Showing posts with label Eason's. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eason's. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

David Eason"s Mom Slams Barbara Evans: He Doesn"t Beat Jenelle! Shut Yer Yap! [Exclusive]

Barbara Evans has been outspoken when it comes to her daughter Jenelle Evans’ husband David Eason, who she believes is dangerous.

David’s own mother tells a different story, however, telling Barb off in a lengthy missive shared exclusively with The Hollywood Gossip.

According to Barbara, David is a violent, aggressive, hot-tempered, controlling yahoo – with a penchant for firearms, no less. 

Bit of a worrisome combination right there.

On the Teen Mom 2 reunion on Monday, August 13, Jenelle Evans didn’t show up, but Barbara did – and she didn’t hold back.

Babs openly speculated on MTV that Jenelle no-showed the reunion because her husband wouldn’t let her out of his sight.

“I don’t feel Jenelle is OK,” Barbara said.

“I’m just so so so worried.”

Due to David Eason’s aggression and love of guns, Barbara even said, “I’m going to be the first one shot cause I live closest.”

“It scares me,” she said of living in fear of him.

“He could come over and kill me any time.”

Scary stuff … but complete nonsense, according to another figure who claims she knows him – and his family – better than Barbara:

David’s mom, Mary Jo Eason.

Having heard several versions of this same, savage theme from Barb (above), Mary Jo has had just about enough, telling THG:

“I don’t like to comment on all of this because someone will be there to tell me they know more than I do about my own son!”

“My son does not beat Jenelle or boss her around! He doesn’t beat the children!” she adds, before addressing Babs directly:

“Barb you know he doesn’t! Tell the truth and shame the devil! You should be trying to help your daughter and her family.”

“You never say anything nice,” she says, pointedly directed at a woman she believes lies, manipulates and distorts the truth.

“You hated David from the start … you would rather be on that stupid show then [sic] be a loving parent and grandmother!”

(Jenelle has echoed this sentiment recently, accusing her mom of using her for fame and alleging that Barbara is the real child abuser.

The younger Evans also called 911 on Babs last winter, claiming that her mom had harmed or was going to harm son Jace.)

Mary Jo, she says, is “there every week,” while Ensley, David and Jenelle’s young daughter, “doesn’t even know [Barbara].” 

“How can you keep right on saying horrible things about my son? They are happy and you can’t stand it! I’m so sick of so many lies!” 

“Our children and grandchildren don’t deserve to be pawns in your nasty games!” Mary Jo continues, pleading with Barbara to stop.

“I’ve always been nice to you and your daughter and your grandchildren. How about try to put love and understanding and help in their lives.”

“Family and love for your family is all that matters,” Mary Jo pleads. “Please be honest and stop your vendetta.”

“You are only a year older than me. Don’t you know with each passing day our time in this Earth gets shorter.”

Damn. Now she’s getting deep.

In closing, David’s mother wants Barbara – and everyone else – to think before they repeat what they think is true.

There are usually multiple sides to a story, but she implies that Barb (and the media) only follow one narrative.

“All of you that keep saying things because you just think them should search your heart and soul and stop,” she concludes.

“David is my son and I know him better than all of you that don’t! I’m sure I’ll have to delete this but I have to speak up for my son.”

“He loves his family.”

Well, there you have his side of the story. Do you believe her? Or is David every bit the dangerous person Barbara alleges?



Monday, January 29, 2018

David Eason"s Sister SLAMS Jenelle Evans: Feed Your Son!

Not all that long ago, it looked like the feud between Jenelle Evans and David Eason’s sister, Jessica Miller, might finally come to an end.

After months of truly nasty exchanges on social media, Jessica was arrested for assault, and insiders said the incident prompted her to re-evaluate her priorities and attempt to turn her life around.

We assumed the self-improvement campaign would involve no longer engaging in petty online beefs with her brother’s wife.

Obviously, we were wrong.

Not only is Jessica still taking shots at Jenelle, she’s stepped her game up and is now peddling anti-Jenelle merchandise!

