Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Danielle Staub Granted Restraining Order Against Husband After Weird Garage Incident

It is official, and also a tad bit frightening:

Danielle Staub and Marty Caffrey have the most dysfunctional relationship in all of Hollywood.

Sorry, Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and Jen Harley. But it’s true.

In the latest example of their chaotic romance, Staub was granted a temporary restraining order against her husband after a serious fight in their New Jersey home ended with police intervention on Tuesday night.

Radar Online was the first to confirm these details.

According to court documents obtained by this website, Staub arrived late yesterday to see Caffrey “standing in her garage.”

That may sound fairly innocent on its own, but…

“He appeared to be under the influence of alcohol, agitated and confrontational,” reads these legal papers.

“[Plaintiff] wanted to avoid any argument with [Defendant] so she proceeded to her bedroom.”

As previously detailed in frightening fashion, Staub has a number of reasons to avoid talking to Caffrey.

He recently WENT OFF on his wife, describing her as emotionally unstable and accusing of her various forms of abuse.

Yet, for some reason, Caffrey has remained in the marraige.

Here is another excerpt from the approvedrestraining order:

After hearing a disturbing noise in another part of the residence she walked downstairs and found the [Defendant].

She then realized that several of her family portraits of her children and other sentimental framed photographs had been taken down causing her to become upset and suspected that def had removed them.

Upon speaking with the responding patrol officers, the missing portraits and photographs were later located in the [Defendant’s] vehicle parked in the garage.

So… Caffrey took down some of Staub’s family portraits and put them in his car?

That’s abnormal behavior.

Staub’s husband was ordered to not “stalk, follow or threaten to harm” Staub in the wording of the restraining order, which lists Caffrey’s “criminal offense” as “verbal abuse.”

He’s been banned for now from the home he’s been sharing with Staub and may not visit her at her place of employment, either.

Moreover, Caffrey was ordered to stop all “oral, written, personal or electronic communication,” with Staub and was prohibited from “making or causing anyone else to make harassing communications.”

The estranged couple have an August 20 court date.

Staub and Caffrey got married in May.

There were reports of a split just two months later, but neither side has taken the actual step of filing any divorce papers.

Instead, they simply bash each other in the press and seek protective orders from each other in court.

“There’s just not a better feeling in the world,” Staub told People Magazine after she exchanged vows with Caffrey, adding this past spring:

“I’m still crying over it… it was beautiful.”

Now, sadly, Staub is also crying.

Just for a very different reason.

These two really need to go their separate ways. Like, NOW.
