Monday, November 21, 2016

Duck Tales Reboot: Coming in 2017!!

Life will be like a hurricane over in Duckburg once again next year, when the long-rumored Duck Tales reboot finally debuts on Disney XD.

You know what this TV development means, right?

Buzzfeed readers ages 35-40 and obsessed with stuff from when they were kids can now smother their own offspring with the same exact s–t. 

Ah, the circle of commercialism and nostalgia. Woo-oo!

The original cartoon aired from 1987-90, and followed the adventures of miserly but loveable business tycoon mallard Scrooge McDuck.

Not unlike McDuck, who was so loaded he literally swam in his own money, Disney execs are looking to do the same after a huge marketing push.

Scrooge, his mischievous grandnephews Huey, Dewey and Louie, and their beloved Uncle Donald Duck, were all featured in the TV series.

Expect them all to solve mysteries and rewrite history once again, and for the company who owns their likenesses to cash in at every turn.

Kids" foods, soft drinks, toys, games, books, dialysis machines … you name it. There will be a Duck Tales version of just about everything.

(Just kidding about dialysis machines, but with Disney owning Star Wars now, don"t be shocked to actually see branded medical devices.)

You could say it there will be a duck blur of merchandise come 2017 … and if you don"t get that joke, listen to the theme song below!

Duck tales reboot coming in 2017