Yes, Jessica is selling t-shirts inspired by her feud with Jenelle on the Tee Spring website.

Act now, because supplies won’t last.

Not because they’ll sell out, of course, but because Jenelle will probably sick her lawyers on Jessica and shut this whole operation down any minute now.

As you can see, one of the shirts references the controversy over Jenelle allegedly failing to feed her son Kaiser.

Another shirt–which has apparently already been removed from the site–shows two stick figures having sex in front of a video camera, with a caption reading, “Makin’ My Family on the Lannndd.”

As Teen Mom 2 fans are aware, Jenelle and David refer to their property as “the Land” for reasons that are apparent only to them.

So yes, it does appear that Jessica is suggesting that Jenelle and David have made a sex tape.

Why that’s a fact she felt the need to immortalize on a t-shirt is anyone’s guess.

But Jessica claims (probably because she has to for legal reasons) that the shirts aren’t intended to make fun of Jenelle.

She insists she simply posted an online poll, and these were the concepts that fans liked the most.

“I asked for requests and ideas and most of the requests were very similar,” Miller tells Radar Online.

“There was an overflow of expressions and references. Most of them were #FeedMe related.”

Never mind the fact that the only reason Miller has “fans” is because she gets into a public war of words with Jenelle about once a week.

We’re sure the “I was just giving the fans what they want” excuse will fly with the judge in Jessica’s assault case.

For once Jenelle might actually have the upper hand in a court case.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more on the absolutely bonkers life of the Carolina Hurricane herself, Mrs. Evans-Eason.


Monday, January 22, 2018

Jessica Miller: David Eason"s Sister Arrested For Assault! Did She Beat Up Jenelle Evans?!

Jessica Miller is the sister of Jenelle Evans’ husband, David Eason.

She’s never appeared on Teen Mom 2, and it seems she has little face-to-face contact with Jenelle.

Still, in the world of TM2 obsessives, Jessica is something of an icon, thanks to her stunning ability to match Ms. Evans in terms of violent insanity.

Jenelle and Jessica’s feuds are the stuff of legend, often spilling from one social media platform to another, as each attempts to publicly throw shade without the other one knowing.

It’s a thrilling game of cat and mouse, in which both the cat and the mouse accuse one another of being meth addicts.

Jessica accuses Jenelle of doing drugs while pregnant.

Jenelle accuses Jessica of driving while high and getting fired for stealing prescription painkillers from work.

We all look on in amazement and thank the heavens that our families are downright functional by comparison.

Unfortunately, it looks like the schaudenfreude might be coming to an end, as Jessica will likely be doing her best to keep her nose clean for the foreseeable future.

According to Starcasm, Jessica was arrested for assault over the weekend 

There’s no word on who Jessica may have assaulted, but it’s worth noting that she got into yet another Facbook fight with Jenelle the day before the arrest.

This time, Jenelle unequivocally initiated the spat, by posting this deranged “review” of Jessica’s t-shirt company:

“Fake business!!!!! This owner is psycho! She threatens people on a daily basis on social media saying she’s going to fight them and such.

“She also doesn’t own one piece of this clothing at all and uses an “art” app on her phone to copy and paste texts onto shirts without even testing them out herself.

“She tried stealing a logo from another company. I ordered a shirt a week ago and it’s still not here. I asked to be refunded and it’s taking forever! Really upset with this company! Never shopping here again. Maybe if the owner wasn’t on drugs this business would be ran properly.”

We don’t know what’s funnier–the fact that Jenelle has gone full-Trump and is now calling everything she doesn’t like “fake,” or the fact that tried to legitimize the whole thing by slipping an actual complaint about delivery time into unhinged psycho-screed.

Interestingly, an Instrgam follower recently asked Jessica why she’s never gotten into a physical altercation with Jenelle.

