’m a dirty sinner,” she writes.

“For the next two years, I am tortured, brainwashed, starved, sleep-deprived, threatened with a shotgun, punished, humiliated, interrogated, and terrorized.

“I lose 40 pounds in the first month or two. They take me off my medications (believing it is wrong to take them) cold turkey; I exhibit severe symptoms of withdrawal and they go ignored.

“I am worked grueling hours, sent on aimless hikes and marches, scrubbing floors on my hands and knees until my knuckles are cracked and bleeding from the bleach, punished with hard labor until I’m near fainting,” she adds.

“They had fun coming up with new and strange ‘punishments.’”

Through it all, the victim says, she was so brainwashed she didn’t fully realize that those who imprisoned her were engaging in the most egregious forms of abuse.

It wasn’t until years later that she began to become aware that something was deeply wrong with the religion she had been raised in.

“There really wasn’t one concrete ‘oh s–t’ moment,” she explains.

“But the first time I remember thinking ‘this is BS’ was how often people would be ‘sentenced’ to hell for the most trivial reasons. Everything from an impure thought to cursing to sleeping in late.”

Amazingly, despite the high-profile nature of their lives and the zeal with which they discuss their beliefs, the Duggars have managed to avoid commenting on their continued involvement with the IBLP-ATI.

That may prove increasingly difficult as time goes on.

Or the family’s legion of devoted fans may prove willing to continue turning a blind eye to the rampant abuse within the organization.

Watch Counting On online for a closer look at reality TV’s most controversial family.


Thursday, November 30, 2017

Riverdale Season 2 Episode 7 Recap: Tales from the Darkside

Riverdale is one of the most visually stunning shows around and Riverdale Season 2 Episode 7 amped that up to another level by changing up the way the story was told. 

It resulted in one of the most engaging episodes of this sophomore sensation yet and set the wheels in motion for a killer midseason finale.

The Black Hood killer said that he had cleansed the town and if there were no more sinners, he would stop his reign of terror. 

Let’s run down what happened for all of the characters 

Jughead Pays Back a Debt

Remember when Penny Peabody said that Jughead would have to return the favor to her for helping his father? Well, she gave him a call to do a job for her, and it involved transporting drugs from Riverdale to Greendale. 

The villainous lawyer revealed that the Ghoulies roughed up FP in prison because of the person who made the phone call. If you watch Riverdale online, you will know that Archie was the one who called the cops. 

Jughead brought Archie in on the plan because he was instrumental in his father getting attacked. Archie borrowed Fred’s truck, and the two boys picked up the “pancake mix” and kicked off their mission. 

The scary thing was that the crate with all the drugs was huge and it was evident what they were doing from the get-go. All seemed to be going well … until the tire on the truck gave way. 

With no spare, they wondered who they could call for assistance, and they both agreed that bringing Betty and Veronica into it would be a bad idea. Here’s the thing that sucks with Archie: He did not worry about getting V to retrieve a gun from the school for him. 

The kid is filled with bad decisions to the point that it’s difficult to look at him as the main character. He’s like the dull side character who wants to be front and center. 

Before they could call Kevin, a creepy old man appeared in a truck that may or may not have had a dead body in the back. He said he had room for one of them and took Jughead’s final $ 18. 

Archie was left to wait for AAA to come and fix the tire while Jughead got into the truck with the creepy man, and it was evident he had made a mistake. The man told Jug about someone called the Reaper who got rid of all the villains in the past. 

Jughead could not help but take a look under the tarp and found a dead animal. The man then forced Jug to go to the diner with him, and then the deluded old being tried to take off with the crate, saying that the town deserved all the bad stuff coming to it. 

Archie appeared in the nick of time, and the boys completed their journey to Greendale. But the drug dealers made it clear it would be the first of many deliveries from Jug. 

Penny threatened Jughead with footage of him and Archie, saying that it was time she got revenge on his father for not keeping a promise to her from back in the day. 

This is going to be interesting!

Josie vs. The Secret Admirer

We picked up with Josie in the school in the dead of night. She was practicing without her band members. This was because Cheryl took her under her wing and said that she knew someone who could help her, but she would need to be a solo act. 

Josie did not want the others to find out, so she kept it quiet. Her mother was mad that she was staying out later and revealed she wanted her home earlier because the killer was threatening both of them. 

Josie had a secret admirer at the school, and the person kept putting things in her locker. It all came to a head when a Pig’s heart was delivered to her along with a drawing of the singer with the message “If I can’t have you, nobody can.” 

Cheryl and Josie immediately blamed Reggie, and he was sent to Weatherbee’s office, but Keller later told Mayor McCoy that there was no evidence to suggest it was him. 

We then got to witness Cheryl drawing a picture the same way as the drawing of Josie. Are we to assume Cheryl is orchestrating this to make friends with the pussycat?

If so, she needs help.

