Thursday, December 21, 2017

David Eason"s Sister SLAMS Jenelle Evans: She"s a Slut! She"s Had a Ton of Abortions!

For months now, the feud between Jenelle Evans and David Eason"s sister, Jessica Eason Miller, has been heating up.

Now, Jessica has fired the most devastating shots of the entire conflict, and it seems unlikely that Jenelle will just let this one slide.

Check out what David"s sister had to say about her famous rival below:

1. Shots Fired

Dave and jenelle eason

It all started back in May, when Jenelle got angry after learning that Jessica had been spending time with David’s ex, Olivia Leedham. Evans expressed her frustration on Facebook, as only she can…

2. Facebook Burn!

Jenelle on insta

“Next time don’t text david asking to bail out your baby daddy,” Jenelle wrote in a lengthy status update. “Maybe that’s why she’s so mad … Mannnnnnn… I love owning my own home, not having any legal charges, and a closet full of nice shoes I paid for too.”

3. Jess Claps Back

Jessica eason miller

“Ya Smoked weed while pregnant….It must have been the fact that I didn’t like half the tasteless crap u gave me.. I’m sorry boo boo.. Don’t u have some rehab and custody court to attend to?” Jessica wrote in response.

4. Plenty of Females

Jenelle evans promoting lipstick

“And my brother has pllleeennnntyy of females STILL asking when is he kicking ya to the curb.. Line starts here … Don’t come at me ya drug addict pawning ya kids off left and right cuz you can’t handle them without David or my mama there to help u outta bed!” Jessica shot back.

5. Jenelle’s Mic Drop

Jenelle eason david eason

Evans went on to accuse her sister-in-law of committing larceny, abusing Xanax, and neglecting her kids. “You will never be considered family to me and david already texted you about this bullsh!t, so tell the truth. [David] hates your f–king guts and told me that he will just ignore you the rest of his life so talk to him about that,” Evans conclided.

6. Jenelle vs. Jessica

Jenelle evans making silver and orange work

Needless to say, there’s no going back for these two, and the feud has raged on in the months since. This week, Jessica fired some of her most savage shots to date in a phone message that was leaked on Reddit…

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