David’s sister had this to say in response:

“I came really close to it when i had to go to court with her and barbara over jace. I followed her into the bathroom and i told her what an ungrateful selfish little B she is but i kept my hands to myself bc she isnt worth jail time or my money in court costs! “

Perhaps tellingly, Jenelle hasn’t taken to Twitter to boast about Jessica’s arrest, as one might expect her to.

We’re not saying Jessica and Jenelle got into a fight, but we certainly wouldn’t be floored by that news.

We’ll keep you updated on the situation as more information becomes available.

In the meantime, watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself of just what a brawler Jenelle is.

She’s not someone you wanna mess with…


Thursday, December 21, 2017

David Eason"s Sister SLAMS Jenelle Evans: She"s a Slut! She"s Had a Ton of Abortions!

For months now, the feud between Jenelle Evans and David Eason"s sister, Jessica Eason Miller, has been heating up.

Now, Jessica has fired the most devastating shots of the entire conflict, and it seems unlikely that Jenelle will just let this one slide.

Check out what David"s sister had to say about her famous rival below:

1. Shots Fired

Dave and jenelle eason

It all started back in May, when Jenelle got angry after learning that Jessica had been spending time with David’s ex, Olivia Leedham. Evans expressed her frustration on Facebook, as only she can…

2. Facebook Burn!

Jenelle on insta

“Next time don’t text david asking to bail out your baby daddy,” Jenelle wrote in a lengthy status update. “Maybe that’s why she’s so mad … Mannnnnnn… I love owning my own home, not having any legal charges, and a closet full of nice shoes I paid for too.”

3. Jess Claps Back

Jessica eason miller

“Ya Smoked weed while pregnant….It must have been the fact that I didn’t like half the tasteless crap u gave me.. I’m sorry boo boo.. Don’t u have some rehab and custody court to attend to?” Jessica wrote in response.

4. Plenty of Females

Jenelle evans promoting lipstick

“And my brother has pllleeennnntyy of females STILL asking when is he kicking ya to the curb.. Line starts here … Don’t come at me ya drug addict pawning ya kids off left and right cuz you can’t handle them without David or my mama there to help u outta bed!” Jessica shot back.

5. Jenelle’s Mic Drop

Jenelle eason david eason

Evans went on to accuse her sister-in-law of committing larceny, abusing Xanax, and neglecting her kids. “You will never be considered family to me and david already texted you about this bullsh!t, so tell the truth. [David] hates your f–king guts and told me that he will just ignore you the rest of his life so talk to him about that,” Evans conclided.

6. Jenelle vs. Jessica

Jenelle evans making silver and orange work

Needless to say, there’s no going back for these two, and the feud has raged on in the months since. This week, Jessica fired some of her most savage shots to date in a phone message that was leaked on Reddit…

View Slideshow

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Jenelle Evans: LYING About David Eason"s Cancer Diagnosis?!

Earlier this week, Jenelle Evans stunned fans when she tweeted that hter husband, David Eason, had battled cancer.

It was the first time that Evans had mentioned Eason"s thyroidectomy and radation therapy, and many were confused as to why she waited so long.

After all, it"s not as though Jenelle is the quiet type.

Evans says she simply wanted to protect her husband"s privacy, but at least one person close to the situation thinks this is another case of Jenelle bending the truth to suit her needs…

1. The Easons

Mr and mrs eason

Jenelle and David have been through a lot in their relatively short time together. This week, in a fit of rage, Evans revealed that they’d kept one of their greatest struggles a secret.

2. The Wrath of Jenelle

Jenelle evans making silver and orange work

We learned about David’s battle with cancer when Jenelle flipped out on a random Twitter troll. The user remarked that tall people like David have shorter life expectancies, and Jenelle just lost it …

3. The Big Sick

Jenelle eason david eason

Jenelle slammed the remarks about David as insensitive “especially because he’s a cancer survivor.” Naturally, fans were to quick to ask for elaboration following this bombshell.

