Monday, January 29, 2018

David Eason"s Sister SLAMS Jenelle Evans: Feed Your Son!

Not all that long ago, it looked like the feud between Jenelle Evans and David Eason’s sister, Jessica Miller, might finally come to an end.

After months of truly nasty exchanges on social media, Jessica was arrested for assault, and insiders said the incident prompted her to re-evaluate her priorities and attempt to turn her life around.

We assumed the self-improvement campaign would involve no longer engaging in petty online beefs with her brother’s wife.

Obviously, we were wrong.

Not only is Jessica still taking shots at Jenelle, she’s stepped her game up and is now peddling anti-Jenelle merchandise!

Yes, Jessica is selling t-shirts inspired by her feud with Jenelle on the Tee Spring website.

Act now, because supplies won’t last.

Not because they’ll sell out, of course, but because Jenelle will probably sick her lawyers on Jessica and shut this whole operation down any minute now.

As you can see, one of the shirts references the controversy over Jenelle allegedly failing to feed her son Kaiser.

Another shirt–which has apparently already been removed from the site–shows two stick figures having sex in front of a video camera, with a caption reading, “Makin’ My Family on the Lannndd.”

As Teen Mom 2 fans are aware, Jenelle and David refer to their property as “the Land” for reasons that are apparent only to them.

So yes, it does appear that Jessica is suggesting that Jenelle and David have made a sex tape.

Why that’s a fact she felt the need to immortalize on a t-shirt is anyone’s guess.

But Jessica claims (probably because she has to for legal reasons) that the shirts aren’t intended to make fun of Jenelle.

She insists she simply posted an online poll, and these were the concepts that fans liked the most.

“I asked for requests and ideas and most of the requests were very similar,” Miller tells Radar Online.

“There was an overflow of expressions and references. Most of them were #FeedMe related.”

Never mind the fact that the only reason Miller has “fans” is because she gets into a public war of words with Jenelle about once a week.

We’re sure the “I was just giving the fans what they want” excuse will fly with the judge in Jessica’s assault case.

For once Jenelle might actually have the upper hand in a court case.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more on the absolutely bonkers life of the Carolina Hurricane herself, Mrs. Evans-Eason.
