Showing posts with label Trashy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trashy. Show all posts

Saturday, October 27, 2018

David Eason: Forget About the Jenelle Evans Assault, Look How Trashy I Am!

It’s been a little over a week now since we first heard reports that Jenelle Evans was assaulted by her husband, David Eason.

And it’s still just really, truly awful.

From what we’ve been able to piece together from her heartbreaking 911 call and some statements she’s made, she and David were hanging out by a bonfire outside their home the weekend before last.

They were drinking, and apparently something happened to set David off.

According to Jenelle’s conversation with the 911 operator, he pinned her down out in the yard, “and I think I heard my f-cking collarbone crack.”

Even if he didn’t break her collarbone, it seems like he may have caused some sort of injury.

Ever since that incident, Jenelle’s been careful to cover up her neck and chest.

Still, it’s pretty clear she’s not leaving him, at least not any time soon.

After that call was released, she said that this whole thing has been a “misunderstanding,” and that they’d just gotten too drunk.

So drunk, apparently, that she tripped and fell into David, and that made both of them think they were fighting.

Yeah, it doesn’t make sense, but that’s her story and she’s sticking to it

She’s actually sticking to it so hard that she made an entire video in which she talked about how crazy it is that people think David could be abusive.

Honestly, this whole saga has been so scary and depressing, you know?

And David just made things even scarier with this bizarre photo he shared this morning on Instagram:

Yep, this guy is as creepy as ever, all wrapped up in a Confederate flag out in that sketchy shed in their yard.

In the caption for this photo, David wrote “Where I’m from is who I am and my family fought and died for this land.”

“Red white and blue comes in more than one pattern.”

He also urged his followers not to argue, “just get off my page if you don’t agree!”

There are lots of problems with this, right?

Just so many problems.

One, his family didn’t fight and die for “this land.”

Jenelle bought the land with Teen Mom money, and David just tagged along and rakes the yard sometimes.

Two, he’s trying to rock a Confederate flag here, which was from the Civil War — which most of us know really wasn’t a “fight and die for this land” kind of war.

It was more like a “fight and die for the right to own slaves” war, but he’s clearly trying to romanticize things, so whatever.

Three, if you really want to rep “red white and blue,” why have a flag for a group of treasonous people who didn’t even want to be a part of the U.S.?

Four, this photo is so cringy that we might literally die from it.

And in only got worse with the replies David made to his followers’ comments.

One person told him “Pretty sure your ‘land’ was stolen from the true Native Americans,” which is obviously a solid point.

However, David responded with “I bought my land with cash money,” so it seems like that point flew right over his head.

Also, again, it was definitely Jenelle’s money.

Then someone said that he seemed “mentally ill.”

“But ‘mentally ill’ is considered normal by the media and Democrats,” he replied.

Just … what?

After that, one person said that she wasn’t from the U.S. and didn’t really understand the problem with the flag.

That’s when things really got wild.

“There is no problem,” David wrote, “people who think its a racist flag are racist themselves.”

“It’s their way to pass the buck so they don’t seem so racist.”

What does that even mean?

Seriously, what is that supposed to mean? We don’t get it.

The thing is that while David is by no means the sharpest tool in the sketchy, sketchy shed, he’s not stupid, either.

He knows that this kind of behavior gets a lot of attention, and we’d imagine he wants attention on anything but those abuse allegations right now.

And on one hand, it kind of worked, because we are talking about, right?

But on the other hand … how is one person this terrible?


Friday, December 8, 2017

Teen Mom: The Definitive, Tragically Trashy Tattoo Guide!

If you"re a fan of Teen Mom, then you know that many of the people on the show have tattoos.

You also know that a lot of the tattoos … well, they aren"t that great.

Some are poorly done, some are just kind of strange, and some are nightmarish and horrifying and just so completely, unbelievably bad.

So steady yourself, perhaps grab some smelling salts and some pearls to clutch, and let"s check out all the Teen Mom ink we can get our eyes on!