4. Calling BS

David and jenelle eason

One fan who claimed to have insider knowledge of the situation insisted that Jenelle was lying. “He didn’t have cancer!” the follower wrote. “Like women have preventative mastectomies because they have a family history.

5. A Fair Point…

Jenelle evans boyfriend david eason

“If [David] really was a cancer survivor don’t you think Jenelle would’ve sold a million stories by now?” the fan concluded. Many fans agreed that Jenelle is not the type to keep something like this to herself.

6. Jenelle Claps Back

Jenelle evans promoting lipstick

Jenelle was having none of this fan’s argument, and she offered up what she claimed was visual evidence that David has undergone life-saving cancer treatment.

View Slideshow

Friday, December 8, 2017

Jenelle Evans Tweets About David Eason"s Cancer, Stuns Fans

Jenelle Evans and David Eason have endured a lot in their short time together.

Obviously, many–if not most–of their problems are self-created, but the newlyweds have also been dealt some bad hands by fate.

Earlier this week, one of Jenelle’s Twitter followers threw some mortality shade in what might be a candidate for Most Random Tweet of the Year.

“Taller people have shorter life expectencies. Just throwing this in the mix,” the hater wrote beneath a photo from Jenelle and David’s wedding.

Yes, someone looked at a photo of a smiling couple that had just tied the knot and thought, “Whatever, the guy’s gonna die soon, anyway.”

Fortunately, Jenelle apparently has fans, and many of them jumped to her defense, informing the Angel of Death that her tweet was obnoxious and out of line.

Initially, it looked like Jenelle would sit this one out, but eventually, she chimed in with a revelation that left fans stunned.

“Especially because he’s a cancer survivor…” Evans tweeted.

Asked for clarification, Evans wrote:

“Uhm..He had a thyroidectomy, why do you think he has a scar across his throat? He just doesn’t scream it out to everyone. It’s scary for us to deal with.”

Yes, it seems David survived a bout with thyroid cancer.

Jenelle went on to reveal that his treatment was long and difficult–and his family offered nothing in the way of support:

“He had radiation therapy,” Evans wrote, adding:

“Of course none of his family was there helping him either going through this. If you only knew the truth.”

Fans were aware that Eason has endured a difficult past, but this is the first time that Jenelle has spoken about his battle with cancer.

She did not go into detail with regard to how long ago the treatment took place.

Currently, Jenelle and David are going through yet another difficult time.

It was revealed today that Jenelle has accused her mother, Barbara Eason, of abusing her son Jace.

Jenelle called the police on Barbara last month, but no arrests were made.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more on the turbulent life of the woman dubbed the Carolina Hurricane.


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Jenelle Evans vs. David Eason"s Sister: The Trashy Feud is Over!

Jenelle Evans sure has been busy lately, huh?

But in between planning a wedding later this year, caring for her brand new baby girl, and fighting her mother for custody of her oldest son, she still managed to get into a fight.

And with David Eason’s sister, Jessica Eason, no less.

Thankfully, no mason jars were thrown at anyone’s head this time, and no one got arrested.

And that’s because the fight took place over social media.

The whole thing started when Jenelle heard that Jessica had met up with one of David’s exes. She allegedly texted Jessica to let her know that that wasn’t cool.

Jessica began talking trash on Facebook, and after that, it was all over.

Both ladies made some outrageous but not necessarily unbelievable claims about each other — Jessica said Jenelle smoked weed while pregnant, for instance.

Jenelle made a Facebook post about how Jessica’s husband smokes crack and how they both “pop xanax all day and lay around the house.”

Jessica claimed that Jenelle used David’s daughter’s toothbrush to clean a toilet, and that the little girl is miserable around her.

She also repeatedly referred to Jenelle as “mud duck.”

It’s been a wild ride, but now, according to Jessica, it’s all over.

In a new Facebook post, she wrote “So Im getting publicity now for NOT speaking on it. Look, the damage is done. But it’s really causing conflict within our family.”

Yeah, if you publicly state that your brother’s fiancée is a lying, manipulative drug addict, it can cause some tension — who knew?!

