Showing posts with label Build. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Build. Show all posts

Friday, October 26, 2018

Ronda Rousey Passionately Defends WWE In Saudi Arabia, We Can Build Bridges

Ronda Rousey tells TMZ Sports … pulling out of the WWE event in Saudi Arabia would be the WRONG move, because there is SO much good that can ultimately come from it.  And she’s so passionate about the event, she was fighting back tears while…


Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Zach Randolph Wants to Build a "Super Team" In Memphis

Zach Randolph doesn’t want to leave Memphis for a super team … he wants to bring the super team to Memphis!!  Z-Bo is entering free agency after 8 seasons with the Grizzlies and everyone wants to know what his next move is gonna be. With…


Sunday, April 30, 2017

Cliff Avril Says Marshawn Lynch Helped Him Build A School In Haiti (VIDEO + PHOTO)

Cliff Avril and Marshawn Lynch did one last thing as teammates before Beast Mode headed off to Oakland … and for the people of Haiti, it’s better than anything the men ever did on the field. Cliff has been down in Haiti building schools with…


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Donald Trump ... How to Build a Wall

Donald Trump can’t just call the dude who builds his hotel when it comes to constructing a 2,000 mile-long wall, so we did some digging of our own to find out about the hoops that have to be jumped through. Now that Trump has signed an…


Monday, November 21, 2016

Tito Ortiz -- I Helped Build UFC ... Where"s My Ownership Stake?! (VIDEO)

If Tito Ortiz didn’t get a piece of the UFC, Conor McGregor ain’t got a chance in hell at ownership … so says Tito himself.  The UFC Hall of Famer was leaving Delilah restaurant in L.A. this weekend when we asked about Conor’s ownership…


Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris Want to Build a Snowman

Yes, they do want to build a snowman. 

Thanks for asking!

Having kept their very famous romance out of the public eye for quite a few weeks now, Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris returned to social media this week for a very important reason:

They teamed up with Taylor’s brother, Austin, and created quite the impressive figure out of frozen precipitation.

“Really proud of ourselves over here,” Taylor wrote as a caption to the above image, and for good reason.

Look at that precious guy!

He’s rocking some buttons and eyes and a nose and a mouth and a very dapper top hat.

We can only guess that it took OLAF their cooperation to build a snowman as tall as Calvin. (Sorry. Should we show ourselves out?)

On a more serious note, there’s been talk that Harris is thinking of proposing to Swift.

The superstar singer and the superstar DJ have been a romantic item throughout nearly all of 2015, which says a lot considering Swift’s relationship history.

We really hope they make it all the way to the altar and we feel very confident that they might.

We mean, if these two can overcome that Calvin Harris hand job rumor, they can overcome nearly anything, right?

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Lily Allen Reportedly Living Out Of A Suitcase At A Posh London Hotel As Divorce Rumors Build!

And it only costs about $ 1,600 a night!

Lily Allen has been going through alleged marriage troubles with hubby Sam Cooper, and she’s apparently coping by escaping! At least it’s not Tinder this time…

Photo: Lily Dyes Her Hair Pink & Green!

Allen has been reportedly staying at Claridge’s, a five-start hotel in the Mayfair area of London, and she’s been seen attending parties and events without her husband over the past few months.

A source spoke to reporters about Allen’s hotel habits, saying:

“It seems strange that Lily would live out of a suitcase in a hotel, no matter how luxurious, rather than stay at her family home or in the London flat she still owns. Some of the hotel staff have been grumbling about her stay because she comes and goes at all hours and is always trying to sneak out the side doors.”

As if that’s not enough, sources claim that friends are worried about her spending habits — Lily apparently drops nearly $ 50,000 every month on designer clothes — and she’s been spotted so rarely with her husband and her two daughters (Ethel, 3, and Marnie, 2) in the last couple months.

Whatever this all means, there’s clearly something going on — we can only hope that Allen and Cooper do the right thing for themselves and their children, whatever that might be!

[Image via Zibi/WENN.]