1. Amber’s Tattoo of Leah

Ambers tattoo of leah

Here, let’s just start with the worst of the worst, all right? This is Amber Portwood’s portrait of her daughter, Leah. It’s right on her stomach, it also features a gigantic rose, and it’s not finished. Will she ever get it finished? It’s hard to say. We will ever be able to get this haunting image out of our heads? Unlikely.

2. Choices


Since we’re already talking about Amber’s tattoos, she also got this matching tattoo with Matt Baier, back when they first started dating. It reads “vero amore,” which is supposed to be Italian for “true love.” So that’s embarrassing.

3. Speaking of Embarrassing …

Speaking of embarrassing

Matt also has this huge tattoo of Amber’s name right on his forearm. Just right there on his arm where he has to look at it all day, every day.

4. Ugh

Matt baier book cover

Matt actually has several tattoos, many of which you can see on his nude book cover. We won’t waste more time on him here, so if you feel the need to look more closely at his naked greasy bod here, then you have our blessing. However, we will say that on his other arm, he has a couple of Chinese characters that he says mean “clean and sober,” but that Teen Mom detectives have actually determined mean “Lisa.”

5. Why Though?

Why though

As hard as it may be to believe, Matt isn’t the only guy to get Amber Portwood’s name tattooed on his body — Gary Shirley made the exact same mistake. Thankfully he was smart enough (???) to get the tattoo on his shoulder instead of on his forearm though, and he’s since covered up.

6. It’s Gary Time

Its gary time

Gary also has a … what is that, a sun? A blob with tentacles? Whatever it is, he’s also got some tattoo right in the middle of his chest, peeking out through all his body hair.

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Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Jenelle Evans vs. David Eason"s Sister: The Trashy Feud is Over!

Jenelle Evans sure has been busy lately, huh?

But in between planning a wedding later this year, caring for her brand new baby girl, and fighting her mother for custody of her oldest son, she still managed to get into a fight.

And with David Eason’s sister, Jessica Eason, no less.

Thankfully, no mason jars were thrown at anyone’s head this time, and no one got arrested.

And that’s because the fight took place over social media.

The whole thing started when Jenelle heard that Jessica had met up with one of David’s exes. She allegedly texted Jessica to let her know that that wasn’t cool.

Jessica began talking trash on Facebook, and after that, it was all over.

Both ladies made some outrageous but not necessarily unbelievable claims about each other — Jessica said Jenelle smoked weed while pregnant, for instance.

Jenelle made a Facebook post about how Jessica’s husband smokes crack and how they both “pop xanax all day and lay around the house.”

Jessica claimed that Jenelle used David’s daughter’s toothbrush to clean a toilet, and that the little girl is miserable around her.

She also repeatedly referred to Jenelle as “mud duck.”

It’s been a wild ride, but now, according to Jessica, it’s all over.

In a new Facebook post, she wrote “So Im getting publicity now for NOT speaking on it. Look, the damage is done. But it’s really causing conflict within our family.”

Yeah, if you publicly state that your brother’s fiancée is a lying, manipulative drug addict, it can cause some tension — who knew?!

“My entire family means the world to me,” Jessica continued. “So yes if i can fix it i will, no matter what it takes. Sometimes u have to put things to rest and drop it.”

“Like I said, i would rather my family be alright then to keep fighting. The beef isnt important. My family’s happiness is important.”

Not one to pass up a chance for sass, she added “Now to take that into your little groups and toss it around like a ball.”

“Be mad that i stopped the hate but im trying to please my parents and the rest of my family!”

She finished with the hashtag “family first,” because of course she did.

In another post, Jessica wrote “Sometimes it isn’t about who’s right or wrong, or who did what first. Let go and Love! We aren’t promised another day.”

While it sounds wonderful and all that David’s sister is trying to be the bigger woman here, it’s worth mentioning that this is hardly the first time she’s tried to end the feud.

Every few days she’ll post something about ending things for her family’s sake, but before you know it, we’re hearing some new dirt about the Mud Duck.

When it comes to this feud, as awful as Jenelle can be, it really seems like neither of them have the high ground.

It’s all just way, way too messy — and we’re betting it’s not even close to over.
