Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Amy Schumer Goes Makeup-Free; Internet Goes Nuts

Any comedian who’s around long enough will eventually perform a joke that’s similar to another comic’s material. As such, joke stealing controversies are common to the world of standup.

Following her recent HBO special, Amy Schumer was accused of stealing a routine from the late comedian Patrice O’Neil. TMZ recently caught up with Amy and asked her about the allegations, but not surprisingly, the Internet has chosen to fixate on the fact that she wasn’t wearing any makeup while she defended herself:

“I would never take anyone’s joke,” Amy assured the cameraman when asked about the O’Neil situation. “Patrice was my really good friends…I never saw him do those jokes.”

She points out that it would be pretty ridiculous for her to close her first HBO special with stolen material (jacked from her dead friend, no less).

Like everything Amy does, the response was grounded, insightful and relatable. And, as is too often the case with Schumer, Internet jackasses chose to focus on her appearance:

“She need to steal herself some make up,” wrote one commenter.

“She may not be a thief but she is definitely looking like a crazy homeless lady in this pic,” wrote another.

We actually think it’s awesome that Amy showed no shyness about talking to TMZ even though she wasn’t all dolled up.

It’s one thing to talk about body positivity on stage, but it’s another to practice what you preach and show your true self to the world without an ounce of shame.

Just one more reason that we adore Amy Schumer: