Showing posts with label Romp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Romp. Show all posts

Friday, August 4, 2017

Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson: Bachelor in Paradise Will Air Their Poolside Sex Romp!

We were pleasantly surprised (thrilled, to be honest) when we found out that, despite everything, Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson will appear on the Bachelor in Paradise Special episode even though they didn’t end up being on season four.

A single episode is better than nothing, right?

Well, it turns out that we’ll be seeing more of Corinne and DeMario on Bachelor in Paradise than we’d ever expected to … and we are genuinely shocked. Because the world is basically going to see their sex tape.

Though a thorough investigation concluded that there was no sexual assault, the Bachelor in Paradise scandal rocked fans.

And the concern over what might have happened was so serious that producers shut down production on Bachelor in Paradise after they’d started filming and sent everyone home.

According to reports, after a lot of drinking, Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson were hooking up in a pool.

A producer was concerned that the two were too drunk to consent to what they were doing and what was going on, including being filmed.

It’s important to note that no one — including Corinne — ever accused DeMario Jackson of sexual assault.

He was reportedly too drunk to even pop an erection, which is why the reported sexual activity was very much centered upon Corinne’s genitals and took the form of, it is said, both licking and fingering.

The concern was that both Corinne and DeMario were being victimized by being filmed while hooking up while so thoroughly intoxicated.

There were some whispers that perhaps an overeager producer had deliberately arranged that they hook up.

Since Corinne was too drunk to remember events, she — as much as those of us reading up on events at home — was forced to listen to reports and statements and rumors in an effort to piece together what had happened.

All of that was a big deal, even if the investigation ruled that a sexual assault didn’t take place.

More importantly, Corinne Olympios closed the book on the case and expressed satisfaction with the findings.

And while that’s great, and while she and DeMario are going to appear on the season four special even though they won’t appear as planned on the full season, the Bachelor Nation still has a lot of questions.

Chris Harrison tells Entertainment Weekly that viewers will get a clear picture of what happened in the infamous poolside romp.

In fact, what we get might be more vivid than we’d ever imagined.

“It’s going to be literally dealt with the moment we come on the air.”

That’s smart — to clear the air but also to draw in more viewers.

(You gotta hit those ratings, especially with your premiere)

“We’ll start talking about it right away and start dealing with it. If you don’t, it’s the elephant in the room and then it will taint the entire season.”


Imagine if they filmed the fourth season and literally just didn’t address it.

This isn’t a TLC show where reality stars just get to pretend the bad things that they’ve said and done never happened after spending a little time off camera.

“So we want to show everybody and then get on with Paradise because there are some wonderful things that are going to be happening.”

That’s exciting, for sure.

Chris Harrison had more to say, though.

“There’s been a lot written and assumed and said about what we’re going to do and what we’re not going to do.”

Well, obviously.

If you don’t tell people the whole story right away, people have to connect the dots themselves.

“We had already shot for three days [before the shutdown] and a lot had actually happened — a lot of people had arrived, there had been dates, we’d gotten to the point where there was about to be our first rose ceremony — so we had a week’s worth of stuff.”

It’s good that all of that isn’t going to waste, then.

“We didn’t want to just throw that away because that’s what impacted the show and it’s what led to the shutdown.”

It’s all part of the same story, really.

Just like in real life, few things on Bachelor in Paradise happen in a total vacuum.

Chris Harrison tells us exactly what we can expect:

“We thought you needed to see that. So you’re going to see a lot of it, including Corinne and DeMario on the show.”

That’s something … but not the extent of what we’re going to see of Corinne and DeMario.

“When we restart, it will be me back in Mexico walking you through what happened and then we’re going to watch what happened.”

That’s a little more hands-on narration than usual, but it makes sense, given the circumstances.

“And then we’ll cut back to me and I’ll kind of shed some more light on things and then we’re going to go back and you’re going to see more of what happened, [and] not just the controversial.”

And, of course, there’s the show’s usual content:

“You’re going to see a lot of things, people falling in love, a lot of dates happening.”

“I think people have this preconceived notion of what it was like and what was going on and really the only way to prove anything or show you anything is to all watch it and you can judge for yourself.”

Did he just say what we think that he just said?


“So that will involve seeing Corinne and DeMario and it will also involve Carly and Evan’s wedding.”

Imagine getting married on television only to be upstaged by that scandal.

Chris Harrison isn’t really subtle about what we can expect to see from the poolside sex romp.

Because, with obvious censorship, it sounds like they’re going to show it.

“To the best of my knowledge, you’re going to see more than enough to show you what was happening that led up to the shutdown, within certain taste and values of what we can show on network TV.”

Obviously, nobody’s going to see any boobs.

Or anybody’s platinum vagine.

After all, this is Bachelor in Paradise, not Bachelor in Westeros.

Now that would be a show.

We have to assume that they’re only showing this (censored) video with the public after getting some sort of permission from both Corinne Olympios and DeMario Jackson.

They might not technically need approval, contracts being what they are.

But the optics would be terrible if they aired it over Corinne and DeMario’s objections.

First of all, this is an incident that Corinne apparently doesn’t remember.