“My entire family means the world to me,” Jessica continued. “So yes if i can fix it i will, no matter what it takes. Sometimes u have to put things to rest and drop it.”

“Like I said, i would rather my family be alright then to keep fighting. The beef isnt important. My family’s happiness is important.”

Not one to pass up a chance for sass, she added “Now to take that into your little groups and toss it around like a ball.”

“Be mad that i stopped the hate but im trying to please my parents and the rest of my family!”

She finished with the hashtag “family first,” because of course she did.

In another post, Jessica wrote “Sometimes it isn’t about who’s right or wrong, or who did what first. Let go and Love! We aren’t promised another day.”

While it sounds wonderful and all that David’s sister is trying to be the bigger woman here, it’s worth mentioning that this is hardly the first time she’s tried to end the feud.

Every few days she’ll post something about ending things for her family’s sake, but before you know it, we’re hearing some new dirt about the Mud Duck.

When it comes to this feud, as awful as Jenelle can be, it really seems like neither of them have the high ground.

It’s all just way, way too messy — and we’re betting it’s not even close to over.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Feud With David Eason"s Sister Heats Up!

Over the past week, we’ve been keeping you updated on the Jenelle Evans and David Eason’s sister, Jessica.

Both ladies leveled some pretty serious charges (domestic violence, drug use while pregnant, etc.) at one another, but there was a day or two when it looked as though things had settled down … or at least like they had decided to settle the matter privately.

Fortunately for fans of bonkers social media beefs, Jenelle got back to slamming Jessica online earlier this week, and the situation escalated rapidly.

Jessica posted what sounded a lengthy parting shot on Facebook, writing:

I’ve gotta leave with one last note since my BLOOD BROTHER and his tomfoolery gf are acting up over me seeing my nephew and it made Jenelle jealous:

Whitney Johnson is David’s ex wife.. She is my 2nd BFF, she loves me and I love her. Olivia Leedham David ex is also my friend. I could keep naming but ill stop.

When someone has hurt u but they have a change of heart and they act like they have some sense, u can forgive and love them.

I’ve never had this type of beef w his women so what’s wrong w this puzzle? Never had beef w jamies women either! Amanda Diaz! I love u too booboo

Little did we know all Jessica was doing was switching venues to Twitter, where she continued to rant about some trash talk from Jenelle.

Though in fairness, it was some pretty severe trash talk:

“She fist fought a kid while 7 months pregnant and now her son has cerebral palsy,” Jenelle wrote in  status update last week.

“She needs to stop being such an angry person and stay sober. Drugs make everyone so angry it’s crazy.”

For some reason, it took Jessica days to respond to that remark – on a different social media platform:

“That comment alone is gonna cost her dearly.. dearly!” Jessica wrote.

“How dare she say that about me and my innocent son.. She is a BIG fat liar and a FAKE It shows her evil character. . or lack there of! Ive always been respectful to this girl. She really showed her true self.”

After claiming that David is in the dark about the true nature of his fiancee’s character Jessica hit Jenelle with this zinger:

“U know i will see u again right? U better bring a flat full of mason jars with u where ever u go!”

It’s a reference to the fact that Jenelle allegedly threw a mason jar at the girlfriend of her second baby daddy, Nathan Griffith, and was arrested for assault.

“One more effin word to p!ss me off @PBandJenelley_1 & i PROMISE U i will tell every tiny detail of ur pathetic fake world,” Jessica added.

She went on to accuse Evans of being “jealous” of Eason’s daughter, Maryssa.

Jenelle seems unsure of how to play this one.

Clearly, she wants to go off in true Carolina Hurricane fashion, but at the same time, it’s a future in-law she’s dealing with.

So she keeps dropping bombs like this one …

… then deleting them, presumably on David’s behest.

For her part, Jessica tweeted and deleted an accusation about someone (presumably a child) eating one of Jenelle’s weed gummy bears, and seemed to sense that she’d gone too far.

