Thursday, May 18, 2017

Jenelle Evans: Feud With David Eason"s Sister Heats Up!

Over the past week, we’ve been keeping you updated on the Jenelle Evans and David Eason’s sister, Jessica.

Both ladies leveled some pretty serious charges (domestic violence, drug use while pregnant, etc.) at one another, but there was a day or two when it looked as though things had settled down … or at least like they had decided to settle the matter privately.

Fortunately for fans of bonkers social media beefs, Jenelle got back to slamming Jessica online earlier this week, and the situation escalated rapidly.

Jessica posted what sounded a lengthy parting shot on Facebook, writing:

I’ve gotta leave with one last note since my BLOOD BROTHER and his tomfoolery gf are acting up over me seeing my nephew and it made Jenelle jealous:

Whitney Johnson is David’s ex wife.. She is my 2nd BFF, she loves me and I love her. Olivia Leedham David ex is also my friend. I could keep naming but ill stop.

When someone has hurt u but they have a change of heart and they act like they have some sense, u can forgive and love them.

I’ve never had this type of beef w his women so what’s wrong w this puzzle? Never had beef w jamies women either! Amanda Diaz! I love u too booboo

Little did we know all Jessica was doing was switching venues to Twitter, where she continued to rant about some trash talk from Jenelle.

Though in fairness, it was some pretty severe trash talk:

“She fist fought a kid while 7 months pregnant and now her son has cerebral palsy,” Jenelle wrote in  status update last week.

“She needs to stop being such an angry person and stay sober. Drugs make everyone so angry it’s crazy.”

For some reason, it took Jessica days to respond to that remark – on a different social media platform:

“That comment alone is gonna cost her dearly.. dearly!” Jessica wrote.

“How dare she say that about me and my innocent son.. She is a BIG fat liar and a FAKE It shows her evil character. . or lack there of! Ive always been respectful to this girl. She really showed her true self.”

After claiming that David is in the dark about the true nature of his fiancee’s character Jessica hit Jenelle with this zinger:

“U know i will see u again right? U better bring a flat full of mason jars with u where ever u go!”

It’s a reference to the fact that Jenelle allegedly threw a mason jar at the girlfriend of her second baby daddy, Nathan Griffith, and was arrested for assault.

“One more effin word to p!ss me off @PBandJenelley_1 & i PROMISE U i will tell every tiny detail of ur pathetic fake world,” Jessica added.

She went on to accuse Evans of being “jealous” of Eason’s daughter, Maryssa.

Jenelle seems unsure of how to play this one.

Clearly, she wants to go off in true Carolina Hurricane fashion, but at the same time, it’s a future in-law she’s dealing with.

So she keeps dropping bombs like this one …

… then deleting them, presumably on David’s behest.

For her part, Jessica tweeted and deleted an accusation about someone (presumably a child) eating one of Jenelle’s weed gummy bears, and seemed to sense that she’d gone too far.

“Im stopping this on my end,” she wrote shortly thereafter.

“It is making me sick.. I dont wanna bash my bro or his woman bc i know its hurting him. Im stopping for him.”

She proceeded to argue with a random tweeter who accused of her bening afraid of legal action over the gummy bear tweet.

Folks, we’re guessing this thing is far from over.
