Showing posts with label Sordid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sordid. Show all posts

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Angelina Jolie Memoir to Reveal Sordid Sex and Drug Tales?

It’s all happening. 

Angelina Jolie is allegedly penning a tell-all memoir about her life with Brad Pitt, reportedly calling it a “nightmare” … among other things. 

Radar Online reported that Angelina’s already holed up in her mansion, sans Brad Pitt, and plotting her next PR move. 

The insider claimed that Jolie is furious over the way “she’s being painted as wicked witch” in the divorce. 

Except for how, you know, she’s not being painted as anything but regular, ol’ St. Angelina, with Pitt taking all of the heat for the demise of their marriage. 


The source revealed, “All she’s done is try and protect the kids.”

“She feels she’s been made out to be the bad guy in this whole thing,” the insider continued.

“It’s not right.”  

About the memoir – which absolutely sounds forthcoming – the source said, “You can be sure that she will come out like roses in the memoir, while [Pitt’s] drinking, smoking, and clashes with the kids will be addressed in a very unflattering way.” 

And on that topic, we’re positive the insider is right if, indeed, Jolie is penning that book.  

She’s been a PR nightmare for Pitt ever since news of the divorce broke, so why not make money off of it, too? 

Stick with what you’re good at and all that. 

Another source told Radar that Jolie is poised to make 5 million dollars off a memoir, should she decide to pursue it. 

The insider claims that the book will be rife with upsetting incidents, including “shocking sexual threesomes” during their “ugly” marriage. 

The book will absolutely destroy Brad’s character, which would likely be its intent. 

Radar’s insider said, “[Pitt’s] insecurities were also becoming an issue.”

“[He is] a very insecure guy, who was constantly paranoid about her cheating, and used weed and booze as a crutch for his self-esteem.”

Somehow, we doubt that.

The book would also go after Pitt’s A-list friends, apparently. 

“Brad’s pot-smoking buddies have also been a problem as they encourage him to misbehave all the time,” it was revealed. 

“She’s tried to lure him away from his bad circle of friends, which included George [Clooney], Jonah [Hill], and even Quentin [Tarantino].” 

Yeah, bad dudes. Totally the baddest of dudes. 

Welp, dunno about y’all, but this whole entire thing sounds pretty terrible. 

And that just about sums things up. 

Angelina Jolie is an evil beast of a woman.  


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Michael Jackson: Former Lover Reveals Truth About Pop Star"s Sordid Past

Six years after his death, an ally of Michael Jackson’s wants his real story told.

Shana Mangatal is an actress and talent manager who claims she and Jackson had an on-off relationship for several years before his June 2009 death.

The Los Angeles resident recently spoke to Radar Online about the Michael Jackson she knew behind closed doors, and how the public’s perception of him was hugely inaccurate.

Now, Mangatal is writing a tell-all, Michael and Me: The Untold Story Of Michael Jackson’s Secret Romance (Chicago Press Review, August 2016), and in it she reveals that no one was more shocked by the sexual abuse claims than Jackson himself.

Mangatal told Radar that the King of Pop never wanted to disappoint his fans, and had a very difficult time saying no.

Some fans, Mangatal recalled, “wanted their kids to be with Michael.”

“His problem was that he couldn’t say no to anybody – especially kids. He was just so sweet and kind. He could never say no and when he finally did, parents would become upset.”

When Jackson was first accused of molesting children in 1993, he and Mangatal were filming a short called Is This Scary? about a community who turns on a man they deemed a “weirdo” who looks different and “loves kids.

The “normal” residents accused the man of scaring their children.  When the weirdo asked the children themselves if he appeared frightening, the parents attempted to speak on their behalf.

“Son, do I scare you?” the weird asked a boy, who answered “no.”

But the boy’s father interjects.  

“Yes, yes you do scare him.”

Mangatal said that it was a strange coincidence that production for the film was happening at the same time as the lawsuit.

“He was just devastated – he couldn’t go on,” she told Radar.

“He couldn’t finish filming and we had to cut it short because he couldn’t believe it.”

Mangatal believes that Jackson wanted to make the short so that parents would see the damage they were causing.

“That was his way of saying it’s the parents who were forcing this kid to say that he did something to him, and that’s what Michael said to me as well,” she explained.

“He would always go back to that video in our conversations.” 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Bill Cosby: More Details About His Sordid Past Revealed

A source sat down with Radar Online to speak about her experience with Bill Cosby and the doctor who wrote him a prescription for quaaludes.

The source was horrified that Cosby wasn"t required to undergo an examination or fill out paperwork in order to be prescriped just a potent drug.

Bill cosby doctors gave him prescription for quaaludes