Betty and Veronica Track a Suspect

Betty was ready to track the killer, but she could not shake the feeling that Sheriff Keller was part of the whole thing. Kevin had opened up about Keller going out in the dead of night and not returning until the wee hours. 

Veronica tried to get Kevin back to being great again and did some digging when she had a sleepover with him. Keller was working out in the middle of the night, and they had an awkward chat. 

Keller let Betty see all of his files on the killer, but she crossed the line by hitting up his office and breaking into the evidence. Keller realized Betty wanted to find out the truth and something tells me he knows the department is struggling. 

Later, Betty and Veronica followed the cop and found him having sex with Mayor McCoy in a seedy motel. So, he’s not the killer; he’s just boning the Mayor!

Sinners Continue Sinning

The big finish found the killer calling the diner to let everyone know that the town is still sinning and that he will continue killing everyone. So, there’s no end in sight. 

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below!


Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Brody Jenner Lynching Scene Caps Off Irv Gotti"s "Tales" Premiere

If the sight of Brody Jenner hanging from a tree shocks the hell out of you … that was exactly what Irv Gotti intended. The brutal imagery — with D’Angelo’s ‘How Does It Feel’ playing over it — was the closing scene of the Murder Inc.…


Monday, November 21, 2016

Duck Tales Reboot: Coming in 2017!!

Life will be like a hurricane over in Duckburg once again next year, when the long-rumored Duck Tales reboot finally debuts on Disney XD.

You know what this TV development means, right?

Buzzfeed readers ages 35-40 and obsessed with stuff from when they were kids can now smother their own offspring with the same exact s–t. 

Ah, the circle of commercialism and nostalgia. Woo-oo!

The original cartoon aired from 1987-90, and followed the adventures of miserly but loveable business tycoon mallard Scrooge McDuck.

Not unlike McDuck, who was so loaded he literally swam in his own money, Disney execs are looking to do the same after a huge marketing push.

Scrooge, his mischievous grandnephews Huey, Dewey and Louie, and their beloved Uncle Donald Duck, were all featured in the TV series.

Expect them all to solve mysteries and rewrite history once again, and for the company who owns their likenesses to cash in at every turn.

Kids" foods, soft drinks, toys, games, books, dialysis machines … you name it. There will be a Duck Tales version of just about everything.

(Just kidding about dialysis machines, but with Disney owning Star Wars now, don"t be shocked to actually see branded medical devices.)

You could say it there will be a duck blur of merchandise come 2017 … and if you don"t get that joke, listen to the theme song below!

Duck tales reboot coming in 2017

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Angelina Jolie Memoir to Reveal Sordid Sex and Drug Tales?

It’s all happening. 

Angelina Jolie is allegedly penning a tell-all memoir about her life with Brad Pitt, reportedly calling it a “nightmare” … among other things. 

Radar Online reported that Angelina’s already holed up in her mansion, sans Brad Pitt, and plotting her next PR move. 

The insider claimed that Jolie is furious over the way “she’s being painted as wicked witch” in the divorce. 

Except for how, you know, she’s not being painted as anything but regular, ol’ St. Angelina, with Pitt taking all of the heat for the demise of their marriage. 


The source revealed, “All she’s done is try and protect the kids.”

“She feels she’s been made out to be the bad guy in this whole thing,” the insider continued.

“It’s not right.”  

About the memoir – which absolutely sounds forthcoming – the source said, “You can be sure that she will come out like roses in the memoir, while [Pitt’s] drinking, smoking, and clashes with the kids will be addressed in a very unflattering way.” 

And on that topic, we’re positive the insider is right if, indeed, Jolie is penning that book.  

She’s been a PR nightmare for Pitt ever since news of the divorce broke, so why not make money off of it, too? 

Stick with what you’re good at and all that. 

Another source told Radar that Jolie is poised to make 5 million dollars off a memoir, should she decide to pursue it. 

The insider claims that the book will be rife with upsetting incidents, including “shocking sexual threesomes” during their “ugly” marriage. 

The book will absolutely destroy Brad’s character, which would likely be its intent. 

Radar’s insider said, “[Pitt’s] insecurities were also becoming an issue.”

“[He is] a very insecure guy, who was constantly paranoid about her cheating, and used weed and booze as a crutch for his self-esteem.”

Somehow, we doubt that.

The book would also go after Pitt’s A-list friends, apparently. 

“Brad’s pot-smoking buddies have also been a problem as they encourage him to misbehave all the time,” it was revealed. 

“She’s tried to lure him away from his bad circle of friends, which included George [Clooney], Jonah [Hill], and even Quentin [Tarantino].” 

Yeah, bad dudes. Totally the baddest of dudes. 

Welp, dunno about y’all, but this whole entire thing sounds pretty terrible. 

And that just about sums things up. 

Angelina Jolie is an evil beast of a woman.  