“Im stopping this on my end,” she wrote shortly thereafter.

“It is making me sick.. I dont wanna bash my bro or his woman bc i know its hurting him. Im stopping for him.”

She proceeded to argue with a random tweeter who accused of her bening afraid of legal action over the gummy bear tweet.

Folks, we’re guessing this thing is far from over.


Monday, May 15, 2017

Jenelle Evans Continues to Slam David Eason"s Sister on Facebook!

Last week, we reported on the bizarre and very public feud between Jenelle Evans and the sister of David Eason.

David, of course, is Jenelle’s fiance and the father of her third child.

One would think that Jenelle would do her damnedest to stay on his family’s good side – at least until the wedding – but Jenlle’s never been one to avoid setting fire to her own life.

So in a situation where sane, rational adults who are currently in the process of trying to win back custody of their eldest son might have eased up on the hate (or at least kept it off social media) Jenelle doubled down.

The folks over at Starcasm have been watching the situation closely, and it seems that things died down for a while – until, of course, Jenelle decided to fire a shot out of nowhere.

Over the weekend, David’s other sister, April, wrote a lengthy Facebook post about the importance of family. 

Jenelle being Jenelle, she took the opportunity to trash-talk her rival, Jessica:

“Think about your actions wisely before losing your entire family,” Jenelle wrote on Facebook.

“#FamilyFirst not #FamilySecond … there’s a huge difference.”

As much as people usually love being threatened with the loss of their entire family, Jenelle’s comment didn’t go over well:

“Does this makes sense to anyone?” Jessica shot back.

“We have our family. April David Amber and Jamie are our family. And Ensley is my niece. Youre the one losing Jen!”

After being egged on by some commenters, Jessica went on:

“Girl I could say some stuff but ima back off the Lil ho for now.. But if I see another negative word out that things mouth or finger tips.. It will be #onlikedonkeykong”

She added:

“Did she think MY sister April Marie was gonna say something nice to her? Hahahaha”

Believe it or not, Jessica didn’t stop there, and she’s on the verge of doing the impossible: making Jenelle look like the sane one in a conflict.

Jessica posted the above status, presumably just in case anyone still wasn’t clear about her feelings toward Jenelle.

Urban Dictionary provides this helpful definition of “mud duck”:

“An atrocious-looking female. This girl has to be so horrible that she doesn’t even qualify as a duck.”

Jessica went on to remind us of what really started all of this – her continued friendship with David’s first baby mama, Olivia:

“Olivia and Kaden (my nephew and his mom) came to visit and Jenelle got so jealous she’s on oxygen but seriously. Then in retaliation she begins posting a bunch of weird sh*t!”

Amazingly, all of this time, Jenelle was playing it relatively cool, clapping back passive-aggressively by posting an unflattering article about Jessica with a caption reading, “I’m done.”

But, of course, she wasn’t done:

“She’s always wanted to be “on tv”. Maybe that’s why she’s mad,” Jenelle wrote.

“Davids brother and her have been asking david when they can film and they should have their own show. Her saying this doesn’t even surprise me.”

She added:

“She must be on xanax being as angry as she was in my voicemail lmfao.”

Yes, Jenelle has decided to take this thing into “she’s on drugs” territory.

She went on to accuse Jessica of repeatedly calling and threatening her, writing:

“I have kids and she has 5 kids like damn just stop already. She fist fought a kid while 7 months pregnant and now her son has cerebral palsy. She needs to stop being such an angry person and stay sober. Drugs make everyone so angry it’s crazy.”

She added that unless she publicly apologizes, Jessica won’t be invited to her and David’s wedding.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t sound like that apology is forthcoming:

“All she has to do is bow down and call me the queen and I might forgive her. Maybee,” Jessica wrote.

Stock up on popcorn, folks.

This one may go on a while.

We’ll have further updates as this thing develops.

In the meantime, watch Teen Mom 2 online to relive all of Jenelle’s most bonkers moments.