Second of all, this is something that one of the producers witnessed and believed to be a sexual assault.

But they must have agreed to it, right?

They’re both appearing on the special.

We have to wonder what Corinne Olympios’ famously supportive boyfriend will think when he sees the controversial poolside sex romp in all of its censored glory.


Monday, June 12, 2017

Bachelor in Paradise: Shut Down Due to Wild Sex Romp!

Forgive the extremely obvious introduction, but…

…. there’s trouble in Paradise.

Shocking, hilarious, controversial, SEXUAL trouble, that is.

paradise shot

Over the weekend, Warner Bros. confirmed that production has been halted on the upcoming new season of ABC’s Bachelor in Paradise.

At the time of this announcement, very few details were available to the press, with a spokesperson for this production simply saying the following via statement:

“We have become aware of allegations of misconduct on the set of Bachelor in Paradise in Mexico.

“We have suspended production and we are conducting a thorough investigation of these allegations.

“Once the investigation is complete, we will take appropriate responsive action.”

Allegations of misconduct? To the point where a reality show would actually shut down production?

The Internet was abuzz with questions over this mysterious development and description, considering how inappropriate so much of what we see on reality television is (case in point: everything about 90 Day Fiance).

What could possibly have happened that forced producers to send cast members home?

According to TMZ, Corinne Olympios basically happened.

Insiders close to star DeMario Jackson (who was just given the boot from The Bachelorette by Rachel Lindsay) say that executives approached him and Olympus on the first day of shooting and suggested the two hook up.

They figured having the show’s biggest villains get together would be a solid storyline.

So Jackson and Olympios met at a bar and got drunk.

DeMario explains that Olympios then wasted little time jumping on his lap and slipping him some tongue. A lot of “intense rubbing” followed, TMZ writes.

The contestants then made their way to the pool, cameras rolling and inhibitions long gone.

They got naked and started making out, “rubbing, touching and fingering,” this source alleges.

Jackson claims Corinne proceeded to place her genitals in his face and he started to lick her sacred area, only this is where a few others reportedly disagree with what transpired.

DeMario also admits he was not able to engage in intercourse because of all the alcohol he consumed.

Last Tuesday, despite Jackson and Olympios getting along perfectly well set, an executive producer called the pair into his office and said another producer was “uncomfortable” with the how the two acted.

The producer went ahead and filed a formal complaint with Warner Bros., prompting the company to immediately suspended production and launch an investigation.

At first, only DeMario and Corrine were sent home.

Then, two days later Warner Bros. released the entire cast while they investigated alleged “misconduct.”

TMZ writes that they are alternative versions of Jackson’s account.

We certainly cannot verify what led to this unusual halting of production, although we can say for certain that Olympos proved she wasn’t shy during her run on The Bachelor.

She said at one point that her “vagina is platinum” and that she totally had sex on the show with Nick Viall.

Corinne also spent about as much time without a shirt on during her Bachelor run as she did completely clothed.

The fourth season of Bachelor in Paradise had recently begun filming and was slated to premiere August 8 on ABC.

It’s unclear whether this incident will affect the scheduled debut date.

The summer series reunites former castoffs of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette at a resort in Sayulita, Mexico, in hopes they find love with other stars of the franchise…

… and/or in hopes they do some wild and crazy stuff that garners strong ratings.

ABC announced the full cast of Bachelor in Paradise players last week.

Click through their identities above, refresh your memories over who they got turned down by and then react to this wild report:

Do you really think production was shut down because Corinne shoved her you-know-what in Jackson’s face?!?

And can you believe producers actually tell contestants to hook up with each other?!?

(Oh, you can? So can we. Nevermind.)


Friday, January 22, 2016

Danica Dillon to Josh Duggar: I"ve Got PHOTOS From Our Sex Romp!

Yesterday, Josh Duggar claimed he has proof absolving him of wrongdoing in the $ 500,000 lawsuit brought against him by a porn star.

But Danica Dillon is firing right back, claiming she’s got photos to prove her claims – that they met for sex and that Duggar was abusive.

U.S. District Court documents filed by the troubled father of four’s lawyer confirm that Dillon’s attorney has offered to provide this evidence.

The contents of the photographs are unclear, though it’s interesting that Josh also claims to possess images that he says prove his case.

Duggar hasn’t provided those, instead offering Uber receipts and flight receipts proving (allegedly) he was not in Pennsylvania at the time.

Many took that as a sign that Duggar is winning the legal battle, though Dillon is showing no indication of backing off anytime soon.

Danica alleges that Josh choked her and called her demeaning names, giving her PTSD, during two rough, paid sex sessions last spring.

She alleged that they had met at a Pennsylvania strip club in March, and sources say Dillon is subpoenaing the strip club in question.

Along with various eyewitness accounts, “her team is confident they can get people to back up her story,” a case insider told Radar

Back on January 19, a judge ordered Dillon to provide medical and business records as proof of any physical and emotional damages.

Bottom line: The quest to prove or disprove that Danica and Josh had sex continues, with no end in sight and lawyers getting richer.